Neko Clans! ;3

Lilian then send some of Hunters and Gathers so they can do some recon for the supplies that will be shipped. "Okay. Now thats done, I need to begin the preparation of the alliance between Haarthal." As she walked towards the marketplace she whispered, "I hope the kits aren't causing trouble for Xeon and Cliff.."
Zero was wandering around the market place when he caught sight of Greg. "What are you doing here?!" He hissed at her. "Making sure nothing goes wrong." "If you keep moving and stressing yourself out, something will!" "No it won't, I'll be fi-" Greg's whole body began to twitch and Zero recognized the signs of a seizure. "Greg!" He scooped her up in his arms and tried to keep her still as he went into the medical center once more and began treating her, doing his best in a forgein setting. "I need an expert healer!" He knew he couldn't do much with in a new place.
"You finally did it." Seren was currently laying on his back, panting with the knife in his hand. After hours of getting flipped, he finally managed to give Viza the tiniest of cuts. Viza helped the boy off his feet and the younger Neko reluctantly allowed him to.

"I...finally...did it! Now, about our deal." Viza released his hold on the boy and nodded. "I know, calm down." He began to pull the item off his back and he tossed it to Seren. After fumbling with it a bit, Seren held it in his hands. His eyes were captivated by it. The sword was truly beautiful.

Viza sat on the ground, leaning against a tree. "I still don't understand why you wanted it so bad. It's just an old sword." The sword was the one that Viza used when he was a clan leader. When his clan died, so did his use of the blade. He carried it on his back, but he wanted nothing to do with it or the bad memories that it harbored.

Seren looked at him with a faint blush crossing his cheeks. "I-I just wanted a sword, alright!" Of course that was a lie. If he wanted a sword, there were many others available, but he wanted this one. He would never reveal the true reason for why he wanted it. He sat down and felt something with his tail. Viza rushed over immediately and bent down to examine. "That's...
((Sure @stormhawk324 they'll "accidentally" bump into eachother. xD I'll have Rai in his signature spot again?))

In a beautiful grassy field, the sun shone on a slender figure laying in the grass, his long legs crossed over eachother as the neko's violet eyes stayed closed. It was a very pretty day, almost no cloud in the blue skies, there was no sign of a storm at all.

Rai released a relaxed sigh as he felt the sun beamed down on him, he was taking his usual catnap in his usual fields. The neko's short dark hair was sprawled out on the grass, his once pale skin was now slightly tanned from bathing in the sun rays all the time, although, it would most likely become pale again when the winter comes.
(( xD okay, cool!!))

Ritsu wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, keeping his eye on the sky, making the same mistake that the girly kitty did. Except instead of actually stepping ontop of Rai and getting forcefully shoved to the ground, he actually tripped and fell ontop of him. His eyes widened when he realized that he landed on a person, another male. "Well...this is awkward." He stated before he pushed him back off. "Sorry, don't cya there." Looking down at the other neko with his slightly narrowed pinkish-orange eyes.
Rai's eyes snapped open when he felt something kick him in the side and fall on top of the neko. This was happening a lot, wasn't it? The neko could never get a proper cat nap, could he? Rai suddenly stopped complaining as he stared into the other neko's bright red eyes. This was very awkward... "It's alright." Rai flashed the other neko a soft smile, placing his hand against the other neko's shoulders and pushing him a little. "Um...mind getting off, please?" The neko flashed the other a little grin, for some reason Rai was enjoying the close contact. Well, he doesn't have the Heart mark for nothing!
((I did say that he got off already...oh well.))

Ritsu brushed Rai's hands away before he pushed himself up off of the other guy. This is what he gets for admiring the scenery. He sighed before he extended his own hand out towards the neko, offering to help him up. "Are you getting your butt off the ground or should I just leave you here?" 
((@MattieLee: Xeon & Cliff were planning to take the kits to the lake with them, correct? Dunno if I just made that up in my head or not.))
((Oh. I thought that meant pushing himself off, not getting off....well..^^" Oops, sorry))

Rai took the neko's hand gratefully, feeling that he couldn't continue his cat nap after being tripped over, an adrenaline rush was bustling through Rai, his body had sensed danger when the other neko tripped on him. "Thank you." Rai nodded his head curtly as he dusted off the dirt from his clothing. A few strands of grass was left in Rai's dark silky locks as he ruffled his hair to get them off. "....Haarthal..?" The neko asked, seeing as he had never met the other neko and the Haarthal clan was visiting them currently.
((It's okay. I just needed to word it better -- my fault.))

