Neko Clans! ;3

[QUOTE="TheDevil'sDaughter](@paipai900 what about Cyrus?:3)

((I had Luna already leave the nursery, so I thought he was talking to no one in particular. ^^" 

Luna glanced down at Gary and shrugged. "Alright." The kit beamed up at the server kitty and asked for some food with the most adorable face ever. "Thank you!~" Luna giggled softly as she internally smirked.
(Ahh, that will be why then, he was talking to Luna, so I'll have him come down with you two..)

Cyrus rubbed his eyes wonering where Luna had gone, he missed hugging her too.. He sighed and peeled back the blanket, when he had awoke he had been met with a raging headache, he sighed yet again and rubbed his head gingerly, making pain shoot through his skull, he hissed and whimpered, trailing dowstarirs to find Luna and that Faru kid, he went up and hugged Luna sloppily from behind, it seemed he was all of balace today too..

"My head hurts" he whimpered..

Luna glanced behind her to see Cyrus hugging her, the kit's green eyes softened slightly at the sight of the younger kit. "Why's that?" Luna grabbed the apple on the counter and handed it to Faru before taking a plate of salmon and going over to sit down somewhere.

Curling up on a coach, Luna began to dig into the food, savouring the juicy taste of the salmon. Her protesting stomach shut up when the fish came incontact with her stomach acids.
After getting food, the two Nekos sat at a small table. Seren took the last bite of his meal and looked around the area. He only saw the inn workers and three children. As he focused, he recognized one of them. 'That's the crazy girl from earlier.' That was the one who went to look for food in the forest.

Viza looked to where Seren held his gaze. "You know them, kid?" He didn't hear anything about what Seren did before they found each other. "Not really. She's just some crazy kid that bumped into me earlier." He picked his teeth with a toothpick and rested his chin on his palm. "The kids here aren't what I expected. They act like babies."
((-cough- that's because they are -cough-))


Sensing someone stare at her, Luna's senses suddenly perked up as she turned to look at two nekos. It was that weird kit from before and the beta of Haathral! Subconsciously moving to block Cyrus and Faru from view, Luna felt like it was her duty to protect the younger kits and she was feeling a little threatened by the other two nekos. She was, after all, turning eleven soon.

Moving her gaze away from the two Haathral nekos, Luna kept glancing back to make sure they weren't doing anything funny. Sure, Ethryn and Haathral were forming an alience, but you can never know what's going to happen.
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"Why do I need to be punished again?" Viza looked at the younger Neko and listened to his question. "Have you forgotten that you left home when you were told to stay?" Viza reached into his jacket and pulled out a bag. "As for your punishment..." Viza withdrew two pieces of cake from the bag. "We'll be eating this for dessert."

Seren placed when he saw the disgusting sugary treat in front of him. "This is cruel! Besides, you hate sugar too!"Viza took a bite of the stuff and placed the other in front of Seren. "Not as much as you." Seren glared at the Beta. "You are a sadist!"
When luna had sat back down, andother wave of pain rushed through Cyrus' head, making him grab his head and bite back tears.. Bit kits don't cry.. He looked up at luna and put his head down on the table, trying to hide his tears from his pain..
(@stormhawk324 srry 4 the late response)

Xeon was more red than ever *d-dont you run away from the monsters!* he told himself, he was way too flustered to think straight or think up a proper response so he just whimpered awkwardly shaking his head he was so scared... what will his reaction be? he let out soft whimpers expecting the worst he waited for Cliff's response latched to him defensively "Nya!" he couldn't even speak properly just whimpers and odd noises escaped
Zero heard Lilian agree and beamed at her. "Oh, thank you, I thought I was going to have to handle it, I'm just horrible at those things, romance escapes me, I even stutter, oh and thank you for not taking one of my rubies, I love my rubies." He finally paused for a breath and gave Lilian a hug. "Thank you so much for doing this."

"Doing what?" Greg mumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily.
Lilian returned the hug, blushing a bit in embrassment as the only hugs she recieves are from Xeon and the kits other people don't really interact with her for her strict beta behavior. Her ivory plae ears twitched as she heard Greg, breaking from the hug she face Greg. "Making sure you stay at the medical center under survilance." lied Lilian. Well it wasn't technically a lie as she was going to do this anyway.

"Do you have any idea fright the citizens had when the leader of Haarthal collasped in the marketplace?" she gently chided, as if Greg was a troublesome kit that needed to understand what she did wrong. "I understand that you are the leader but you should take better care for yourself. If not for you then for your people, your kin." Lilian paused to let out a soft breath, as her tail swayed, "Please stop being stubborn and know your limitations. You don't have to carry your burden yourself, let us help you. Or do think we don't matter?" Lilian looked at her with her ebony eyes at Greg, for an answer.
Zero was absolutely speechless as Lillian confronted Greg on her faults. Greg flustered for a response, her brain moving at a sluggish pace wasn't helping her formulate her sentences either. "It's not...It's just...I don't..." The leader sighed and rubbed her forehead gently. "...I'm not used to talking about my feelings or thoughts or personal matters. Everyone matters, I don't mean to hurt or worry anyone with my seclusion, I just like my privacy. It was stupid of me to disobey Zero, but sometimes you can't think straight when someone from your clan might be in trouble...I am sorry for any worry I've caused, but being solitary is just who I am." Greg certainly was a stubborn cat and she matched Lilian's stare with a guarded one of her own.
Lilian just continued to stare at Greg as she said, "Theres a difference between pirvacy and shutting out those around you." Her tone became softer as she said, "I don't expect you to change at a flip of a coin thats unheard of from a stubborn cat like yourself. I just want you to try to let someone support you at times you fall. As a clan is supported by the ties between citizens and neighboring clans by trust and understanding, so it wouldn't crumble when one pillar is shattered it still remains strong. You are just one pillar trying to support the foundation of your clan by yourself, what do you think would happen if we didn't save you today?"

Lilian gripped her jade pendant before pulling the necklace free from her neck before placing it in Greg's hand. "I feel like you might need this more than I do. May your mind gain peace and your body regain strength." She then turned around to exit the medical center to let Greg think about what she told her.
Seren now had a stomachache after eating the sugary cake. "Well, that should be good enough." The young Neko lifted his head from the table, feeling like he would vomit. "I'" Seren proceeded to place his head back on the table. "Ah, forget it." Viza leaned back in his chair and watched the display. "Just remember that feeling next time you disobey orders, kid"
Greg thought about what she said, listening to it in silence. There was a shocked look on both of the nekos faces as Lilian gave Greg her pendant. They watched her go and Zero gave Greg a look. She took the pillow underneath her head and put it over her face in an attempt to block out the light and mumbled, "Stop looking at me like that. Go find Viza and tell him he is responsible for seeing out the trade and making sure the clan's fine while I'm stuck in here." Zero left without another word to his leader, heading to find Viza and Seren.(You guys should like, totally check this out.
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(Um...I don't know. By the way Bree I kinda edited my post at the end. ^ v^'' Lilian gave Greg her jade flame shield pendant)

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