Neko Clans! ;3

MattieLee said:
(Poor Faru...)
Xeon chuckled at him "haha, y'know for a hunter you and don't really get along" then suddenly he got an idea he took Cliff by the hand dragging him "come on I wanna show you something beautiful!"
Cliff stuck out his bottom lip so that his face turned into a pouty look as his leader once again decided to chuckle at him. He was being serious about thanking him but all he did was drag him along after a light laugh. Not really having a choice, he chose to follow after anyways, wiping the look away with a curious look replacing it.
Xeon led him to a forest clearing there was a hot spring he took a flute from his pocket and played a song with a very mystical tune and a wild pack of wild panthers come out of bushes circling the two Nekos one was white and had a sun symbol on its side that glowed orange making Xeons own mark on his shoulder glow blue the white panther stood in front of the two and orbs of energy rose from the spring water light reflecting of the waters surface creating a stunning luminascence in the moonlit night Xeon squatted down and kissed the panthers forehead and it turned into a neko woman with long silver hair and glowing golden eyes "unfair... you finally come to see me and you bring someone with you were never alone..." she whined her ears tucked to her head and tail between her legs
((I only just now realize that I've been spelling his name wrong xD oops, I've been saying Xion instead of Xeon. Stupid me!))

It took a moment for Cliff to take in his surrondings but then it took a while longer when Xeon pulled out his little router. It signaled a pack of panthers to slink in around them like quick slithering snakes. He grew confused when one particular white panther stood up on its hind legs and began glowing along with Xeon's marking. What? What was this? Confusion piled up ontop of that confusion when a girl took the place of the strange panther. His right ear twitched a couple times as he tried to comprehend what was happening.
Xeon smiled at the girl "its been awhile sorry for not visiting more often" he turned his smile to Cliff "Cliff meet, Jenka" he turned to Jenka "this is Cliff" he took the girl by the hand the panthers circling them as the fireflies came creating an even more brilliant light show Jenka frowned sadly "so, this is Cliff?" she sounded disapointed for some reason she stood up still holding his hand "Cliff, there are many things about Xeon you don't know about do you think you can accept anything you may learn about his past tonight?"
(I'm sorry, but I have to go now, if I can get my phone working I will try reply but I'm so sorry))

"are you sleepy?" Cyrus asked,wrapping his arms around him

"it's settled then!"
stormhawk324 said:
(( xD lol))
Ritsu raced out of the water, shaking himself off since he didn't bring a towel with him. Of course not -- didn't expect to even near the water let alone nearly drown in it. His snowy white hair was all frizzy and sticking up from that shake of his head. Though the water in his ears didn't annoy him as much as it was clearly stressing Rai out, he didn't look too pleased anyways. "You need to more aware of what you're doing...I'm not threatening you but remember that I'm not from your clan. The least you could do is not scare me!"

MattieLee said:
Xeon smiled at the girl "its been awhile sorry for not visiting more often" he turned his smile to Cliff "Cliff meet, Jenka" he turned to Jenka "this is Cliff" he took the girl by the hand the panthers circling them as the fireflies came creating an even more brilliant light show Jenka frowned sadly "so, this is Cliff?" she sounded disapointed for some reason she stood up still holding his hand "Cliff, there are many things about Xeon you don't know about do you think you can accept anything you may learn about his past tonight?"
Cliff frowned slightly himself as he caught that bit if disappointment in her voice. Something told him that she was exactly pleased to see him, perhaps she only was interested in Xeon's presence. Well, isn't that fantastic...not really. He glanced down at their hands, feeling an uneasy knot in his tummy, not just because he was still unsure about what was happening. "Huh? I suppose so. Seems like a pretty normal guy to me." How was he supposed to answer? He was suddenly brought to some panther-hotsprings-place then sudden asked about Xeon's past....? Wha?
((That's it. I'm going to hunt down my alert system and then scold myself for procrastinating.))


Flinching at the tone of the solider's voice, Rai really wondered if he could pull off the hunter act anyway, he would always be a useless omega. "Erm, I'm sorry." Rai bowed his head like a child being scolded, a thick eyelash fell and landed in the neko's eyes, causing him much irritation. Finally pissed off enough, Rai groaned and pulled at his hair in frustration. "WHY DO I HAVE SUCH BAD LUCK?!?"A frown evident on his face, Rai wondered if there was some great and powerful being somewhere by the name of something stupid like "paipai900", or something, and was controlling his every move, laughing at his misfortunes.
((Is it still not working for you? That's freaking stupid.))

