Neko Clans! ;3

Xeon jumped out of the tree at the other Neko "hey did you happen to see a little girl walk by about this tall?" he asked about to cry himself...
((Ahhhh :'c Pai you're gonna make me cry)) 
Ritsu nodded his head but only once. If he hadn't recognized that it was the leader of this neighboring clan then he probably would have just walked away without answering. Slowly he pointed off in the direction he had last seen her leave from. "Believe she ran off in that direction. Didn't look like she wanted to talk to anyone so I wouldn't be too shocked if it took you a while."
Cliff had woken up not too long after Xeon left the camp to go on his search. He sighed to himself, sitting up to pull his knees to his chest, ignoring the pain. "Bet he's chasing after Luna again. That's...only leading the poor girl on with his kind actings. Not saying that he should treat her badly but it's just given her the wrong impression to begin with." His talking to himself was quiet but audible enough for his own ears to hear them.
((I have something planned out for Luna. :3 I'm going to cause some drama with her hormones xD ))


Curling up into an even tighter ball, Luna tucked her head in, pulling her ears back. She didn't want to hear what Xeon had to say because Luna knew that it was going to get repetitive. They were going to be all happy, Xeon would forget about her, she would get upset, Xeon would apologize, she would forgive him and then repeat the cycle all over again. Luna was tired of the circle, it was a bothersome thing that Luna wanted to stop.
Xeon heard crying coming from the log when he saw Luna's face he felt horrible and knew instantly that she saw... "oh my god... Luna... I-Im so sorry d-did you see anything bad?" oh god this was going to scar her for life... 
((Okay, I'm going to tell you guys now what I'm thinking of what's going to happen. I was thinking of having Luna "die" or get badly injured. What do you guys think?))


Raising her head to stare up at Xeon, Luna hugged her knees tighter to her chest. Shrinking into the shadows, Luna nodded softly, her face going red with both embarrassment and anger. Crawling out of the log, Luna saw that there was no point in hiding anymore now that she had been found. Dusting the dirt off her dress, Luna stared awkwardly at Xeon, not knowing what she was supposed to say.

"Hello." the neko mentally facepalmed herself when she said that two syllable word, not even knowing if she was really doing the right thing anymore.
(Don't kill Luna again! T.T)

Xeon hid his face he didn't even know what that was when he was her age and she saw them... the thought of that memory was now clouded by Luna's crying face... "Lulu, you know I love you right?" he was going to try his best to tell her how he felt without hurting her "I love you with all my heart, but I love him too... in a different way than I love you, but that doesn't mean that you mean any less to me, I don't know if I would be the same person I am today if it weren't for you Luna... do you think you can accept that there's someone new in my heart your not the only one dear to me anymore... do you think you can make room?" he smiled warmly at the kit "I know its hard sometimes when someone new comes into the picture but who knows?, that person might just become someone you can love too, Luna your family we have to stick together no matter what life throws at you I'll be there so please Lulu I'm begging you to forgive me... you have every right to be upset, I know I'd be if it makes you feel any better go ahead and hit me... I deserve it"
((She's not going to die, but she'll disappear from the clan. I'm thinking that she gets amnesia and goes into a different clan. That way we can get more interaction between the three clans. :3))


Punching Xeon on the face, Luna glared at the older neko, shaking her head slightly. "I know that." Pouting slightly, Luna took a step to the side, her nekomimi pulled back to press against her head. "I just don't know why you kept all that from me." Refusing to cry, Luna stood strong as her brain was going in panic mode, not knowing what she as supposed to do or say. "I'm not that young, you know." Staring straight into Xeon's eyes, Luna was the type of girl who would bounce back like rubber, a determined look in her own green eyes. Furrowing her eyebrows together, Luna didn't know why she was acting this way anymore, she just kept spewing out insults. "Just leave me alone, okay? Why did you even bother coming after me?" On the inside, Luna was having a struggle with herself, one side wanted to stay angry, stay upset, the other wanted to run back to the village, give everyone a nice big hug. Not even realizing what she was saying, Luna frowned once more and felt tears prick at her eyes. "I'm sorry." The tears glided down her dirt covered cheeks, carving a little path through the thin layer of mud.
(Sad... ok let the drama unfold!)

