Neko Clans! ;3

( xD yeah but where?, it happened on a rock... did they sleep like that X3) 

paipai900 said:
((Guys, I'm going to have Luna cause drama okay? So....the next morning Lulu-chi is no where to be found *mystic music* dun dun dun))
(lol, did she expect what happened since Xeon was gone?)
((No, Luna knew that her crush was hopeless in the first place, I have a different idea instead. xD ))
(If this were a manga I can't decide what category it would be... it has everything in it yaoi, danye/shiro yuri comedy, Xeon's paranormal moon stuff, and a lot of cuteness...) 
(I guess they would have slept tired after *ahem* on a rock...)
((It'd probably just end up having its own category)) 

[QUOTE="Little Sister](I would be surprised if Luna knew what happened as she is still pretty young. So do we timeskip to the next day? )

((That would probably scar her mind of disturbance))
xD (yeah I'll timeskip to next morning on the rock)

Xeon opened his eyes slowly remembering what happened last night he smiled at Cliff's sleeping form they had fallen asleep cuddled up together Xeon had his arms wrapped around Cliff who had his head buried in the leaders chest he nibbled his oh so sensitive ear "wake up babe~" he had to rease him waking him up like that would drive him crazy...
Cliff woke up with a surprised squeal, he had been sleeping peacefully then suddenly his pleasant dreams were interrupted by the seducingly light bite of a familiar neko. "Babe?" He repeated as he tried to sit up, failing because he had forgotten that Xeon's arms were sit wrapped around him. His eyelashes fluttered slowly as he yawned sleepily. 
Ritsu had been awake for a while now. Since he didn't really have anywhere to go last night, he had followed Rai back to that male's camp, unfortunately he had lost sighting of him when the neko had raced away from the wasps. Which he had chosen to sleep outside in the grass inside of asking somebody awkwardly if he could stay at their place.
Xeon chuckled at the other neko letting him go so he could move freely, he stretched putting his shirt back on "I had better head back to the capital I'm sure Lily's gonna freak wondering where I am..." he offered his hand to help Cliff up the leader was still seeing stars from last night he was so ridicoulously happy he looked like he was on drugs with that smile of his permanently etched on his face
((@MattieLee: xD OMG, I just thought about how Xeon would actually be on drugs; lol would he all anti-himself or even more cutesy and snuggly?))

"Oh, mean Luna." Cliff groaned a little after taking Xeon's hand of assistance and standing up, his hips freaking hurt like he\\, but he knew exactly why. Looks like he just going to have to shake it off and deal with the pain. He pulled on his own shirt so that he wouldn't just be walking back all bare chested.
( xD prbbly he would like the double rainbow guy mixed with Tamaki on crack... yeah just imagine Tamaki on crack that's what would happen except poor Cliff would be in Haruhi's position...)

Xeon smiled at the other neko he knew he had a hard time controlling himself... "does it hurt anywhere?" he looked at him worriedly "it would be my fault afterall..."
((That'd be freaking hilarious to get on camera xD ))

Cliff nodded, lifting a hand up to gently stroke one of Xeon's fuzzy kitty ears. "Mostly just my hips..." He answered truthfully about the situation -- not any reason to lie after all, pretty obvious with his little groan of twinging pain.
Xeon smiled awkwardly "I could carry you... or would that be too awkward?, I mean its not too bad is it? I mean after... its only expected but still, I'm sorry I really do worry too much don't I?" He was pacing back and forth awkwardly
"...could you carry me?" This wasn't intended but Cliff had sounded just uber cute when he spoke. He was pretty sure that he wasn't heavy; he was very lightweighted. After all he hardly ate a thing.
Xeon blushed that was the first time he ever asked him to do anything but get off of him "Aww!...." he picked him up in his arms like they were in some cliche romantic movie he nuzzled the neko in his arms that he found positively adorable at the moment he headed back to the capital with the one he loved in his arms as if he were a prize "when we get there you can rest in my bed if you like I hardly ever use it so its pretty much yours Lily I'm sure will understand the situation right away, its Luna I worry about if she'll be angry about this..."
(Lilian does seem like the type to accept this :3 )

Lilian was up earlier than usual as her she kept seeing a brunt house covered in flames whenever she fell asleep. She was currently on the baclony looking out at the rising sun in the distance with a cup of tea in her hands. Lilian somewhat knew today wasn't going to an enjoyable one as she took a small sip of her tea. Raising her hand she rubbed her eyes as if it would get rid of her tiredness. Letting out a small breath, 'Maybe I'm having the dreams again because I don't have my necklace anymore..' thought Lilian as she stared at the distance.
Cyrus wrapped his arms around Faru, stifling a small yawn..