Ritsu didn't bother to rush to Rai's rescue this time, mostly out of stubbornness but also becaus the last time he that boy needed saving was when he appeared to drowning, though he was actually only dunking underneath the surface of the water for a little bit. How could that cat enjoy being in the water anyways? Isn't he the one that complains about the water in the ears the most?!

"'re not a hunter, are you?"
((Nah, that's just my lame excuse whenever I procrastinate ^^"))


The neko suddenly froze at Ritsu's words. "What? Noooo." Rai chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and averting his eyes. "What made you think that...?" Violet eyes flickered over to the solider's face, searching for any type of anger or disgust. Finally, Rai knew he couldn't keep up the lie and released a tired sigh. "I'm just a useless omega, okay? Nothing interesting here." Frowning at himself, Rai felt like drowning himself in the lake, not like anyone would miss him or anything.
((*slaps pai* -3- You lazy bum))

The answer only made Ritsu sigh once again. Placing both hands on his hips, he was frowning now but at least he was no longer giving the other male the death glare. "Omega's aren't useless as you say. Just need to find a purpose in your clan. Honestly, I hardly do anything myself...but don't tell them that. Otherwise I'll be forbidden to nap away up in the trees were I should be patrolling the area." He motioned with a movement of his hand, calling for Rai to step out of the water. "At least get out of there. Just seeing someone sit in that cold lake water sends a shiver down my back."
((*takes the slap* Yup, I totally deserved that ^^"))


The neko smiled softly at the Haathral solider's words and nodded and he mde he way out of the lake, suddenly regretting his decision to leave the water. Shaking like a newborn baby giraffe, Rai curled up into a little ball after he stripped himself of his shirt once again and began squeezing out the water from his clothing.

As he did that, Rai's shivering soon came to a halt as the sun began to warm him up. "You really don't like water, don't you?" Chuckling softly, Rai thought of another thing that was weird about him. He loved water, as long as it didn't get into is ears, Rai loved to just float around on the lake and feel the refreshing coolness it gave off.
Ritsu raised an eyebrow as he watched the male omega flimse around all awkwardly as he exited the water. He didn't say a word but he obviously appeared confused by the look spread across his face. He tried to wipe that away since he basically had reacted the same way, plus it was rude.

"Yeaahh, guess its just from the cat part of me." He answered as she casually scratched one of his pure white neko ears. "Hate it honestly."

Laying down on the ground, the neko cracked a smile as he bathed under the heat of the sun. Sometimes you would wonder if this guy was even a neko. "Maybe I'm actually part wolf. Woof." Rai thought to himself sarcastically, closing his eyes as he laid under the sun.

"Meow." Rai chuckled lightly, knowing that he was also insulting hmself while he was at it. "I wonder how nekos even came to be...?" Raising an eyebrow at the thought, Rai smirked when he thought of a reason. "Maybe some human lady got pregnant by a cat and gave birth to a neko."
Ritsu sat down on the damp ground, not lounging back like Rai but still taking a load off. He pulled his shirt back on since it was pretty much dry. "You're a weirdo," he rolled his eyes but smiled a teenie bit at that obnoxious meow. When he heard the explanation that Rai made up, the smile disappeared to immediately be replaced by a look of disgust. "But that would involve the cat actually.....nevermind, forget it." He didn't need to go into detail. Besides it was probably just some dumb joke.

The neko suddenly paled at what Ritsu was getting at, a look of disgust also covered his face. "Oh my god! It was a joke! You just had to put that image in my mind, didn't you?!" Shuddering at the disturbing mental picture, Rai tried to move his thoughts to something more....pleasant and....not mentally scarring.

Laying back down, Rai covered his eyes with his hands, blocking the sunlight from blinding him. "......I kind of hate you right now, you know?" The neko frowned, still trying to recover from the horrid image. Of course, Rai didn't really mean it, I mean, how can you hate someone you just met?

((....okay, I wasn't evem thinking about that stormy. That's just scary.))

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