Neko Clans! ;3

((Awww bear/desuu! They should become bffs later! So cute! xD ))

Luna huffed and looked away, closing her eyes and pointing her chin up in a very snobby manner. Who does this kit think he is? I mean, come on! "I am Luna." The female kit muttered lowly, her green eyes just glancing over to Faru for a moment. After saying those words, Luna felt amazed with herself, did she just talk in first person? A small ball of pride grew in Luna's chest, if this was a cartoon her nose would've grown from her giant ego.
Zero watched them go, his face a mixture of sadness relief. 'Hurry back', he thought before heading back into the house and taking care of his leader who was beginning to rouse. "Ow, ow, ow..." Greg's head ached still, but it was just a dull throb as she sat up. "Relax and take it easy, I'm making you some food." Zero took care of Greg all day, turning down any visitors with the story of Greg catching a bug from Ethryn.
Lilian walked towards the storage house and check what the clan would be needing. "We have enough spices, produce, and herbs to last us a few months." Lilian whispered to herself. She picked up several of the medicine they had in stock and figure out how much to give to the neighboring clan. "Okay I think we can part will two kilograms worth of supplies." Lilian nodded her head. She exited the buillding after informing the nekos managing the storage to ship a cago full of medical supplies to the clan that suffering from the Cat Pox.
( xD uh-oh Lunas hitting puberty I think Xeons in trouble...)

Xeon watched the two kits on his shoulders chuckling to himself "nice to meet you Faru my names Xeon, but Luna calls me "big kitty"
Luna frowned and punched Xeon lightly. "Big kitty equals fat kitty." The kit was not having a good day, she PMSing? Luna's frown increased as she got even more irritated, and she didn't even know why! Everything just pissed her off completely. "Urgh!" She really needed to punch something, get her hormones out a bit. Furrowing her eyebrows together, Luna scowled and felt like something was kicking her in the gut repeatedly.
Jumping out of Xeon's arms, Luna hunched over and stormed off into the nursery, feeling absolutely terrible. Curling up on the couch, Luna pulled a warm blanket over herself and went into a cocoon pose, curled up into a ball like an armadillo. "Stupid Xeon, stupid Faru, stupid blanket, stupid floor, stupid shoes," and the list went on as the kit growled out all the things she thought were "stupid".
Zero worked all day, giving Greg doses of pain reliever when she needed it. Which was so often that he ran out of the supply of nettle. "Stay put, Greg, I need to ask Ethryn if they have any nettle. left." He made sure she was comfortable on the couch before making the journey to the neighboring clan. "I'm here for healer business." He told the guards and was let in, heading straight for the nearest medical center.
"Try again" Seren charged at the older Neko with his knife, but was flipped on his back. "How am I supposed to do this if you keep flipping me!?" The two weren't able to find the plant, so Viza decided to continue Seren's training while they waited for the next search. "An enemy will not show mercy to a child. Until you can land a hit on me, you will be trained on this lesson continuously."

Seren charged once again, only to be flipped once more. "I hate you!" Seren would've given up a long time ago, but two things kept him from doing so. He wanted to become stronger for the clan and he wanted what he was promised if he could finish this portion of the training. He and Viza made that deal a week after their training started. His reward for completing it, would be the item Viza always carried around his back.

He charged again, determined to get his reward. Once again, the child was flipped. "Stop with the flipping already!"
(Greg's major health issue was revealed to Viza and Seren, Luna is going through puberty, Greg is alone in Zero's house, Zero went to Ehtryn in search of nettle, and Xeon was meeting the new kit, Faru)
(Yupp, only Zero knew until it reared it's ugly head and she was brought home by Viza, basically what it is is her brain swells periodically so it pushes against her skull and it's getting worse, Zero has said she has only a month left. But, don't tell your charries that ^^)
((Ahh :c poor girl. Won't tell a soul~)) 

paipai900 said:
((Well, Ritsu's a soldier for Hathy, right? Maybe after Greg's little accident the next time they come over they could send him just in case, perhaps? Or maybe they could just meet at the borders, like "hey what's up? How you doin' babe?" Lol, what am I typing?))
(("Babe"? xD that certainly would be peculiar!! Either of those could work for me, you decide.))
stormhawk324 said:
(("Babe"? xD that certainly would be peculiar!! Either of those could work for me, you decide.))
((Haha! Yes, "Babe". xD Um, decisions, decisions, decisions. I'm alright with any, really. I think once Greg comes back they could meet? That way there's more time and stuff like that. Oh, snap, just remembered that Ritsu's straight, this is going to be good. x3))
Greg began to grow worried and bored. Getting up, she carefully held her head and began to go through the town, trying to attract as little attention as possible as she searched for Ritsu to accompany her. @stormhawk324
((@paipai900: Honestly...I forgot he's straight too. xD And he's my character!))

Ritsu was currently balancing very so steadily on a rather thin branch way up high in a birch tree. Spent most of his time up in trees -- watching over the horizon, collecting some extra prey, sleeping...regular cat stuff like that. Right now, he necessarily wasn't doing anything important, more like practicing his balance.
Greg leaned against the tree he was in and looked up at him, her face in a brief look of pain. "Ristu? I need you to accompany me to Ethryn." She rubbed her head a bit, trying very hard to stay together.
Ritsu heard the female's voice and jumped down from the tree to answer her request, landing with ease on his feet for once. "Ethryn? Well...I suppose so. Sure." He nodded his head once as he brushed himself off. "Is your head okay?" This was asked out of curiousity, she didn't look exactly great to be honest.
"Yes, perfectly fine. Thank you for asking." Greg said in a monotonous voice as she began walking in the direction of the Ethryn clan. She would occasionally take a drink of some powdery liquid but otherwise stayed silent as they reached the borders and the guards let them in. "Feel free to explore the town, you can meet me back here in an hour."
Ritsu nodded when he excused her, "Take care of yourself." He called as he watched her slowly walk off. Greg was a bit of a quieter girl, at least towards him, usually that meant that they had something to hide. Whatever though -- didn't appear to be any if his business so carried on his way.

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