"same here.." he mumbled, eyes slowly closing..

Shiro didn't pull away, she couldn't bear to pull away from this girl, that she was so strangely attracted to..

"would you like to stay, tonight?"
MattieLee said:
Xeon blushed that was the first time he ever asked him to do anything but get off of him "Aww!...." he picked him up in his arms like they were in some cliche romantic movie he nuzzled the neko in his arms that he found positively adorable at the moment he headed back to the capital with the one he loved in his arms as if he were a prize "when we get there you can rest in my bed if you like I hardly ever use it so its pretty much yours Lily I'm sure will understand the situation right away, its Luna I worry about if she'll be angry about this..."
Cliff held in a slight whimper as he was picked up, replacing it with a gentle smile when he saw the look on Xeon's face before he was loving nuzzled. "You're so embarrassing," He chuckled. It didn't take them very long to reach the capital once again, actually Xeon when offered the boy his bed. Sure was a big deal to offer something like that ---least that's how Cliff saw it. Since they done _____ last night, would that mean they were dating? It'd only seem natural that they'd be a couple after experiencing something like that. Lovers even? 
((@paipai900: do you think Ritsu should eventually fall for Rai? It'd take a bit of a while since he's straight and all.))
Xeon took out his key and opened up the capital seeing the kits weren't running around he was glad Luna wouldn't see them together he did feel a bit bad about it but he was too old for her and she knew it... he placed Cliff gently on his bed which being the clan leader it was nice big and comfortable he kissed the neko's cheek before tucking him in "just take it easy for now if you need anything let me or Lillian know she's someone who can accept us..." at least he was pretty sure he still had to tell her about it but she didn't seem like one to judge...
"Are you going somewhere?" Cliff would admittedly be rather bored if he was just supposed to lie in bed for a few hours or so but he couldn't really go anywhere in his condition. Didn't really expect Xeon to simply stay for entertaining the boy either. A hand slipped up to place over his warm cheek, the cheek where the younger neko just pressed his lips against. Strange, at least he thought so, Xeon was the younger one and yet he acted more maturely about certain things than Cliff did himself.
Lilian finished her tea and stood up to her feet, she stumbled a bit as one of her legs ended up falling asleep. She moved her leg around to regain feeling again before exiting her room. She walked out into the hallway slowly as her leg was still asleep.
Xeon smiled "I'm just going to let Lily know what happened she's my beta and I trust she can keep this secret between the three of us... I'm not sure how Luna will react so I'll wait to tell her and I don't know maybe Cyrus would be happy he'll have two daddys..." the leader smiled it was things like this that made him such a good leader he was wise beyond his years at only 15 sometimes he acted like a cutesy chibi and yet he had moments where his radiance shined and he stood brave and tall "the celebration of the treaty's tommorow night... I still don't have the entertainment planned..." he looked back to Cliff "I'll be back my flower don't you let anyone pick you while I'm gone I'll be back soon" he winked at the last part slowly opening the door "I promise" he went upstairs to where Lillian was on the balcony he knew she loved the view up there "Lily, we have a very special guest..." personally he didn't want Cliff to just be a guest he wanted him to move in he wanted to spend his life with him after what they did it only seemed natural that the leader felt he had to commit himself to him just like he did the clan he was the one that had to keep everything together... sure it was a lot of pressure but he had to do it 
(Nevermind their in the hallway lol Lily stop moving)
(Lol Sorry x3 )

Lilian tried towards Xeon, hearing his cheerful tone it must be someone he knew to generate that type of response. Even though Xeon knew everyone in the clan. She gave him one of her small smiles, "Hmm. I bet there special your eyes are brighter than the sun."
"Flower?" Cliff mumbled this cheesy flirty under his breath with a roll of his eyes and a smile, hidden from behind the blankets that were pulled high enough up to reach just below his nose. Secretly he liked the flirts even if his reactions were instinctively to push Xeon away because of them. Just a bit of a strange relationship but they were definitely closer as of last night. His eyelids again sank down to close as his mind drained of all thought; in another words he was falling back asleep. Just the pain in his upper thighs and lower hips bothered him enough where he could hardly even just roll over in the bed. 
"Flower?" Cliff mumbled this cheesy flirty under his breath with a roll of his eyes and a smile, hidden from behind the blankets that were pulled high enough up to reach just below his nose. Secretly he liked the flirts even if his reactions were instinctively to push Xeon away because of them. Just a bit of a strange relationship but they were definitely closer as of last night. His eyelids again sank down to close as his mind drained of all thought; in another words he was falling back asleep. Just the pain in his upper thighs and lower hips bothered him enough where he could hardly even just roll over in the bed.

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