Neko Clans! ;3

MattieLee said:
Xeon smiled purring at his touch his tail waved happily "meoow!" he couldn't help it the way he felt was a feeling he loved and hated he shouldn't be affected this way by a simple hunter but Cliff was special... he wrapped his tail around Cliffs waist 
(lol, you should have Luna walk in on Xeon and Cliff xD )
Blood rushed to Cliff's cheeks to fill with color. He had not expected that form of physical contact. From embarrassment and confusion he removed his hand from Xeon's fuzzy ears. "Wh-What are you doing?" He smiled awkwardly.
Lilian nodded her head, "You're welcome, hopefully Greg recovers from what is ailling her." She looked at Greg's face noticing the wrinkles of pain smoothing out as she continued to sleep. "It would be best to keep her here instead of the capitial." whispered Lilian, as if speaking too loudly would awake Greg.
Zero nodded, "I agree, I want little known about this. I'm sorry for any worry we may have caused your clan and I hate to ask for more, but is there someone who could run an errand for me?" Zero rubbed a hand down his face and stifled a yawn, his healing taking more out of him than he previously wanted.
"Its alright, I already calmed down the citizens in the marketplace. So no need to worry." replied Lilian in a gentle tone. Her ebony eyes didn't leave Zero's face, as she felt that the less people needed the better plus she was already down with what was needed for today, before asking "What would you like me to do?"
Cliff turned away when Xeon pulled him in for a tight hug. This guy sure was snuggly. "Um, Xeon...when you said that I made you happy, were you trying to say that you like me?" His words were spoken softly so that nobody else could hear. "You act all love-struck around me."
He sent her a thankful smile before answering, "There are two of my clan, a Beta named Viza and a child named Seren, they will be near the Valor border and heading towards Haarthal. I need you to bring them here."
Viza and Seren reached Haarthal and began looking for Zero and their leader. "How did she get here?" Greg was injured so it was impossible to get here by herself. "Someone probably brought her without knowing." Zero was supposed to wait back home, not come here.

After awhile of searching, the two found the healer. "Zero, I found what you needed." He would have to ask why he left later, but this was more important.
Lilian's ear twitched hearing someone arrive in the medical center she turned her head to see Viza and Seren, "Its seems that my errand is done." She had a small smile on her face.
Zero looked up and sighed with relief. "Just in time, thank you." He quickly took the herb and began working, adding berries and other natural plants to make a liquid. "She was rather stupid, seriously stupid actually, and it is a wonderful blessing that you found this today."
Viza nodded to the healer. "See, you were worried about nothing, Old Man." Viza looked at Seren and raised a brow. "I was worried? If I recall, you were the one that said-" Seren jumped on the man's back and covered his mouth, slightly blushing. "S-Shut up already!" Viza peeled the kid off his back and set him on the ground. "We should probably go check on the Ethryn leader for the alliance. Besides, Zero needs to focus on his work." Viza walked off with Seren close behind, Viza's old sword now on the kid's back.
Lilian turned towards Zero, "Wouldn't it be wise to save the seeds of the plant so you wouldn't be searching for it later?" The golden bells attached to her hair making a soft chime.
Zero paused and looked up at her for a moment before smiling brightly. "Yes, thank you for telling me." He continued with his preparations, taking care to keep the seeds, and began pouring the liquid into Greg's mouth. "She'll be asleep for a few hours, and Viza, I want you back here when she wakes up!" He called after the two leaving before grinning at the stranger. "All this help, and I don't even know your name. I'm Zero, and you are?"
"I glad to be of some help." Lilian smiled back. She shook her head in amusement at the display Viza and Seren did as they exitied the center. 'Those two act like kits. If I didn't see Viza act professional before I would have assumed h was just like Xeon.' thought Lilian. "Hello Zero, I'm Lilian beta of Ethryn." she politely said with a smile.
"Beta? And you have knowledge of a healer's work." Zero smile, "Very nice. As for those two...Like brothers since they met. Greg just loves them to bits...Well, one more than the other." He caught himself quickly and blushed a deep red. "Not that she lets her private life interfere with her duties or anything, but I think that if she doesn't put herself first, Viza is going to continue seeing her as just a leader-Oh, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut." He sighed in defeat.
Lilian gave Zero a sheepish smile as he complimented her, she usually only help the healers when they need more paws on hand but besides that its just tending basic wounds and such. She smiled as she listened to Zero talk about Viza and Seren relationship that was similar to her relationship with Xeon. As Zero began to ramble off, Lilian covered her mouth to stifle her giggles as it was amusing to see Zero blush. "Its alright~" she said as soon as she controlled herself.
((mwahahaha! > :D I love my signature))


