Neko Clans! ;3

((Luna: You're a tom! Toms don't giggle! *rubs sore butt because she couldn't land on her feet because of Xeon*))
MattieLee said:
Xeon smiled sitting next to him "isn't this peaceful?" he asked as Jenka sat on the other side of Xeon she was wearing a proper swimsuit unlike the guys Xeon blushed slightly at the sight of Cliff bare chested with him it was nice and warm he dunked under the warm water sneaking by Cliff and popping up behind him giggling and glomping him from behind making them both go under 
(Yeah by saying he was an animal he meant he was like a wild animal a caveman/caveneko so to speak uncivilized)
Cliff didn't necessarily have time to react for Xeon was already under the water and behind him before he could even blink twice. Not even getting in a surprised squeak when he was glomped. When the returned to the surface of the water, hair and all completely wet as of now, he looked back over his shoulder at the neko snuggling him from behind. "Can you get off? You sure huggy when it comes to friends." He referred to them as friends because he wasn't sure about the whole idea of love and a relationship. Beside, being with the leader would make things pretty difficult, at least that's what he believed. Who knows? He could have a thing for Rai! Just didn't understand the thing called love.




paipai900 said:
((Oh my ;D *shot for perverted mind*)) 

Smirking in triumph, the neko sat up and dusted off the sand on his pants. Slipping on his now semi-dry shirt, Rai stood up and subconsciously began to groom himself. Cat instincts. Spotting the pout on Ritsu's face, Rai almost felt himself blush from how cute it was. "Hey, bad Rai. He's probably straight anyway." Shrugging it off, the neko couldn't help but keep glancing over to Ritsu as he fixed his clothing.
"Well...I definitely didn't expected this to happen when I came over." Ritsu hadn't yet met any other nekos of this particular clan so he wondered whether they acted similar to this omega or if they were more sophisticated; civilized. "Should be getting back to my clan but by the looks of the sky it's already pretty dark, nighttime you might say. Won't be able to see a thing if I headed back now."

Xeon chuckled "well why shouldn't I be?, why are you nervous or something?, you can touch me as much as you like and even I wouldn't freak out like you react to my touch..." he blushed refusing to let him go he had him right where he wanted and he wasn't gonna let him go even if he didn't feel the same he would keep trying it was his determination that made him such a great leader in the first place
((lol, oh Ritsu, you should meet the leader. xD ))


Nodding his head in agreement, Rai stretched his arms as he looked up at the darkening sky. With an inaudible sigh, Rai tucked his hands in the back pockets of his pants and quietly whistled a light tune as the two nekos walked back to the village. Soon their steps began to walk in sync, but apparently that's a normal behaviour. Reaching up for another apple as he walked by, Rai suddenly paled as he had grabbed a wasp nest instead. Dropping it was not a good idea.

Knowing what was going to happen - Rai's had years of bad luck, how can he not? - the neko began sprinting off towards the village, not wanting to be there when the wasps emerged. "Curse my terrible luck!!" was the only thought in Rai's mind as he ran away from the wasp nest.
"Whaa? Touch you? Do you know how wrong that soun-" Cliff didn't finish his sentence for he had begun scuirming and managed to at least turn himself around, but froze even in his speaking as well when he realized how close their faces were too eachother. His cheeks grew rosy red as expected and he pushed on Xeon's chest in attempt to push the slightly taller guy away. "Is this why you brought me here? To wrap your arms around me in privacy?" 
Ritsu stopped when he saw Rai's face to pale like a white bed sheet. Quickly he discovered upon why he was turning such a color; he had unfortunately made the mistake of reaching up and grabbing a wasp nest instead of an apple that he was desiring. It almost made crack an amused grin, covering up his mouth with right hand as he watched the unlucky guy race for the safety of his home village.

Ritsu on the other hand chose to take his time. Wasp never bothered him for some reason. It's like he scared them or anything, just didn't do anything about his presence.

