Neko Clans! ;3

Xeon had a sad expression on his face yet another innocent kit he'd upset... he smiled at Faru in Cliff's arms kind of wishing one of them were a girl in a weird way... he just wanted to be able to have kids he had Cyrus and Luna but they both seemed to be mad at him and he wondered for a moment how beautiful their kit would be... in his mind the kit would have Cliff's cutsey face and his elongated body he was short but elongated his waist arms and legs were long and slender even though he was barely taller than Cliff their kit would have his smile and Cliff's eyes their kit would turn heads, he sighed wishing it were possible how beautiful that child would be he or she would be soo spoiled
Finally, Cyrus fell silent, staring up at the trees and crouching down, he wanted to carry on howling, but his throat was red raw now, it probably would be for a few days, the kits hands were near enough covered in blood, and the foot that Ed dropped the log on had swelled to twice its normal size..

I don't want to go home. Luna hates me, Xeon is probably dead by now. Everyone's leaves me eventually I should just run, run and never come back.
Lilian quickly ran among the tree branches swiftly making no sounds from the golden bells in her hair. Her ears caught the ends of a pained yell and ran towards that direction as the forest became silent once more. Knowing that the kit might be scared, she called out "Cyrus! Where are you?!" Her ivory tail lashed out behind her as she jumped down to the forest floor not pausing in her running.
"go away lily!" he called back, tucking his head Inbetween his knees..

"I'm not coming back....!" he hissed, as tears started to fall again.. "there's nothing left for me anymore..."
Lilian ignored Cyrus's pleads and merely walked from the trees's shadow and into Cyrus's sight. She continued to walk in front of Cyrus till they were only a few feet apart. Lilian's eyes were cold and stony a sharp contrast to the warms ones she always uses when around kits. This stony facade is the mask she upholds in missions or to repress her emotions when they become too much for her. "You say that now but do you have the will and strength to actually leave here? Do you know what you are leaving behind?" She briefly glanced at Cyrus;s hands noting the blood on them. "Do you know that you are going to leave behind two fathers?"
"correction, one father." he hissed, his ears bent back, people who came closer when Cyrus told them not to, didn't get the nicest of treatment, even is it was lilian, "one is probably going to die, and nobody knows where Luna is..she already hates me.." he mumbled' talking about Luna like that had made his tears come again.

"I miss my real family.. I want my mommy and daddy back..." he said shakily, standing up and hugging her leg.
Lilian let out a soft sigh, "Xeon is not going to die. He is in safe hands and he'll be right as rain when the healer fixes him up." She brought Cyrus into her arms and nuzzled his temple. "We'll find Luna, so please have faith Cyrus. Plus I doubt she hates you, she could never hate you." She kissed his forehead, "I know you miss your parents. I miss mines as well but I have you and everyone else as my family." Lilian began to walk back to the capital with Cyrus in her arms.

(I'm heading to bed. I'll be back tomorrow :3 )
Lilian the side of Crus head, relieved that she was able to find him. "Its alright you had every right to be angry." She rubbed his back to soothe him from crying. Lilian made her way into the capital building and cleaned up Cyrus's hands before bandaging them. "There, all better. Now lets goto Xeon I'm sure he would like to see you."
Cyrus curled up in her arms, nuzzling her softly as he was carried back, when he was getting his hand cleaned out, he stared blankly at the elder woman and didn't so much as wince.. Reminding himself that he had to be strong, when lilian had done with him, he stepped down from her arms and pouted slightly.. The pressure on his foot hurting him.

I can't cry, I am Lily's lionheart, I am lionheart
Lilian smiled at Cyrus. She quirked an eyebrow when she saw his pout, so she looked around Cyrus to see if he was injured elsewhere. Her ebony eyes saw that his foot was swollen, she winced in sympathy. "Ouch." Lilian went to get an icepack to reduce the swelling and an ointment to speed up the healing.
(lol, Lily left Faru with Cliff and went to get a crying Cyrus in the forest while Xeon is imagining how beautiful his man baby would be xD ) 
((XP here is the man baby post))

MattieLee said:
Xeon had a sad expression on his face yet another innocent kit he'd upset... he smiled at Faru in Cliff's arms kind of wishing one of them were a girl in a weird way... he just wanted to be able to have kids he had Cyrus and Luna but they both seemed to be mad at him and he wondered for a moment how beautiful their kit would be... in his mind the kit would have Cliff's cutsey face and his elongated body he was short but elongated his waist arms and legs were long and slender even though he was barely taller than Cliff their kit would have his smile and Cliff's eyes their kit would turn heads, he sighed wishing it were possible how beautiful that child would be he or she would be soo spoiled
((Wait, she left Faru with Cliff? She must really trust him to leave a little child in his care. xD ))

"Uhh, Xeon...what am I supposed to do?" Cliff kept his gaze down at the neko child in his arms. Why Lillian, why? Maybe Faru could teach the teenager how to care for him himself. He was completely unaware that the leader was too busy daydreaming about a baby that will unfortunately never exsist.

((Wow Xeon, already thinking about having kits, huh? You sure are quick when it comes to relationship. Though you and Cliff already...yeah.))
( xD ok I just HAD too and honestly this rp is already weird so I thought: why don't I make things even weirder by adding M-preg? lmao see how my messed up mind works?)

Xeon snapped out of his dream about how god-like their child would have been and looked over to Cliff and Faru "hug him and look deep into those innocent childs eyes... see into his soul fall in love with the child like its your own let your fatherly instincts show and go play with him, play like you never played before!!, you must become a kid yourself! Forget about your life and surrender yourself to the innocent mind of a child! combine your souls and form a unique bond that is what the ultimate babysitter does!"
Cyrus looked up at Lilian went away, thanking her for the ice pack and after doing so, walking to Xeons room, he slowly opened the door and walked in, clenching his bandaged fists and hugging the clan leader tight...

"you're not dead...."
(last reply before going to bed I have shcool... oh god shcooln..)

Xeon stopped his speech about children when one started hugging him tightly hurting his already broken rib he ignored the sharp pain in his side wincing slightly "yeah... I'm fine I just need some rest, daddy's hurting pretty bad though I'm happy to see you too but can you let go please?"
He uncoiled his arms momentarily,reaching up with a bandaged hand to stroke Xeons ears.. Looking up at him..

"sorry.." he mumbles lightly..

(oh noes! D;)
(Nevermind... Can't sleep oh well I've gone to shcool without sleep before)

Xeon smiled at the kit ruffling up his hair "its okay I'll be better soon and we can play football outside" (Soccer)
Cliff wanted to question what Xeon just said to do -- unfortunately all of that he hardly got, but he soon was pulled away from that thought when he felt the very gently feeling of small soft paws swatting at his sensitive ears. He chuckled in amusement as he looked down at the little guy. "Oh, now you think that funny, huh?"
"Well then..." Cliff made sure he completely had control of holding little Faru up in his right arm as he moved his left arm away for a moment, returning it to tickle the neko's tummy. 
"Well then..." Cliff made sure he completely had control of holding little Faru up in his right arm as he moved his left arm away for a moment, returning it to tickle the neko's tummy.

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