Neko Clans! ;3

"Shh, shh. I know my sweet lionheart." LIlian softly cooed to him. She gave Xeon a small smile, glad that he's normal before turning her eyes to the kit hugging her legs.

(Has given Cyrus the nickname lionheart :3 )
She eventually let go of Danye..

"W-would you like some tuna?" She asked..


(And Mattie, reply to you're imboxxxx:3)

Cyrus looked up for a second.. Not uncoiling his hands from Lilian's legs as Xeon pet his ears.. He shivered slightly, not sure what to say..

"B-but.. L-Lulu dosent like you all that much, because of you and C-Cliffy.."

Then the thought struck Cyrus, wasn't he the one who'd told Xeon to face the monsters?!..

"Wait!" He cried, eyes welling up with tears.. "Its all my fault!... I told you to face to face the Monster...!"
Lilian raised Cyrus's face gently. "Shh shh, its not your fault lionheart. Do you what a lionheart is?" she gently said. Her warm ebony eyes looked at Cyrus's tearful ones. "A lionheart doesn't run from the monsters. Its a person that strong to face their fears. You couldn't have known that telling Xeon to face his fears would lead to this."

Lilian merely smiled at Cyrus.

(I got the nickname from the song Lioinheart by Of Monster and Men )

Xeon chuckled smiling at the boy "its alright its not your fault... I should have known sooner, she just needs time to calm down"
(:') its so sweet)

"But... I didn't know what the Monster was.." He mumbled, lacing his fingers with Lilians and looking up..

"I-im not one of those..." He said sadly..

"I cried when Daddy left, and i-i.. I'm still scared of the monsters under the bed.." 
Shiro nodded, walking off into the kitchen and getting her some tuna from the fridge and putting it on a plate, along with some prawns and sardines, she poured two glasses of milke bringing them back in and setting them on the table..

"Please, sit down dear.."
( Its is such a sweet song. I'm glad I found it yesterday )

"Its alright to cry and feel sad." Lilian rubbed her thumb gently over Cyrus's knuckles. "And its alright to feel fear as I too get afraid." She smiled at her lionheart, "You are certainly a lionheart" she softly said as she gently wiped his tears with a swipe of her finger. "for you hold so much strength within your heart. You just need to know that you're strong yourself."
"Oh Lilly!" He cried.. "You're so sweet with your words!" He hugged her close and buried his head in her hip.. Smiling through his tears..

"So, what made you want to become a hunter Danye?" She asked quietly, taking a sip of her milk..
"Well I really like the woods and that's wear I live... so I figured if I'm going to live there I have to eat too." Danye giggled eating a bite of tuna.
Lilian smiled at Cyrus and rubbed his head with her free hand. She remained calm for her lionheart and kept this strong front for her clan but there are times that even she cries for her deceased parents. She wrapped her ivory tail around Cyrus in a comforting manner as she remembered the glow of the flames the engulfed her home.

Lilian remembered the last words her parents told her before the flames took them it was her first night in her own room, 'Rest your head, our precious flower for a new day awaits you. And don't worry we're always with you.'

"I'll always be there for you." Lilian repeated to Cyrus, looking at the kit nuzzling her side.
(... stupid alerts and @stormhawk324 I adopted Luna and Cyrus, Cyrus is sad about his daddy dying Luna went to calm down and Lillian is comforting Cyrus)

Xeon couldn't help but to smile at the kit "she's right you know all you have to do is face the monsters they'll all run away from you when they hear lionheart's roar"

Clearing his throat, Rai snorted and moved in deeper into the lake, only keeping his eyes and ears above the water. "If you have the guts to get me." The neko smirked and pretended to splash more water at Ritsu, doing it in avery mocking way.

Now that Rai didn't have to act so submissive all the time, he enjoyed being able to talk with someone and not have to apologize for his every action. It gave him a sense of freedom, a sense of liberty. That's when the neko remembered that he had lied. He had lied about his status. A sudden wave of guilt overwhelmed Rai as he went lower down into the water, his ears just sticking out.
((@MattieLee: Lol xD that doesn't happen very often))

Cliff remained up in the tall tree, wondering how he planned to get down. That surely was a stupid idea. He mentally slapped himself as he remained perched up on that branch. His eyes were fluttering shut even though he was desperately trying to stay awake. If he happened to fall asleep then he'd probably end up falling down and breaking neck.....then again, if he didn't sleep soon then he'd definitely be doing so when morning came around. Especially since he didn't get any sleep the day before.


Ritsu instinctively took a step back when Rai motioned as if he were going to splash him again, he wouldn't hold back on the yelling if he dared to try that again. "R-Rai!" He called out to him as he saw him sink down lower into the water. With a frustrated groan he himself to quickly step out into the freezing cold water and rush over to the other neko. Immeditaly he pulled the male up out of the water by his ears. " If you were not drowning just now then I'm not exactly going to be happy about that!" He didn't sound angry, more like shaky, shivering even since he despised the feeling of water.

After being pulled out of the water, Rai suddenly felt the air cool the water on him, causing the neko to shiver lightly. "It's s-so c-c-cold!" Rai exclaimed, his teeth chattering as he rubbed the side of his arms, subconsciously flexing his biceps. Although, Rai wasn't very bulky, he was just a lean and tall kitty.

Wanting warmth, Rai instinctively latched onto Ritsu, clearly enjoying the warmth the other neko gave off. His brain seemed to have numbed from the cold because Rai couldn't think straight and had wrapped his arms around the Haathral solider without thinking. Man, he would most likely regret it once he's warm again...
Ritsu shrieked when Rai suddenly wrapped himself around him but not because another male was hugging him, but because he was completely soaked and pressing his wet body up against him. "You're wet! You wet!" He trailed his arms all around and tried to back away, attempting to return to shore by walking backwards. This of course didn't go as planned, tripping back over his own feet. After returning them both to surface, now entirely soaked himself, he did not look happy one bit. "GET.THE.HELL.OFF.OF.ME!!" He demanded, one eye twitching as he hissed.
((this is going to be good > :D ))


After falling into the water, a whole truck of the the liquid got into the neko's ears, causing him to immediately jump off and try to get the water out. "What is wrong with my life?!" Rai groaned as he continued to try and get the water out, slowly inching away from Ritsu to avoid the solider's wrath. Why do I mess everything up? Rai frowned and furrowed his eyebrows together as he got the water out of one ear and proceeding to go onto the next. Sighing in frustration, the neko was now about 4 feet away from the Haathral solider, taking glances at the other neko to see just how pissed off Ritsu was.
(( xD lol))

Ritsu raced out of the water, shaking himself off since he didn't bring a towel with him. Of course not -- didn't expect to even near the water let alone nearly drown in it. His snowy white hair was all frizzy and sticking up from that shake of his head. Though the water in his ears didn't annoy him as much as it was clearly stressing Rai out, he didn't look too pleased anyways. "You need to more aware of what you're doing...I'm not threatening you but remember that I'm not from your clan. The least you could do is not scare me!"
(lol xD )

Lilian felt that Cyrus has calmed down she said, "Now why don't you take a nap? I'm sure your tried from everything that has happened today. She rubbed her lionheart's hair once before looking at Cyrus's eyes, smiling.
Xeon smiled and decided to go take a nap himself he was getting tired of all this drama and now ge was remembering his own struggle with puberty... although when it happened to him nobody explained it to him try telling a 200 pound panther you feel weird and see what their reaction is... yeah that was such a fun time for him

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