Xeon smiled pulling the kit in his arms... that punch hurt more than he expected it would he scooped her up in his arms wiping away her tears "feel a little better?" he asked he wasn't lying she did mean the world to him... she would always be his little girl, even if she's not very little anymore... "your growing into a strong beautiful butterfly you know that? you just left the cacoon your right, your not a little girl anymore... you have beautiful wings you can fly anywhere you please" he picked a flower from the ground handing it to her refusing to ever let himself get upset with her, Xeon was a VERY hard one to anger if he gets upset he usually just cries like he did with Cliff
((Not really. *shot for being a cold and heartless person* It's just that I feel like the other clans are kind of being neglected. :3 I haven't seen much posts happening in Valor, most events are happening in Ethryn. So yeah. :D ))


Nodding softly, Luna stared down at the ground, averting her eyes from Xeon's face. Not wanting to be carried, Luna squirmed a little, trying to get out of Xeon's arms. "I'm a big neko now! I can walk!" Although Luna's body was still beaten up and bruised all over, she did her best to ignore the sharp pains and look strong with a determined look on her face.

Showing Xeon that she was fine, Luna beamed brightly at the bigger - for now - neko. "Race you back to the village!~" Luna giggled as she sprinted off in the direction where she had come from, easily making her tracks out in the muddy soils. Knowing that it would take much too long if she followed her tracks the whole time, Luna decided to take a little short cut, a short cut passed a rather unstable bridge.

Coming to a stop at the bridge, Luna reassured herself that she was light enough to make it past, but kept glancing at the worn out ropes. Taking her first few steps onto the bridge, Luna squeaked softly as the creaky thing swayed back and forth, grabbing onto the railings, but they weren't much help either. Taking a few deep calming breaths, Luna did her best not to look down at the raging river below her, keeping her eyes closed or up to the sky as she continued to cross the bridge. Step by step, Luna's pace began to get faster as the bridge began to get more unstable. And then.

It broke.

Xeon ran after the kit giggling but stopped once she went toward the bridge "wait!, no Lulu its not safe come back here!" He cried but it was too late... it broke he leapt out taking her by the arm she was hanging on the edge of the cliff hanging by the leaders arm "don't worry Lulu your gonna be okay!" He couldn't pull her up because if he let go of the dirt in his other hand he would lose balance and end up falling with her... "climb back up slowly" oh please god don't let her fall...
((Yesssss! D: I'm going to cause some drama with this!~ Don't you like drama? xD ))


Gripping onto Xeon's hand tightly, Luna held onto it like her life depending on it, oh, wait. It did. Feeling her hands begin to slip, Luna started to panic even more as she glanced down at the furious river below her. "D-don't drop me!" Luna cried out, squeezing her eyes shut. Her body ached too much to climb up to Xeon, Luna could also see his hand just hanging on the dirt. A sudden drop caused Luna to almost let go of Xeon, their fingertips just holding on. Tears streaming down her face, Luna scrambled to get as far as possible from the water, her heart beating at an high rate.
( xD I do like drama...)

Xeon felt her almost slip "No!, don't let go!" He felt himself tear up there was only one way... he let go of the dirt sending them both falling he flipped himself midair so he would land back first with Luna wrapped up protected in his arms the only thing that went through his mind was 'god this is gonna hurt like he//' he waited for impact when he felt them land deep into the ramming waters, he wrapped Luna tight in his arms his hand over her mouth and nose so she wouldn't breathe in any water from the pure shock of what happened... they crashed into rocks falling eventually they got slammed down a waterfall by roaring waters he screamed when he felt himself break a rib being rammed into another rock when they were finally in a shallow lake flowing into a river he drug himself to land ignoring the intense pain in his side and his back... and pretty much everywhere when he dragged himself to shore he was too weak to hold Luna anymore and his whole body was covered in bruises he was a battered bloody mess... but he managed to keep Luna safe she had only gotten a few bruises and a busted lip... "Luna... hurry back to the Village, tell Lily what happened I don't think I can walk anymore..."
((Nuuuuu! Xeon! QAQ Luna was supposed to take the damage! I'm so sorry! *feels extremely bad*))


Letting out a gasp of horror as Xeon let go of the dirt, Luna instinctively scrambled and wrapped her arms around the neko, squeezing her eyes closed as her brain went into a state of shock. As they hit the rushing waters, Luna could hear the loud slap of the water against Xeon's back. The current pushed them around, slamming both of them into a few rocks and other objects. Although Xeon had taken most of the hits, as the river continued to pull them downstream, Luna's head flung back and hit against a rock, causing her to inhale some water and fall unconscious.

