Neko Clans! ;3


Where is it...? Rai chuckled lightly and gestured for Ritsu to follow him, he was planning to go to the lake anyway. "Yeah, just follow me, princess." Laughing at his own joke, Rai wondered it Ritsu would even get it, most likely not. It was an inside joke with himself and a very funny rabbit. 

Luna scoffed at Xeon's "apology", her scowl deepening even more. "If sorry could fix everything, we wouldn't have any wars." With those words, Luna stood up, brushed the invisible dirt off her clothing, and excused herself. "Now, good day, gentletoms." Storming off, Luna wished that there was some sort of female that she could talk to! It was hard and lonely being the only female kit in the clan, Luna felt like no one could understand her!
Lilian walked down the hallway to see Luna walking away in a huff as she left Xeon. Tilting her head to the side a bit, she wondered what happened. Lilian walked towards Luna and petted her head.

Feeling someone pet her head, Luna swatted their hand away, not wanting any of their pity. Her face was as red as a bull in those weird cartoon things that humans watched all the time, Luna would look quite comical if she wasn't giving off quite the killing intent - AKA hormones. "I don't need your pity."
Lilian looked at Luna a bit surprsied but she it wasn't that noticeable. "How can I give you pity when I have no idea whats going on with you two?" she replied. Lilian looked at Luna, and saw that her posture held anger. Lilian wanted to rub her temples as she thought, 'Its happening isn't it....'
Xeon sighed *great... now everyone I care about hate me, Cliff's going to be the death of me...* he went into a ball of self pity his head in his knees *even Luna hates me...*
Cyrus whimpered a little as he was pushed off, covering his ears because everything felt 10 times as loud, he finally got up and wobbled a little.. Whimpering, he looked on for a minute before his vision went all cloudy and his knees buckled, the Kit lay blacked out on the floor..
((Is he....having a hangover...? *shot*))


After a few moments of silence, the hormonal preteen turned around and wrapped her arms around Lillian, sobbing into her chest. "No one understands!" Hic. "I d-don't know what to d-do!" The young kit was almost reaching up to Lillian's chin, she was growing quite fast. Curse you, puberty.
"Shh, shh" murmured Lilian as she wrapped her arms around the distressed girl. "Its alright, its okay. It just means you're growing." said Lilian as petted Luna's blonde hair. Lilian was slightly glad that Luna wasn't completely shutting her out as it would probably distress the girl more to go through this stage of llife in the dark.
( xD )

Xeon sobbed as Aia flew in again as a white Owl "seriously!? I just left a few minutes ago how emotional can you get?!!" Xeon looked up weeping Aia's eyes widened "Ack!, see what you did? you got so emotional you lost your voice, you know why that is?, when you cry the moon spirits cry too you share your soul with the moon!, now the moon refuses to go on with its cycle!, in other words until you fix yourself the day will never come!! its stuck in a eclipse!" Xeon's eyes widened great!, he caused a natural disaster!, how could he let this happen!! He started pulling his hair infuriated with himself 
(Xeon's sooo bi-polar)
((@Little Sister: good point xD but they're both so insecure and awkward, who knows how long it'll take for that to happen.)) 

paipai900 said:

Where is it...? Rai chuckled lightly and gestured for Ritsu to follow him, he was planning to go to the lake anyway. "Yeah, just follow me, princess." Laughing at his own joke, Rai wondered it Ritsu would even get it, most likely not. It was an inside joke with himself and a very funny rabbit.
"Princess?" Ritsu nearly questioned his words aloud but decided to instead keep it inside, even if the expression on his face gave it away. Did he look feminine or something? Even so he followed after this hunter as oddly enough imagined wearing a little crown in his head.
Cyrus' eyes soon fluttered open and he put a hand to his forhead.. Groaning and whimpering, he got up slowly and staggered to Xeon.. .. Flopping over his shoulder, his face white as anything..

"X-xeon I don't feel well.." He mumbled..
Faru looked around at everyone doing there own thing and he kept quiet. He felt bad that Luna got mad at me, because she thought that I was getting to much attention. Faru crawled away and hid behind the couch never wanting to be found.
((Awwwww! I feel terrible! Don't worry Faru! Luna will forgive you and you two will become BFFS!! x3))


Luna hugged Lillian tighter, her breaths uneven from her hiccups. "What do I do, nee-san?" The kit looked up at Lillian in expectation, thinking that the older neko would know what you were supposed to do with all these emotions. Her chest hurt from her sobbing, like it was getting tighter, Luna kept staring up at Lillian, her large green eyes waiting for an answer.
Straying away from Xeon, the younger kit walked over to Faru and pet his ear..

"Hey.. I don't know you that well.. B-but.. Please come out.." He whispered, gently bending down and rubbing his shoulder..
"I-I don't want to." Faru said softly although extremely comforted by this other kit. He couldn't come out because he knew that Luna didn't like him.
A light blush spread across the other's cheeks, he gently took Faru's hand and rubbed it gently..

"Come on, we can go somehwere else okay?" He asked, suddenly letting go and holding his head again, his eyes darted shut.. When the pain had gone again, he was left shaking.. He looked up again..

"So, come on Faru.. We'll go to my special place.."
"It dosent matter about my head, I'll stop by the healer on the way okay?" He asked quietly, before gently pulling Faru into a warm hug and petting his ears..
(Stupid alerts Dx )

Lilian petted Luna's hair, "Come lets speak in my room. It would be better to talk there instead of the hallway." she said calmly. She looked at Luna's green eyes with her ebony one's full of understanding. Lilian knew that talking may or may not help Luna as each person deals with there emotions differently, when she was going through this phase Lilian would spent her time running through the forest.
Once they'd stopped by the healer, he'd gotten some herbs to chew on and they'd helped a lot, his ears were a lot perky and he wasn't as pale.. He took Faru's hand in his own again..

"Where are you're mommy and daddy? " He suddenly blurted

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