Neko Clans! ;3

paipai900 said:
((I am ALIVE!!!!))

Leading Ritsu down to the lake, Rai whistled a light tune as he quickly snatched an apple from a tree he passed under, happy that he was tall. As he lead the Haathral solider down to the lake, Rai thought that the silence between them had gotten quite...awkward. So, he decided to try and break it. "So....what's your favourite colour?" Please don't say razzmatazz.

((I just pulled a joke from another rp xD ))
"Really? Not to sound rude but is that really what you plan to fill the silence fill?" Instead of wearing a sarcastic scowl upon his glum face like most often, he actually looked like he was holding back a light chuckle, grinning in amusement. "I doubt that you really care but my favorite color is red."
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An embarrassed blush dusted over Rai's cheeks as he quickly apologized for his actions. Had he offended the other neko? No, Ritsu didn't look pissed off. In fact, he looked a little...amused at Rai's actions. "Erm, sorry." Being an omega, Rai was used to having to apologize for his actions and be submissive to others. Old habits die hard, don't they?
"Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned." Ritsu reassured him with a nod of his head. After brushing a few white hairs aside he opened his mouth again to speak, after a quick yawn of course. "Now I have a question for you to answer as well. As hunter, what sort of trap or tool or sort of weapon do prefer to use, when hunting of course?" 
((Can't really make Cliff do anything since he's hiding up in a tree...hmm))
((Oh no xD Rai doesn't know what to say...))


The neko paled at the question and suddenly stopped in his tracks to try and think of an answer. His violet eyes flickered around for something to say, anything really. Spotting the lake, Rai beamed as he dashed off towards the body of water, happy that he had found something to get out of answer that dreaded question. "Ah! The lake!" Rai chuckled nervously as he rushed up to the lake and nearly fell in. 

MattieLee said:
(Xeon has to wait for Luna)
((Can you give me the page where you speak with Luna? I didn't see it ^^"))
MattieLee said:
Xeon sighed he was too worried about the situation to sleep... maybe if he apologized again Luna would forget what happened... poor girl he messed with her heart and he didn't even realise it he walked up to Luna with Aia on his shoulder she knew what Xeon had to say being his spirit guide and all... Xeon's ears dipped down and he gave her the same cute face he gave Cliff begging for forgiveness Aia spoke for him "Xeon says he's really sorry Luna he doesn't want to see you so upset, he loves you" Xeon nodded really hoping she wouldn't take the "I love you" the wrong way...
((Ah! Okay! I thought you were talking to Cliff when I skimmed over it ^^"))


The kit frowned at the owl thing that spoke. Was this guy really pulling at her whiskers? Doing her best not to scowl, Luna put on her best forgiving smile ever and nodded. "I forgive you." Reaching out for a hug, Luna felt tears welling up in her eyes once again as she slapped Xeon across the face, leaving a red mark of her hand on his cheek. "Not."

The scowl was now evident on her face, Luna wasn't going to just accept the apology! She wanted to know the reason, the reason why he had left her! The kit could feel her tears flowing down her face, and, this time, she didn't try to hold them back. Luna wanted Xeon to see how much he had hurt her, how much it ached her to watch as he and Cliff suddenly got together.

She knew that she was much too young for Xeon, she knew that a long time ago. But, what really hurt her was how he had replaced her so easily. So effortlessly. So....painlessly. It made Luna feel unimportant, unwanted, rejected even. The tom that she had loved and relied on left her. He left her so quickly that she didn't even have time to say anything! Besides, no one would listen to just a kit...

((I have some drama planned out for Luna :3))
((@paipai900: lol xD that's what he gets for lying))

Ritsu sighed when the male dragged himself onto a different topic instead of sticking to answering his question. These were the sorts of things that bothered him about others; never wanted to talk to him, even if he actually decided to be nice for once. Whatever, just let it go. As he neared the lake he grabbed a thick stick that was maybe a branch towering in the tree above. "Wow...the lake is bigger than I thought." He tossed the stick as far as he could into the water to watch it land and gently float atop the surface.
Xeon was shocked when she slapped him, he started to tear up his voice returned then "Luna... I didn't know..." he hugged her tightly "I didn't know!!, he was really crying now... the moon suddenly turned a golden color illuminating the room "Luna nobody can replace you!" he mean't that he held her close " please... don't hate me"
((Sorry everyone, I was on my phone and sometimes it has this issue where it can't type in. But, I'm on my computer now!~ Not for long though....))


The neko chuckled lightly as he to watched the stick float off and sink into the bottom of the lake, he wondered what it was like down there. Then again, Rai would never even try, it would be a complete and total pain if he did that, his ears would end up filled with water.

"Well, a lake is a large body of water." Rai teased softly, a playful smile on his face. Laying down on the edge of the water, Rai kicked his shoes off and rolled his pants up to stick his feet into the cool water. This neko actually enjoyed the feel of the water, as long as it didn't get into his ears or try to drown him, of course.

((@MattieLee I'll put Luna's reply up soon. :3 Sorry for the inconvenience.)) 

