Neko Clans! ;3

(Well, this is kinda awkward then. You know, since the cake is...inside them...Also, why the hissing and who's it directed at?)
( I saw it ^ v^ )

As Lilian walked down the plaza to make sure everything was going as plan, she felt odd without her pendant resting against her collarbone. She had that pendant ever since she joined Ethryn making her pull through hard times when she remembered what it meant to her, even though she would miss her pendant she knew that Greg need its more than her. Finding that the shipment for the medical for the neighboring tribe has been sent and the cherries for Haathral are ready to be delivered. Lilian nodded her head, "Thank you for your hard work."
(You can roll with it if you want Desu. Just make Faru freak out and assume Seren ate his cake. etc. ^ u^ Little kids think everything is theirs)
The child tugged on Luna's shirt softly, motioning for her to sit back down, he looked up at her for a second, eyes glazed over and glittery with tears, he stared into her eyes for a minute before putting his head back on the table and letting his tears fall, his headache was too much for him to handle this morning.

Shiro smiled softly, staring into Danye's eyes..

"You really are beautiful.."
( xD I was like omg waaaaah xD )

The child tugged on Luna's shirt softly, motioning for her to sit back down, he looked up at her for a second, eyes glazed over and glittery with tears, he stared into her eyes for a minute before putting his head back on the table and letting his tears fall, his headache was too much for him to handle this morning.


Her eyes closed slightly as she fell into the other girls arms, sighing softly, she jumped down and took her hand..

"I don't know where abouts you live, but if you'd like to come back to home and get dry, I wouldn't mind a bit"

((Oh okay :D ))


Frowning ever so slightly at Cyrus, Luna sat down in the chair and pulled the kit into her lap, stifling a yawn from her mouth. Leaning back in the chair, Luna kept her eyes trained on the kit and the beta, raising an eyebrow when she heard the kit's complaint about sweets. Personally, Luna liked spicy food better, but I guess that's just an opinion.

"You okay?" Luna ruffled Cyrus's hair softly, glancing down at the smaller kit with worry in her eyes. Having a headache like that wasn't normal, he probably needed to be taken to the healer.
The smaller Kit cuddled close to Luna.. Whimpering slightly and holding her close..

"Headache..." He mumbled into her chest, sighing and curling up in her lap..

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