As they washed up on shore, Luna felt herself go into an out of body experience, she could see just how injured Xeon was, all battered up. If it weren't for the waters that had washed off most of the blood, Luna knew that this was all her fault. Even if that bridge was to break when she walked on it, it should've just been her who fell into the river, not Xeon, Xeon didn't deserve this.

Hearing Xeon's words as if she was underwater, Luna was suddenly pulled out of her out of body experience as her brain shut down from all the stress that had been happening. Falling into the abyss, Luna made sure to remember those words....

"Hurry back to the village.."

((Sorry if I had to change your post a little. I needed a way for Luna to get amnesia. Heh heh. ^^"))
(Nuu! Thee drama!)

Xeon watched as Luna headed back to the village it was hard to breathe now every breath stung pain echoed from rib he could see that she had a head injury... he hoped it wasn't anything too serious, he tried to even out each breath when he coughed up some blood... 'well that's never a good sign..." he wasn't worried about himself directly but he cringed at the thought of what the others would do without him, he was always the one to stand tall and strong and now Ethryn's fearless leader was lying there defenseless "an utter disgrace to his name" he thought but if anyone could make it through this he could he kept telling himself that he was going to be fine and Luna was on her way to safety
MattieLee said:
Luna was on her way to safety
((Or is she...? > :D I did say she was going to get amnesia!~))


As the neko stumbled towards where she thought the village was, there was a harsh pounding in her head, causing her to feel very dizzy and see things double sighted. Clutching her head in pain, Luna paused for a moment and leaned against a tree, droplets of rain falling from the sky. Letting her eyes flutter shut for a moment, Luna kept repeating Xein's words in her throbbing head. "Hurry to the village, hurry to the village, hurry to the village," Hazy green eyes snapped open as Luna pushed her aching body off of the tree and forced her body to move. The rain began to beat down harder, soaking Luna to the core as her fragile body was shivering tremendously. A few minutes later, Luna's body couldn't take anymore as she fell over and collapsed in pain. Much to her dismay, Luna's eyelids fell closed asshe entered the state of unconsciousness.

Hurry to the vil...
(Okay if this keeps up nobody will find us and with their injuries they might die...)

Xeon just lied ther, he was right he was too battered up to move just moving his arm brought pain, although he soon started to feel numb and limp and tired, he had lost a lot of blood but he had to stay awake... stay alive, for them 'any minute now someone would come find him...' he told himself
((Yup, I got Rai to the rescue. xD But, only for Xeon. :P ))


"It's a nice day for a walk, isn't it?" the neko stated out loud to no one in particular. Rai was just strolling by the river, admiring how it changed from an angry beehive to a calm and serene flow of life. A soft smile formed on the neko's lips as he took in the after the rain smell, how the grass was wet with dew. Violet eyes fluttered open as Rai took in the scene before him. "Beautiful river, soft breeze, half-dead Xeon, cute lit- HALF DEAD XEON?!" Rai's eyes widened at the sight of his leader, wondering what in the world had happened to him. Rushing over to the neko, Rai quickly checked his pulse, relieved that there was a weak heartbeat behind it. Picking the neko leader up, Rai began rushing back to the village, his own heart beating faster and faster. "Oh dear Mew, what in the world happened?!"
(lol, that was beautiful... let's pray to Mew that everyone lives and I'm sure half dead Xeon was a beautiful sight)

Xeon was only half aware of what was going on, he felt himself get lifted up by someone but couldn't tell who it was he soon fell unconcious in whoevers arms that was carrying him he hoped Luna was okay if she wasn't what he did would have been worth nothing...
((Cliff and Xeon had sex, Luna saw and got upset then ran away. Xeon chased after her the next day they "made up" and decided to race back to the village, Luna took a short cut over a bridge and then the bridge broke, at the last moment Xeon jumped to save her and then they both fell to their doom. Now Rai's brought the half-dead Xeon back to the village while Luna is unconscious in the forest. The plan for Luna is that she gets amnesia and goes to some random clan (either Haathral or Valor) because she remembers "Hurry to the village" and that's it. It's for the other clans to get some action. :D ))
(Well, I see one oppurtunity to enter. Also, I am disturbed by the very first sentence...and the second...)

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