The kit's tears streamed down her face, her body shaking from the hiccups that escaped her lips. "I-idiot!" Luna insulted, her bottom lip quivering violently. "How could you do all of this to me?! You left me!" Luna was almost at her limit, she couldn't stay strong when everything was becoming so hurtful. She felt like she was going to colapse, right then and there.

Tears fell from where it had collected and dripped onto the floor, leaving small droplets of the salty waters. "I-I want t-to know why," Luna managed to say, her little hands bunched up into tight fists. Her fingernails had dug into her skin so much that it began to draw blood. "W-why everyone is leaving...? Did I do something wrong..?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows together, her nekomimi pulled back against her skull. Shutting her eyes tightly, Luna tried to squeeze out the reaining tears in her eyes, feeling that if she cried anymore the ocean would be left empty.
((We'll forgive you Pai ^^))

"Of course I know that...I just meant it's bigger than I thought." Ritsu was completely unaware that his wording just now sounded like a That's What She Said sort of statement. He raised an eyebrow when the other male stepped into the water. Based on his natural cat instincts he absolutely despised even the very thought of water. Eek! Just gave him shivers! "You're crazy for going in there," He said as he remained out at shore, nice and dry.

Raising one of his eyebrows at the Haathral solider, Rai smirked mischiesvously as he silently scooped up a little water with his hands. "Am I now..?" Flicking the water towards Ritsu with his wrist, Rai burst out laughing as he seemed to habe thrown a little more than what he had meant to. The neko had flicked enougjh water to soak a shirt and he had just made Ritsu's hair quite wet.

After his laughter had calmed down, Rai suddenly realized what he had just done. He had thrown water at another clan's solider, if needed, that one action could start a war between the two clans. Swallowing his spit, Rai stared at Ritsu's ear, not wanting to look the other neko in the eye.
Ritsu had obviously not expected to experience the feeling of that cool lake water trunking down his back, oooohhhh, that definitely caught him off guard. With an eek of surprisement he quickly ripped his wet shirt off from above his head, quickly shaking the water out of his pale snow-colored hair. He hated water and nearly growled at the neko for just that. If it had been somebody back in his own clan he'd be running his mouth off with a list of foul language, but this wasn't a clan member, only a guy he just met. Not wanting to set a bad impression he forced himself to remain calm and wiped the angry glare away.

"It's difficult to tell whether you're a dog or kity," Ritsu tapped his bottom lip with his index finger as he stuck it out in a pouty-like way. He sighed before carrying on with shaking his head again. Scooping up a handful of water himself he managed to splash Rai back as his little revenge. "Punishment~"
((I have to sleep now! ^^" Sory for my infrequency, but I thik I'll be on again in..around 10-12 hours..? :3))
Lilian left her room to check something real quick to find that Luna left the room when she came back. Rubbing her temples with her hand, she let out a small sigh. 'These kits are going to be the death of me...' she thought as Lilian walked down the hallway. One of her ivory ears flicked forward as she heard Luna's choked voice, filled with sobs accompany with hiccups in between sentences. Lilian walked forward to find Luna in front of Xeon, with Xeon with a red cheek.

Lilian stayed silent as it was probably for the best to let Luna yell out her emotions instead of bottling them up and she needed to face the fact that Xeon couldn't date her as she was far too young. So she looked at the situation with her warm ebony eyes, silently giving support to the emotional distress nekos.
Cyrus smiled down at the other kit softly, turning around and heading back to put him into bed, once he had done, he came across Luna in a rather funny mood, sobbing about how everyone was leaving, the Kitten looked up at her.. He gently reached out a hand and pulled her into a hug..

"Luna.. Luna.. Shh.. Its me, its Cyrus... " He said, tears flooding his own eyes but he refused to let them fall, he hugged her tight and pet her ears...

"We'll go to the Special place, if you want and you can tell me...". The special place was where Luna had first found her 'little brother' sobbing his heart out because he didn't know where to go, what to do, or who to talk to..

Shiro nodded slightly suddenly pulling the other girl into a hug and petting her ears..

"Thankyou for saving me today.."
((Daaaaww!~ x3))


Feeling someone wrap their arms around her frame, her tears suddenly calmed down. "Cy...let go of me, please.." Her breathing was laboured as she hung her head, blocking her face from view. Luna placed her own hands over Cyrus's own smaller hands, undoing the hug he had on her.

Suddenly, Luna silently speed walked out of the room, not wanting to be around anyone. She just needed some time alone. Luna didn't even know why she was so upset. Luna knew that she was too young for Xeon, she knew that Xeon was sorry, but, Luna's chest still felt tight.
Lilian watched Luna leave the room, with concerned eyes she knew it was for a better to let Luna work through her emotion. She pat Cyrus head. "you did good Cyrus but give her time to herself. She'll be fine in a bit but if she isn't try to cheer her up." Lilian said with a smile.
Cyrus looked up suddenly at Lillian..

"I miss my Daddy.." He whispered, hugging her legs..

"I hate water so much..., that's why I had sort of a fit.. Sorry if I scared you there..."
Xeon smiled and the moon finally returned to normal as he stood up "I think she'll be fine..." he turned to Lily with his red cheek giggling 
he pet Cyrus's ears "its okay buddy, you know what? do you want to really be Luna's sister I think I'd make a great daddy" he smiled at the kit warmly


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