((@paipai900: that sure would be interesting x3))
Xeon chuckled "oh, why would you twist my words like that?..." he smiled at Cliff''s red face stroking his cheek "Awww... your blushing you know how cute you look right now?" he ran his fingers through the other nekos hair smiling at him warmly his smile glowed like it always did his smile seemed to charm everyone but Cliff... he wondered why no matter how he acted Cliff wasn't like the others most looked at him like he was special put on a throne, but he was different he made Xeon feel like he was normal Cliff never gave him any special treatment
Cliff's red face only brightened with even more blush when Xeon just happened to stroke his cheek and mention it allowed. His eyes shut closed for a brief moment when he felt a pair of warm hands fiddling all flirty-like with his hair. Not gonna lie but that felt d@mn good. "This morning you said that you loved me...prove it." It felt embarrassing to say such things but he desperately wanted to know if his words were true. "Do you really feel that way or is it just like?"
Xeon blushed looking deeply into Cliff's eyes "I wouldn't lie about how I feel..." considering his reaction wasn't bad he leaned in slowly he did say "prove it" he took the other neko's head in his hand and kissed him tenderly his lips moist from the hot humid air he was sensitive yet passionate about it this was his first kiss... and he wanted to remember it especially since it was with Cliff when he was done he looked at the neko with deep eyes waiting for a response that was quite literally a "hot kiss" and it left Xeon dazed by the feel of Cliff's lips his heart raced he you could actually hear it it was so Loud...
((@MattieLee: OMG! Aww x3 Xeon is so sweet!! Gimme a sec to reply.)) 
Cliff didn't struggle or make an effort to shove the other male away when their lips met. His tense shoulders actually relaxed as he eased up on the situation, letting himself enjoy this moment. "His lips are hotter than his hands!" He thought and suddenly had the almost instinctive urge to wrap his arms around Xeon's neck. A small wave of disappointment flowed over Cliff as the leader slowly pulled away, did he want to continue, want to kiss longer and just be close to this male? One kiss usually wouldn't be enough to change the feelings towards another and yet the atmosphere just seemed so right. Still he found himself questioning it. He listened the faint thumping of Xeon's heart beating against his chest. Unknowingly he smiled up at him as the blush remained on both their faces.
Xeon blushed even harder when he smiled he gulped "d-did you like it?" Xeon was so heart struck he couldn't talk right he instinctively combed his fingers through Cliff's hair flirtatiously his hot breath hitting the other neko's skin they were so close...
((@MattieLee: wasn't there that other neko lady in the hot springs as well? :3 Bet that's a little awkward for her to watch. xD ))

"...what kind of a question is that?" Cliff asked, feeling his smile widen when that same pair of hands played with his hair some more. Even if the water of the hotsprings was hot, along with Xeon's hands and warm breath, it gave him goosebumps on the spots that his breath of air actually touched. Hard to say no to the leader, especially like this, but in a way he felt like answering with a yes. "You are such a flirt." His kitty ears perked up a little as he awaited a response to his light tease.
( xD she's enjoying she's a yaoi fangirl...)

Jenka had left them alone earlier and was now watching the two with a mental nosebleed, Xeon smirked seductively "oh, am I?" he chuckled kissing him again getting lost again feeling like he was on cloud 9 he pulled his body adgainst Cliffs feeling eachothers heartbeats through their wet, bare skin he licked the other neko's bottom lip asking for access 
(If this keeps up we may need to do a fade to black...)
((Oooh xD then she's a lucky girl to get to witness it in real life))

((That is.....if the two just can't control themselves. It's a difficult question since they're both pretty easy-to-embarrass all the time, but who would be the uke in that sort of situation? I can't imagine Cliffy turning out to be a seme anytime soon.))

Instead of just thinking it, Cliff actually let it go and allowed his arms to slip up around the tallerish male's neck as he was pressed in closer to his body. If there had been anybody around ((besides Jenka obviously)) there would be no way that he could explain this situation in a casual response. His eyes fluttered halfway shut as their warm lips once more met in contact. A small gasp parted his lips when his lower lip was playfully licked.
(Like you said Cliff is more Uke than Xeon even though I see them both as Uke's Xeon is slightly taller and he's the one that "took charge" kissing Cliff so I say Xeon's a "Tamaki seme" if you know host club you'll understand this Xeon's a take charge leader like Tamaki but also like Tamaki he has soo many cute moments and scenes where he talks about beauty and stuff I just noticed how alike they really are...)

Xeon lost it when he felt arms being wrapped around him he let his tounge slip whispering his name "Cliff..." he embraced him warmly as they kept being unknowingly watched she pulled out a camera she sent to silent to not blow her cover capturing the moment she fangirled over it
((Oh mah gawd!~ Xeon and Cliff! x3 Luna: Humph! Well, I'm out of your league anyway *runs away and cries in a hole*))
((Oh my gosh! I love that anime!! Wuv Tamaki too <3 And so totally agree. Now that that you mention it, Xeon really is the neko version of Tamaki. >w<))

Both nekos obviously had no clue still that there was a yaoi fangirl snapping pictures or even possibly videotaping their moment, something that should only be kept between the two of them. Cliff couldn't help but moan when Xeon slipped his tongue into his mouth, now they were wrestling their tongues against eachother as well as mixing saliva. "Strange...just a minute ago I was pushing this man away, now we're practically pressed together and even frenchkissing. I must have fallen for this guy without even taken notice...I don't think I would have allowed all of this contact to happen otherwise." He thought. He lightly tugged on Xeon's soft wet hair as his hands found their up higher. 
((Well hello there paipai900. xD Good timing!))

Xeon picked him up without ending their kiss and the two went to a rock their flat chests totally exposed the neko leader rolled on top of him his blue eyes looking deeply into Cliff's brown ones "you are such a beautiful flower..." he mused kissing him deeply his hands working slowly down Cliff's slender body until he reached his...


(Lol xD )

Lillian petted Cyrus and Faru's head, ruffling there hair a bit before tucking them into their beds. "Have pleasant dreams" she softly said to them with a smile.
((Guys, I'm going to have Luna cause drama okay? So....the next morning Lulu-chi is no where to be found *mystic music* dun dun dun))

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