Neko Clans! ;3

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](I still have one question...Why did Luna think of Seren after that bear dream? I can not for the life of me understand the reasoning.)

(( was a joke...))

Cliff listened intently to Xeon's words, wondering at the same time if it hurt inside to just speak. He lightly pecked the neko's forehead, attempting to wear a comforting smile. "I'd hug you too but I might only hurt your body more in the process." Gently he reached his hand over to wipe away a few tears that trailed down the younger male's cheeks. "Don't apologize for doing the right thing. You saved Luna's life and you're alive yourself, we'll figure everything else out somehow."
(Nights of looking for hidden meaning, hundreds of notes scattered around the room, white board with numerous equations, hired specialist summoned together, all gone...)
(@Lucem Tenebris lol)

Xeon smiled warmly at the Neko beside him "Aww... hearing you say that makes me want to just squeeze you tight and never let go I'm sure Ill be fine in a couple of days..." Xeon looked to him blushing "Uhmm... can I get a kiss?, please? ha... I would do it myself but I kind of can't..."
Cliff rolled his eyes before adding in, "You already do that anyways...practically everyday." He smiled a little brighter his time as he spoke about Xeon's constant hugs and snuggle. Leaning in he pressed his lips against Xeon's, giving into his little beg for that kiss.
Xeon smiled happily adgainst Cliff's lips he would never stop loving him... he just made him feel so alive he couldn't explain it if he tried, well that's what love does to you he closed his eyes taking in the moment he didn't think his heart could ever get used to this... he chuckled at his observation "well can you blame me?, you make yourself irrisistable..." he chimed "what can I say I'm an addict when it comes to you, I'm a helpless love sick kitten, are you happy to hear it?"
When Cyrus couldn't cry anymore, he grabbed a huge log and began swinging it at trees, being careful of the many windchimes he and Luna had made, at one point, he dropped the log on his foot, making him scream out, his foot looked incredibly swollen too..


Could he go back home, to face that again..?
((Wow...everyone's just having an awful time. All hurt and crying and stuff. Basically the only person who's fine is my Ritsu character -- the lazy one of course. :/ ))

Cliff just chuckled. "Nah, you're just a cat in heat." Though he would admit it was nice sounding to be called irresistible. Everybody loves compliments. "...I do have a much did she see exactly?" 
Xeon chuckled at his comment "only females can do that" he teased him with Luna's nickname "girly kitty" but he frowned and sighed at his question "ALL OF IT... Cliff, she saw us last night she saw what we did together..."
"All of it?!" Cliff repeated with wide eyes. Fantastic.....nobody, especially a little girl, was supposed to witness that event of their's. "So, she actually us do...that?"
(YEESS!! PG. 100 B*THCES!!)

Xeon nodded "y-yeah... now do you know why she was so upset? I don't blame her... poor thing and she really liked me too I had to explain to her she was too young..."
Lilian was nearly about to leave the premises to hear the cries of Faru, coming quickly towards the room she held the crying child in her arms. 'How am I supposed to search for her?..I can't be in multiple places at once..' Lilian mentally pleaded to herself. "Shh, I'm here Faru. Don't worry but I have to go find Luna." said Lilian softly to the kit, hoping he would be alright. She knew that leaving him with Xeon wouldn't be a wise idea as he is injured. 'What about Cliff?' she mused to herself.
(lol, Cliff said he was bad with kids, I guess we'll see how bad)

Xeon heard crying from Faru and Cyrus "poor lionheart..." he murmured wishing he could help he was supposed to take care of everyone... it felt so unnatural just lying there doing nothing
(Yeah. Cyrus is not in the capital building anymore he's outside punching a tree in the forest. )

Finding that she has not other choice but to leave Faru with Cliff as she can't be in multiple places at once thats asking too much for one person. "Don't you worry. I'm going to leave you with Cliff. That ok?" she murmured to Faru. Before Lilian went up to Xeon's room she looked around to take Cyrus as well knowing how upset he was before but Lilian realize that she couldn't find any trace of the red-haired kit. She didn't say anything as she carried to Xeon's room and enter the place before placing Faru in Cliff's arms. Lilian looked at Xeon with an upset expression before saying, "Cyrus is not here. I'm going out to find him and Luna, I'll be back before dawn." Lilian then left the room and quickly left the capital building; her expression became stoic and calm as emotions would render her blind and make her lose focus.

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