The kit sighed and took Faru's hand in her own and stormed off to go get some food. Brushing a few shoulder length platinum blonde strands out of her mouth, Luna furrowed her eyebrows a bit when she realized she had left her hair tie back in the nursery. Oh well.

Entering the Inn, Luna felt a grin appear on her face as she noticed she was finally taller than the counter! A full head taller to! Feeling very grown up, Luna knocked on the counter and waited for the server kitty to pop up and give her some food. Her stomach was beginning to growl quite loudly to.

Glancing over to Faru, Luna raised an eyebrow at the kit and asked, "Do you want anything?" She was feeling generous today, finally being taller than the counter had put Luna in a good mood. It seemed that the hormonal kit had completely forgotten about her little irritation a few minutes ago.
"What are we doing here?" Seren knew that they were staying in this inn, but why were they in this section. "We're getting food. Besides, I know you're hungry." Seren glared at the older Neko. "How would you know if I'm hu-" Seren face reddened a little when he was cut off by the growling of his own stomach. "F-Fine." Viza turned and approached the counter with Seren in tow.
Zero grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about that...I can't keep a secret if my life depended on it." That wasn't all true, he kept the important ones. "Your laugh is pretty." He blurted out before he could stop himself. Zero actually facepalmed as Greg began to become more restless behind him. I hope they make it back, I don't want to be the only one yelling at her.
Lilian smiled, "Well luckily for you I can keep what you said a secret between you and I." Her cheeks dusted a light pink that was easily visible against her pale skin as she heard Zero but she couldn't help to smile at Zero as he facepalmed himself. One of her ears twitched as Greg continued to move in her sleep.
"Well...You seem like a very nice girl...and I want to do something nice for my leader....So, maybe I could ask something of you? If you don't want to, that's fine, I don't mean to overstep or anything, it's just-" He sighed as he realized he was rambling again and he lowered his voice so as not to wake up Greg. "Do you think you could help set those two up with me?"
Lilian tilted her head as Zero began to ramble again, she continued to smile at him. "Okay. .so let me get this straight so you want me" she pointed to herself, "to set Viza and Greg together." Lilian softly said with anembarrassed expression on her face.
"Well, I'm not very good with situations, as you might have noticed, and you seem to have the patience to do it...I could get you a shiny ruby if you do! Oh, they are so shiny and I have tons at my home, I'm a collector of shiny things, and maybe you would like it? Wait, I need to stay on topic." He shook his head slightly before chuckling.
Lilian gave a sheepish smile, "I am a patient cat. I think anyone would if they have to take care of three kits." When Zero said that he'll get her a reward, Lilian shook her hands side to side, "No thats alright. I don't need anything" she refused, "Its enough that Greg would be happy with Viza."
paipai900 said:
"Uh..." Rai scratched behind his ears, trying to think of something to do. "There's always," the neko was thinking of many things that there was to do in Ethryn. There were many things! Because Rai didn't have much to do everyday, he spent time exploring the place, finding spots where even the others didn't know about. "The lake, I guess." Rai chuckled lightly and flashed Ritsu a silly grin, he didn't want to show the other neko his special spots just yet. Those spots were almost completely untouched by another neko, except for him of course. They had a kind of feeling to them, whenever you went there it seemed to become calm. But, whatever!
"The lake?" Ritsu repeated, his narrowed eyes seemed to soften up a bit and his crossed arms slid down to return to his sides. "But...don't you hate getting your fur wet? Never been swimming before in the cold water but it doesn't sound too tempting to my ears. Or did you mean fishing?"

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