Neko Clans! ;3

(lol, actually the opposite its permanently night the moon blocks the sun in the eclipse)

Xeon noticed Cyrus come and go just as fast *why am I so pathetic?, No!, its those thoughts that caused this whole mess in the first place...* he stood tall *Cheer up you wreck!... well that doesn't help...* he sighed and went back to his corner to meditate *the clan is my responsibility!, calm your *ss down!"
(Well, Luna's having hormonal mood swings and Xeon screwed up the moon because he was so emotional now its stuck in a eclipse with no sun...) 
Aia sighed transforming into a blue butterfly and resting on Xeon's shoulder trying to calm him down "I'll be your voice for now, no more notes ok?" Xeon just nodded still trying to calm down

(And he lost his voice)
(Lilian is trying calm down Luna. The shipment of the cherrys are being underway. Cliff is having doubts of loving Xeon. Faru and Cyrus are cuddling in the lobby. Viza and Seren are somewhere in the capital)
Xeon took long deep breaths trying to clear his mind of negative thoughts clouding his mind but he couldn't stop attacking himself about how he scared Cliff away, what kind of person does that!, ...apparently he does... and even if it was hormones Luna was making him feel guilty... seeing her reaction to him and Cliff he finally understood how Luna really felt about him... poor girl he didn't want to hurt her telling her he was just too old for her...
Cliff just needed to get away for a while, heading back out in the direction of the forest area, planning to hide up in a tall tree or something. He sucked at climbing so that would probably make it an even greater hiding location, since nobody would expect him to be up there in the first place. Once he finally accomplished his planning of reaching a high branch, plopping down on the branch he leaned back against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and attempting to clear his head. "Xeon loves me...he loves me," He continuously repeated this words in his head even though he was trying to rid of them.
Xeon bit his lip drawing blood *why did I have to be such an idiot!, if I keep this up I'll end up destroying the entire clan! all because I got soft and fell for a hunter!" he gave up... no matter how hard he tried his own thoughts were fighting adgainst him... he wondered how long it would take for the others to realise that the eclipse was stuck like that, he felt helpless and he hated it he had to relieve his mind of his thoughts he curled up and tried to fall asleep
((Actually, you're not. You're destroying the world. Without sunlight, plants will be forced to go into respiration, exhaling carbon dioxide and taking oxygen in instead. Sooner or later, if that continues, there will be no more oxygen left and only carbon dioxide. Therefore you are dooming everyone who lives on this planet for blocking the sun from view.))
(Lol, I think you just made Xeon feel worse about the whole situation. I should probably make Lilian slap him to get him out of it. xD ...or set him up with someone. )
((Poor Luna :P and stupid hormones)) 

stormhawk324 said:
"Princess?" Ritsu nearly questioned his words aloud but decided to instead keep it inside, even if the expression on his face gave it away. Did he look feminine or something? Even so he followed after this hunter as oddly enough imagined wearing a little crown in his head.
((I am ALIVE!!!!))


Leading Ritsu down to the lake, Rai whistled a light tune as he quickly snatched an apple from a tree he passed under, happy that he was tall. As he lead the Haathral solider down to the lake, Rai thought that the silence between them had gotten quite...awkward. So, he decided to try and break it. "So....what's your favourite colour?" Please don't say razzmatazz.

((I just pulled a joke from another rp xD ))
(I shall xD )

Faru was sweet, he was really sweet and Cyrus liked him a lot, he gently hugged him again and kissed his forhead..

"Its going to be okay now... Its all going to be okay.. I'll look after you.."

She giggled lightly, Letting Danye into her house and passing her a towel and some spare clothes..
Faru sighed happily. "I-I'm tired." He said rubbing his eyes sleepily and looking at Cyrus.

"S-so where do I get dressed?" Danye asked blushing lightly.
"Sleepy kitty.." Cyrus giggled, picking the much smaller boy up in his arms and cradling him there..

"Just through there dear, in the bathroom" she said sweetly..
Faru smiled and fell into a peaceful sleeping Cyrus's arms.

"Thanks." Danye said before going into the bathroom and quickly getting dressed before coming back into Shiro's living room.
Xeon sighed he was too worried about the situation to sleep... maybe if he apologized again Luna would forget what happened... poor girl he messed with her heart and he didn't even realise it he walked up to Luna with Aia on his shoulder she knew what Xeon had to say being his spirit guide and all... Xeon's ears dipped down and he gave her the same cute face he gave Cliff begging for forgiveness Aia spoke for him "Xeon says he's really sorry Luna he doesn't want to see you so upset, he loves you" Xeon nodded really hoping she wouldn't take the "I love you" the wrong way...

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