Ritsu took his turn to nod a yes in reply. "Haarthal, indeed. Just an average soldier escorting a young lady safely over to another camp. Kinda just roaming now since she sent me off to do my own thing." He crossed his arms across his chest then shifted his weight to his right leg so that he was leaning on that hip. Doing a brief look up and down of the neko infront of him, he had difficultly identifying what sort of ranking he could possibly possess. Couldn't be the leader since he was just laying around in the grass but he was unaware that their current leader was all child-like compared to this one. "You a hunter or a soldier?"
((Haha! No, I'm just as thick headed as a brick wall xD ))

Rai chuckled lightly and tucked his hands into the back pocket of his pants. Sticking out his tongue in a playful way, Rai was a little embarrassed to tell the soldier neko that he was an omega. As a little kit, Rai dreamed about becoming a soldier and trained all the time to do so. If only he didn't have such terrible luck, maybe he could've become someone useful. Someone who people looked up to rather than down. So, Rai foolishly choose to lie. "H-hunter." The neko stuttered out, not liking how he had to lie. A bad feeling grew in Rai's chest as he instantly regretted saying that he was a hunter, but he couldn't change anything now, could he?

((Cue bunch of drama and fluff > :D ))
Ritsu raised an eyebrow at the neko. "You don't seem too sure about that..." Perhaps he was just jumping to conclusions about the uncertain stuttering and this guy was just shy or it was an Ethryn thing. Kicking that feeling aside he returned to the friendly male's answer. Might as well question his name so they're not just awkward strangers. "A hunter, huh? Really I'd rather be a hunter myself, considering that I prefer stalking wild prey instead of...what I do now, but can't exactly change that." With a shrug he decided to introduce himself for a start. "My name's Ritsu. You?" 
((Why the lies Rai?!))
((STOP. DRAMA TIME! *epic dance moves* xD it's just the beginning of a giant chain of drama everyone...))

Feeling very relieved that the neko - Ritsu - had changed the subject, Rai flashed him a bright smile and nodded curtly at him. "My name's Rai, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ritsu." Many people would think Rai spoke like a robot, but this was how Rai was taught growing up. "Don't act like a snob because you're useless." Rai could still remember everyone's words whenever he messed something up. Shrugging the past off, the neko quickly focused back on the present and grinned at Ritsu. It was good that the soldier didn't think too much about the lie. Rai could feel his nose growing like Pinocchio.
((*dances too* *fails miserably* DRAMA!!))

Ritsu wasn't the most suspicious person and even he did ponder about things, usually he'd keep to himself about them. That's just how he was. "Rai," he repeated the name, letting it roll off his tongue, if their neighboring clan was now their friends it'd probably be best to remember a name of two. Plus it may sound silly but he kinda liked the name. "Well Rai the hunter, what is there exciting to do around Ethryn? I've been looking for something to entertain myself with."
Thew smaller Kitten, Cyrus silently followed his best friend, luna.. Shaking his head slightly, he could always make the older kit smile, not matter how rotten she was feeling, he slowly opened the door to the nursery and went to Luna, who was thrashing around on the couch, muttering about how everything was stupid, he sighed and kissed her forhead, sitting down beside her.. His floppy red hair covering his eyes..

"Lulu..." He whispered.. "I'm going to stay with you alright, I don't want you alone"
(@stormhawk324 yeah they were but Luna's crisis 1st lol)

Xeon sighed, he really didn't want to deal with this time of Luna's life... he looked to Cliff and then to Cyrus smiling he would have to start treating Lulu like a young woman from now on the thought scared him "My little girls growing up..."
Luna opened her eyes and stared at Cyrus, the frown on her face softening just a little bit. The irritation from before suddenly turned into grief and sadness. When did she become so soft? "Don't call me that, Cy." Luna muttered, her voice muffled by the blanket she was huddled in. Looks like the kit was beginning to speak in first person. Moving over to make more space on the couc, Luna opened her arms wide, gesturing for a hug. A bunch of emotions just seemed to be crashing in on Luna, and she didn't even notice until after it had been done. "Don't leave, okay?" The older kit mumbled as she pulled Cyrus to her like a teddy bear and snuggled close to him.
Xeon watched the two happily starting to tear up "Aww!..." why couldn't he and Cliff be like that? he cried sweet tears of joy "she finally found somebody her own age...*sniffle*"
Cyrus looked at her, hugging her tight and wrapping his tail around her waist..

"Its okay, luna.. I'm not going anywhere kitten" he whispered, pulling her into his lap and storking her ears..

"So are you going to tell you're little brother what's wrong?" He asked, his voice still a tentive whisper..
Xeon couldn't help it watching young love blossoming before his eyes, he had too! he plunged at Cliff from behind leaving Faru on the floor "Aww! Cliff why cant we be that close?..." his tail waved happily in the air he looked down at him with his signature smile beaming lunar radiance
And with those words, Luna had fallen asleep in Cyrus's' arms, a light snore coming from her mouth as she held her little brother like a stuffed animal. "Goodnight, Cy..." Luna mumbled softly as she lay on the couch and fell deep into sleep, her silver-blonde locks falling in front of her face.
Cyrus gently Lay down next to her and pulled her close into his chest, feeling warm breaths against him, making him smile, he slowly began to rock Luna in her sleep, singing a small lullaby softly, he loved luna so much, she had always been there for him, since the day she'd found him sobbing in the forest, when his father had dissapeared, she ment everything to him.. As the Kitten was thinking, he slowly drifted off with luna's arms and legs entangled with his own, cuddled together under the blanket, with his tail wrapped around her waist.

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