Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo walked over to the cake, and carefuly began cutting slices. He tried to get them about even, but some were smaller or larger than others.

Tēru sat down, she had finished her cookie, and was now waiting for the cake.
Kumo looked over at the door, with a confused expression. "I didn't invite anyone else." He said. "Did any of y'all?"

Tēru shook her head, "I don't know who it is." She said.
Kumo stopped what he was doing, and looked over at Jason. It was probably a trick, "No!" Kumo shouted, hiding under the table. "And you can tell all your neko catcher friends that they're not invited either!"

Tēru shook her head, "I don't think he has neko catchers with him, Kumo." She said.
Kumo popped his head out from under the table, "Really?" He asked. "Nichole, should we trust him?"

Tēru rolled her eyes, and took a bite of her cake. "Get out from under the table, Kumo." She said.
Kumo crawled out from under the table, and sat down, eating his cake. He gave Jason ocasinal odd looks, as he ate.

Tēru took a sip of milk, and pretended Jason wasn't there. "So, this cake is delicious." She said, trying to make conversation.
Nichole said"thanks teru!" Smiling and ate her slice then sipped some milk. Jason ate some and said"this is good." Charles said"you did wonderful nicho-chan!"
Kumo nodded, "Very good." He said. He was still glancing at Jason sometimes, he was worrying he was going to upset Nichole again.

"Welcome." Tēru said, taking a sip of milk.
Kumo smiled, glancing at Jason. He felt like he had to make Jason jelious. He didn't know why, he just did.

Tēru finished, also turning cat. She walked over to a different chair, and layed down in it.
Charles petted teru more and hummed.

Nichole woke smelling the cake and bit off a piece eating it. And went back to sleep like nothing happened.
Kumo watched as Nichole swiped some cake, and then shrugged. He took another bite, and took a sip of milk.

Tēru purred even louder.
Kumo ate the rest of his cake, and drank the rest of his milk. "Mm." He said, happily. His tail was still swaying, and he leaned back.
Kumo was now asleep, his tail slowly moving back, and forth. He drooled a little, as he snored.

Tēru woke, and yawned. She stretched, and jumped off the chair, shifting back.
Charles stretched and Nichole stretched her claws popping out. She yawned and smiled walking out of the cabin. She explored the forest and got surrounded by dogs. They barked laughing at her small stature. Nichole's fur stood on end and she hissed her eyes going red.

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