Neko Clans! ;3

(nothing really you didn't miss anything Xeon's at the capital now and Cyrus is crying not wanting to lose another daddy)
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(Every time I read a post that involves Cyrus, he's crying...)
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((Such bad WiFi right now...I'll have Luna awake a few days later after Xeon is not in a stable condition. :3))
Cyrus's hand wound aroun the elder Andre hoisted himself onto the table to glop Xeon, being careful of any injureies, he buried his head in Xeons chest and let his tears fall, clinging onto him...

"fed up of being brave.." he mumbled
Xeon smiled at the kit lovingly the adoption wasn't official yet but he was his son... "I know, I know..." the weight of Cyrus's head was leaning adgainst his broken rib which hurt but he ignored the pain petting his head softly trying to comfort the younger neko best he could even though he was the reason he was crying... 
@Little Sister @paipai900 & @stormhawk324 I think Rai, Lillian, and Cliff should react to this)
(Is back from my final. What did I miss? :3 )

Hearing the distressed cries resonating from the hallway, Lilian practically sprinted from whatever she was doing to find the distressed kit. She saw that Xeon was looking worse for wear, "What happened?" she asked, her face and eyes were concerned. How did Xeon go from being the happiest neko alive to beaten? Lilian didn't understand and merely walked towards Xeon till he was arm's length.
(You didn't miss anything but Cyrus crying)

Xeon looked to Lillian sadly "Luna ran away and I went to go get her, when I found her she knew about me and Cliff... she was really upset but I managed to get her to forgive me and then she ran across a bridge.. it fell Lily I tried to save her I jumped and well... Luna was safe but this happened..."
Lilian lowered her head and cover her eyes with her hand, she felt hurt at the fact the kit she cared for wanted to leave her behind. As a reflex she raised her arm to grasp her pendant only to find that it wasn't there, the reality of not having her charm stung. Lilian removed her hand from her eyes and looked at Xeon, "You did fine. I'm glad she's safe and so are you. Now lets get you patched up." Lilian's voice cracked at the end of her sentence from repressed tears.

After sprinting all the way back to the village, Rai's breath was shallow and labored. Taking a step back to calm down, Rai bent over and took a few deep breaths to take it all in. "Luna was....gone..?" Blaming himself for spotting the little neko, Rai was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt, hating himself for not seeing Luna. Although Rai had never really talked to the child, he still didn't want her to get hurt...
Xeon nodded as he let Lillian bandage him up "yeah... its all my fault" he started to tear up slightly "I won't get into the details but she saw something she shouldn't have..."
"Please don't beat yourself over this." Lilian tried to keep her voice steady but it was difficult. "She is emotional unstable because of her hormones. I was the last to speak with her I should have known that she left the capital premises. Its not your fault." Lilian carefully finished trying up the white bandages before standing up to make a cup of tea for Xeon to soothe his nerves and numb the pain. Her ears folded a bit back in pain, she usually was the stoic neko that would want to take care of everyone to make sure they were cared for but with all the duties she had to do she had to leave the kits more time by themselves.
Xeon sighed "I know... I did all I could but I'm worried I told her to head back to the village and obviously she never did... she had a head injury I hope she's alright..." he looked down sadly taking the tea "thank you, I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for you..."
Lilian let out a soft shaky sigh, worried for the young child. She turned her head to Xeon, knowing that he would search through the village to make sure the kit was safe. "Your welcome, you would have done fine without me." she gave Xeon a small smile, "Don't deny your strength that you hold within." Lilian patted Xeon's arm midful not to jar his wounds, "You should rest, you need it. I'll find Luna." she softly said.
Xeon nodded he felt horrible not being able help, he cringed at the pain as he got up slowly from the floor and sighed knowing he couldn't make it to the bed by himself... "Lily could you help me to my bed please?"

(@stormhawk324 this is Cliff's chance to react since he's in Xeon's bed...)
Lilian stood next to Xeon and gently placed his arm around her shoulder. She then supported his torso by wrapping her arm behind his back being careful not to cause needless pain. Lilian slowly began to trek there way to Xeon's room.
Xeon smiled "thank you..." once there he looked sadly at Cliff carefully going to lay next to him trying not to hurt himself he panted just doing that was like running a marathon now... he looked over to Cliff feeling bad for coming back to him in the condition he was... "I'm sorry..."
((Sorry, missed a lot again. It's a lame excuse but I kept getting distracted by Minecraft --- absolutely addicted to it. :3))

Cliff nearly leaped out of his bed when the entered through the creaky door, scaring him just slightly since he had been sitting in silence for quite some time now. Xeon looked just awful, it was almost heart-breaking to see him like this. And here Cliff was planning on yelling at him for not keeping his promise of returning earlier, clearly something more important came up, at least had a pretty good excuse by the looks of things. He cringed when Xeon slowly and cautiously laid himself down. Even the sound frightened him for this male neko. "Wha....?" He wouldn't asked if he was okay...but that would be nothing but a dumb question since he obviously wasn't. "What happened?" The look on his face was drained with nothing but worry for this man. 
Xeon felt bad letting himself get this beat up... "Luna ran away... Cliff she saw us..." he cringed at the thought "she was so upset she ran away, I went after her and she Carelessly ran over a old bridge... it broke and she fell I jumped after her there wasn't any other way... that's how I ended up like this, I told Luna to go back to the clan but I got here before she did... Rai saved me, Cliff I'm sorry..." he promised he would be right back and he comes back hours later so badly wounded he can hardly move? what kind of person does that to the one they love? 
Xeon felt bad letting himself get this beat up... "Luna ran away... Cliff she saw us..." he cringed at the thought "she was so upset she ran away, I went after her and she Carelessly ran over a old bridge... it broke and she fell I jumped after her there wasn't any other way... that's how I ended up like this, I told Luna to go back to the clan but I got here before she did... Rai saved me, Cliff I'm sorry..." he promised he would be right back and he comes back hours later so badly wounded he can hardly move? what kind of person does that to the one they love?
As everybody left, Cyrus was left sitting n the table hugging his knees to his chest, all that was running through his mind was that his daddy would die, but he tried to shake th thoughts from his head and

Calm down, only he really couldn't, he couldn't loose another parent.. One dead mommy and daddy was enough, no more.. But now he w as worried he was going to..


That's the only thing he could do when he was upset, blow off some steam.. He got angry when he was suspect and he wasn't nice to be around when he was angry, he got up shaking and ran deep into the clans forest, untill he got to his and Luna's special place, it was there when his knees buckled and he started to sob, not even Luna was safe, and not even she cared about him anymore.. He got up slowly and managed to hold onto a tree, before he started punching it, he punched and punched untill his knuckles were Raw and bleeding, he felt like running further, like plunging to the same watery death that two of the people he most cared about would probably suffer., he then sat down again and cried his eyes out, almost screaming..
Faru rubbed his eyes and looked up. Nobody was around. He whimpered quietly and put his ears flat against his head. He cried thinking that everybody left him.
(I still have one question...Why did Luna think of Seren after that bear dream? I can not for the life of me understand the reasoning.)

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