Neko Clans! ;3

((Haha xD sorry, something is wrong with my mind. I need to be seriously slapped too.))

"That's not exactly nice to say to someone. And there's no need to be such a girl about it." Rai raised both hand up to began fluffing up his hair in attempt to hand-brush it back into place as it was before he stepped foot into the clan. 
((Going to bed. Night!))
Jenka sighed and she started a chant of some sort in synch with Xeon she turned to Cliff "this is Xeon's family..." she gestured toward the panthers and then to a old burnt shack where nothing lived not even the grass grew around that area "I found him one day caught in a terrible forest fire his mark wasn't always the moon it used to be a clover, and he was lucky alright he almost died in that fire he was badly cut by broken glass and had lost a lot of blood it was on the night of a crescent moon and we performed a ceremony the moon spirits blessed him on that night saving his life me and the others took him in, in a sense you can call me his mother" Xeon smiled at Cliff "you see I came into power by accident I'm nothing more than a wild animal like them, I just so happened come across civilization" he took off his shirt and walked into the hot spring watching the luminascence "so what did I say?, its beautiful here isn't it"
((Wow. Isn't Xeon lucky *badum tsst* No, that was a terrible joke xP))


"Says the guy who's fixing his hair." Rai stuck his tongue out at Ritsu, his eyes lit up with mischief. Rai was blessed with great hair, no matter what, it'll always find some way to fall back into place. Sighing once more, Rai thought that he'd probably head by the village soon, less of a chance of getting attacked and eaten by wolves.
Ritsu rolled his eyes at Rai's remark, finding the tongue added in just annoying, but that was probably the point. He stood up on his feet after he had finished putting his white hair back into place as it was before. Without warning he reached down to quickly ruffle up the other male's hair but that didn't work since it just returned to normal once he removed his hands. That made him pout for his little failer.


"Xeon almost died...?" Cliff repeated with widened eyes. "He's really just a panther cub?! Ugh...can't believe I was falling for some cat. That just made things more awkward between us." His thoughts were hammering at the inside of his head but to the two other nekos standing him, he appeared perfectly fine. Everything was washed from his mind when Xeon decided to take off his shirt. He lightly held onto his own fluffy tail with both hands in attempt to distract him from looking down at the leader's bare chest.
(actually he was just raised as a panther cub, hes just an ordinary neko)

Jenka nodded "yes, he was near death when we found him his real parents are long gone they didnt survive the fire" Xeon looked over to Cliff smiling warmly "aren't you going to join me?, thats why I brought you here in the first place" he chuckled grabbing the other neko's hand "come on!"
((Oh xD ....dumb me. I was like "what?! He's a panther?!"))

Cliff eeped a little when his hand was grabbed and soon beckoned to join the other into the hotsprings. He didn't want to get his shorts wet but he didn't want to stand there like a freaking idiot either. Slowly he removed his own shirt before slipping into the water, his ears perking up from the sudden amount of heat, but sat down anyways.
Xeon smiled sitting next to him "isn't this peaceful?" he asked as Jenka sat on the other side of Xeon she was wearing a proper swimsuit unlike the guys Xeon blushed slightly at the sight of Cliff bare chested with him it was nice and warm he dunked under the warm water sneaking by Cliff and popping up behind him giggling and glomping him from behind making them both go under 
(Yeah by saying he was an animal he meant he was like a wild animal a caveman/caveneko so to speak uncivilized)
((Oh my ;D *shot for perverted mind*)) 

Smirking in triumph, the neko sat up and dusted off the sand on his pants. Slipping on his now semi-dry shirt, Rai stood up and subconsciously began to groom himself. Cat instincts. Spotting the pout on Ritsu's face, Rai almost felt himself blush from how cute it was. "Hey, bad Rai. He's probably straight anyway." Shrugging it off, the neko couldn't help but keep glancing over to Ritsu as he fixed his clothing.
(Xeon: wahh... *beast mode* sends army of panthers at Luna smearing war paint on his face *pounds on chest like donkey kong*
((I'm still picturing that loin cloth!~ xD Luna: *starts crying* YOU'RE SO MEAN!! *sobs as hormones activate*))
((*cat calls* That loin cloth. xD Luna: Fine! I'll go...go..hang out with...myself. *runs up a tree*))

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