Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo was like a little kid when, he slept like that. "Cake…zzz." He mumbled as he napped.

Tēru stepped out of the cabin, and took a deep breathe. "Mm." She said, feeling relaxed.
Nichole hissed and ran at the large dogs eyes red. "MEROW!" "YELP YELP!!!" Nichole attacked head on showing no ounce of mercy. Nichole panted finished and the three lay dead before her. Nichole licked her bloodied paws as of nothing happened.
Kumo woke up, and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He yawned, and stretched. He looked down at his lap, noticing Nichole was gone, he tilted his head. He wondered where she went, and grabbed another peice of cake.
Kumo looked over, and saw Nichole. She was covered in blood, and his eyes grew wide, as he wondered what had happened.
Kumo looked at Nichole, confused, and a little frightened. "W-what happened?" He whimpered.

Tēru looked over at Nichole, and stepped back. She didn't want to get in her way, or make her angry, or sad.
Kumo's tail was still, he didn't mind dogs. He wondered why she chose a fight with them, and decided to go talk to a dog. He jumped up, and ran out of the door, looking for some dogs.

Tēru walked closer to Nichole, "Y-you weren't hurt, were you?" Shw asked quietly.
Nichole said"nah. I killed them." Shrugging. She walked out in cat form smirking at the dog. He barked at her growling and Nichole's expression said"bring it on mutt."
Tēru's expression got even more worried, she killed them?

Kumo found a dog growling at something, it seemed upset, not just angry. Kumo bent down near it, "What's wrong?" He asked. The dog replied with a snarl, and a growl, and then a whimper. It didn't take it's eyes off of what ever it was growling at, and Kumo didn't look over at what it was.

"What? A black cat? Killed your family!? Now you're going to kill it…" Kumo said. He felt bad for the dog, but wasn't going to let him kill anyone. "Go on, give your family honor, by taking care of their bodies. Bury them."

The dog ran off, and Kumo stood up, he was pretty convencing. Now, he looked over to see what the dog was growling at. 'A black cat. Nichole!' He thought.
Nichole pranced around and smirked. "Ah revenge best served bloody." Giggling her eyes different. A pack of dogs had killed her family. So she was avenging them. She didnt kill pups, just bigger dogs.
Kumo watched Nichole, she seemed different somehow. He looked back toward where the dog had run off. Appearently, Nichole, or some other black cat killed the dog's siblings and mate. Now, the pups had no mother, and would probably die. Kumo looked back at the girl he loved, who now seemed like a joyous murderer, and then turned away, and ran.

((Guilt trip time!))
Kumo ran to the cave he used to be libing in, and ducked inside. He panted, and scooted to the back, where he found an old cloth, and hid underneath it.

Tēru walked inside the cabin, "Did anyone else hear what I did?" She asked, trying to make sure she heard Nichole right.
Nichole went to apologize to the dog and helped him bury his family. Nichole thentook off from the woods and ran off in tears. "I cant believe I did that."
Tēru was still freaked out, and sat down in a chair. "Can someone get me a glass of milk?" She asked.

Kumo felt tears roll down his cheeks, as he started to sob. He tried to find confort in the clot, but nothing. He bit his tail, and whimpered.
Charles gave her a cup still stunned by Nichole's confession.

Nichole hiccuped and kept running not even when she got tired she didnt stop.
Tēru thanked Charles, and took a sip of the liquid. "Hm." She sighed.

Kumo poked his little head out of the cave, to see if it was safe. His ears were flat, and the fur on his tail poofed up. He was relieved when, he saw nothing. He crawled out of the cave, and then stood up.
Kumo looked at the ground, "Oh." He said. He stepped out of the cabin, "I-I'll go find her." He walked further into the woods, 'Maybe she calmed down, and became her normal sweet self again.' He thought.
Kumo stumbled, tripping on a rock. He fell over, "Ow." He groaned. He stood up, and dusted himself off. "N-Nichole!?" He called.

Tēru finished her milk, and sighed. Though, she was still worried, she relaxed a bit. She hoped Kumo could find Nichole, and figure out what was wrong.

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