Neko Clans! ;3

Lilian walked in Xeon's room to check on how Cliff is doing on taking care of Faru and cause Cyrus went running off in that direction as well. She smiled at the sight of Faru laughing and Cyrus's excited face, it was like nothing was wrong. "I'm glad you could handle Faru, Cliff."
Cliff didn't even notice Lillian had walked into the room until he had picked up her voice. Turning so that he could face her, he looked kind of confused actually. "Huh? Didn't seem like you were gone that long at all."
Xeon smiled up at the kit petting his red, fluffy head "I promise, and I always keep my promises" he then looked to Cliff and Faru with a joyous sigh... if it weren't for his injuries things were finally as it should be, Luna smiling in the doorway he would pretend not to notice, he and Cliff were bonding, Cliff was by his side discovering he may not be as bad with kits as he thought... he smiled a single happy tear running down his face as he suddenly got really dizzy and fell unconcious
Cliff turned back to Xeon when he suddenly grew all silent. "He-Hey...are you okay?" He patted the unconscious guy's cheek lightly. Obviously he wasn't since he freaking just passed out and his skin grew pale.
"that's going to be Ama-" he stopped dead when Xeon passed out.. Looking to Lilian he walked forwards to her and sighed..

"what happened to Xeon, Lily?"
Lilian patted Cyrus head, "Don't worry I'll check." She walked further into the room to Xeon's side, noticing his pale unconscious form. Lilian placed the backside of her hand against Xeon's forehead before frowning. "He has a fever. I"ll bring a washcloth and some medicine." Lilian stood up and exited the room telling Cyrus and Cliff to keep an eye on Xeon. As soon as she was out of their sight Lilian silently sprinted down the hallway to her own personal medical stash, she bit her lip as she knew Xeon's body was battling an infection it seems that his ribs were worse than she thought. Once in her room she urgently opened her trunk and began to rummage through her supplies taking out a washcloth, thermometer, a vial of non-drowsy medicine, and a syringe with some antibiotics. Placing all the items inside a small pouch Lilian went to fill a small bowl with water before returning to Xeon's room.
Cyrus' ears stood on end, hearing very quick footsteps..

She's running.. This is worse than she makes out.. Cyrus, being the mature kitten he was, ran round to Cliff and pressed his lips to the elders ear..

"He's worse than Lily makes out.. You need to watch him closely and make sure he doesn't stop breathing.." he whispered,careful not to alert Faru, he walked back around and laced his fingers with his adopted fathers, kissing his cheek lightly, his other fist was clenched and his nails dug into the alm of his hand, making him bleed slightly, his little hands were shaking as he tried to keep an eye on Xeon
Lilian opened the door with her foot to see Faru smiling and Cyrus's shaking hands. She rested the bowl on the nightstand and dipped the cloth into the cold water before wringing out the excess water. Lilian placed the cloth on Xeon's head to soothe him. She opened the pouch but before she took out the syringe she said to Cliff, "Can you keep Faru distracted I don't want him to be scared."
Cliff nodded to Lillian, smiling down at Faru as he took him out into the hallway. "Xeon's just not feeling too well. Right now he's just sleeping for a little bit." He wondered whether this little guy ever went outside very much. "Do you want to go do something?"
"You sure do giggle a lot," Cliff didn't mind though. Actually he thought of it as pretty cute. Taking the boy outside, he gently set him back down in his own feet, letting the small neko child walk around for himself. What do children do...or what do they like to play? These were silly thoughts considering that it wasn't too long ago when he was a little kid himself and was rolling around playfully among the crunchy autumn leaves.
Lilian gave Cliff a smile before turning her focus to Xeon. She pulled out the syringe and tapped Xeon's forearm to find his vein. As soon as she found it she injected the antibiotics and placed a bandage on it. She placed the used syringe in the trash. Lilian then took out the vial of medicine and the thermometer. She placed the thermometer underneath Xeon's tongue and placed the vial of medicine on the nightstand.
Cyrus watched as Cliff and Faru walked from the room, gently climbing onto the bed next to his adopted father and sitting next to him, his eyes following lilian's every move, holding Xeons free hand and gently massaging his fist.. His own hands still shaking but he didn't feel as scared..

"Lilian..?.. Is Xeon going to be okay...?.. I think he has to be a lionheart too.. He has to be brave huh?"
Lilian pulled out the thermometer from Xeon's mouth and checked his temperature. She frowned at how high the fever is she settled the medical instrument on the nightstand, her ivory ears twitch hearing Cyrus's question. "He'll be fine." replied Lilian as she measure out the proper amount of medicine to give Xeon. 'I'll make sure he gets better, so don't worry.' she told herself. She smiled at Cyrus after she Xeon swallows, "He's not a lionheart, he's the king. The lionheart helps the king on whatever he needs help." she said in soft voice.
(Sorry guys Im in Choir at shcool + Cosplay I get really busy in October/September time)

Xeon although asleep was faintly aware of his surroundings he heard voice's but couldn't quite make out what they were saying, he could tell he was getting a shot of something but couldn't tell what it was as a needle went through his skin hitting a vein, he started to see a vivid image it was Aia in neko form, a form only Xeon has seen Aia although genderless in neko form the spirit had two alternate appearances as both male and female Aia was in female form she had long straight bleach blonde hair ivory skin bright sky blue eyes and a beaming smile she gestured him to follow in the vision and he was led to a snowy mountain clearing at the very edge of a cliff and without a word she let herself fall into the earth below they were extremely high, so high they could touch the clouds a rainbow shined brightly in the distance as he followed her taking a step off the steep cliff taking in a sharp breath and closing his eyes tight refusing to watch the forest below as he fell straight down to the ground when he opened his eyes wide feeling himself instinctively holding onto something warm and strong Aia was still a neko but she had beautiful wide white wings like an angel she carried the young leader offpast the heavens and into the wide open universe passing by entire galaxies he watched in awe at the cosmos but why was she showing him this?, it made no sense... what was the hidden message here? did it have something to do with his condition?, or maybe it had something to do with Luna he wasn't sure what it was but she was trying to tell him something... and by the looks of it something important they passed by saturn's rings he outstretched a hand his elegant fingertips brushing the debris and smiling at the dust that spiraled oddly in his palm creating some kind of odd yet calming mystifying sound
Cyrus smiled softly.. Gripping Xeons hand still, just a light grip..

"so I have to help him now..I'll keep him safe.. J-just like he did l-Luna.." he said, his voice cracking slightly as he tried to bite back tears.. "lily.. I think that.. I want to look for Luna.. She could be anywhere and I hate to think that she's hurt and upset.." he whispers, letting his tears fall..

"I love her.. Lilian..."
Lilian made sure the cloth on Xeon was still damp as she listened to Cyrus. She rubbed Cyrus's head and kneeled to Cyrus's hieght. "I know, its it your eyes." she said softly, "But even if you do go out to look for her you won't get far with that leg of yours. Plus Xeon would feel better to see you when he wakes up." Lilian look a glance at the window to see Cliff and Faru playing outside the sun was low in the sky. 'Morning already..' thought Lilian. She turned back to Cyrus, "I'll be sending out a search party for Luna and a healer to check up on Xeon now. Can you keep an eye out for Xeon, I'll be sending Cliff back here so you won't be left alone. K."
"in my eyes..?" he whispered.. Wiping his tears away and snuggling down next to Xeon, holding his hand protectively..

"sure I can..I can do anything.." he said quietly, not making much sense because of how upset and tired he was..
Lilian kissed Cyrus forehead, "I know you can. Rest easy my lionheart, your father will get better soon." Lilian then walked out of Xeon's room and began to head out the capital building. "Cliff you can go back with Xeon he has a high fever so be sure to check if the cloth on his head is damp and give the medicine on the nightstand every few hours." She smiled at them reassuringly, "I'm going to get a healer to check him soon. I'll be back."
"alright then.." He said softly, kissing Lily's cheek before she went and lying at Xeons side, never once closing his yes nd keeping his hand intertwined with the elders..
"Oh...o-kay." Cliff before heading back inside, pulling Faru out of the flowers to pick him up and bring him inside as well. "Poor Xeon. I sure do hope he feels better." He closed the door behind him once he entered back into the room, seeing that Cyrus was luckily still there as well. Wouldn't want to have to leave to face off and find yet another kid.

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