Neko Clans! ;3

Seren nodded and ran off to get the bags without so much as hesitating. 'Which one of us is really whipped?' Viza was always calm and collected, but that kid brought out a different side of him. The two acted just like bickering brothers. "That kid..."
"Don't forget you, too." Greg knew this was the worst one yet. Was it getting worse? How long did she have now? Her brain ached and she stopped thinking, swaying on her feet. Greg could feel herself loosing consciousness and after a moment, her limp body was falling towards the ground.
"Miss?" Viza saw his leader falling and slid under to catch her. "Are you alright?" Was she sick? Did he give her something? That had to be it!? He had somehow gotten his leader sick! He was a terrible Beta! Terrible!
Greg was in sweet darkness, feeling nothing at all, for only a moment before her brain shoved her back to reality. She felt arms around her and opened her eyes a bit to see a blurry Viza. "...I'm fine...Don't let anyone...see me like...this...take me...home..." She asked through her shallow breathing. Even with tears of immense pain falling down her cheeks, Greg still thought of her clan.
Viza nodded and helped his leader up on his back. Seren soon came running out with their stuff, making his way over to the Beta. Viza leaned in to hear the kid's whisper. "Hey, what the hell did you do?" He left for a just a little bit and this happens. "I don't know and watch your language." He took most of the items and let Seren carry the rest. Even with all the items in his hands, Viza still managed to pick up Seren. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Who did he think he was, picking him up like some house cat. "Pipe down for awhile. I'm gonna run there so hang on." Seren blinked in confusion. "What do you mean hang on, Old Ma-" Seren was cut off by Viza speeding towards home.
Greg lay there, weakly hanging on to Viza on his back, as he ran. Her tears ended up soaking through his shirt and she drifted in and out of consciousness until they were home. Once she was in the borders, Zero felt her pain. He quickly made his way to find Viza carrying her and Seren. "Bring her in here." He called before returning to wooden home and he began mixing powerful pain relieving herbs. "Hurry or we'll end up loosing her!" Why on earth did she not listen to him?!
Viza listened and did as instructed. "Zero, what's wrong with her? She seemed fine all day." He hadn't seen one sign of this all day. "Is she sick? Is she injured?" He didn't have any idea what was wrong and he didn't like it.
MattieLee said:
(Yay!, I made Xeon my avatar)
Xeon looked over to Cliff with an eyebrow raised "what if we took them with us?" he asked he really wanted to go even if they weren't alone it would still be fun
((@MattieLee: awesome!! ^^))

Cliff pondered about this question for a moment before nodding his head. "Sure, I don't see why not." Couldn't think of any reason why they shouldn't. 
((@paipai900: how are Ritsu & Rai supposed to meet?))
Zero paused in his mixing for a moment before returning to making the powder. "Lay her on the couch over there. Keep an eye on her pulse." He avoided Viza's questions as long as possible as he focused purely on his work. Greg, meanwhile, was fighting to stay awake. The darkness kept trying to drag her under but she focused on the muffled voices around her to remind her of her clan, keeping her conscious for a bit longer.
Viza set her on the couch and waited patiently. If Zero wasn't going to answer, he was fine with that. He was busy helping Greg deal with whatever she was going through. "I'll be outside making sure things are going accordingly. I don't want to stay here and disrupt your work." Viza headed outside, where Seren was waiting. "Well? What's wrong with her?" Viza walked along with him, trying to keep his mind on other things. "I don't know. Zero will tell us when he's finished."
((Well, Ritsu's a soldier for Hathy, right? Maybe after Greg's little accident the next time they come over they could send him just in case, perhaps? Or maybe they could just meet at the borders, like "hey what's up? How you doin' babe?" Lol, what am I typing?))
Zero was grateful when Viza left and he began to mix the powder into a glass of water. Once that was finished, he helped Greg wake up and drink every drop. With his hand on her forehead, he sent her a bit of his energy to stay awake while the medicine took affect. Greg knew when a sudden burst of energy pushed back the darkness ebbing at her vision that she was going to make it once more. She stared blankly at the ceiling as the serum worked it's way through her blood stream and to her brain. Zero, once he was satisfied she would be alright, e his way outside to find Viza. "You got here just in time, thank you for bringing her home."
Xeon smiled back at the other Neko "Alright then lets go" he said carrying Luna in his arms glad she didn't see anything he gestured for Cliff to follow him
Viza nodded. "It's my job as a Beta to ensure our Leander's safety." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his carton. "What's exactly wrong with her, Zero?" He still needed to know. It was his job to know everything about the clan and what was happening. This pertained to that field.
Zero sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "...She didn't want anyone to know but since her condition has gotten worse...You remember the stories of the fight that killed her parents? Well, she was there and with no other clan members with her, she was attacked as well." He paused, knowing she would be furious with him. "Greg got away seemingly unscathed but there is a long scar on the left side of her face. She had a rock smashed on her head and her brain...Well, it swells to where its putting pressure on her skull." He stopped there, not wanting to say what else he knew of her condition.
Xeon stopped and noticed the little kit squirming around he picked him up smiling with Luna on one shoulder and Faru on another "haha!, its ok little one, what's your name?"
"That's an extreme issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. She should be kept here while I attend to things with the other clans." If Greg was this bad, she needed to stay here. "I know that there's a way to heal her. All swelling can be undone and all pressure can be relived." His healer from his old clan taught him quite a bit about healing, jut in case he would ever need it. "I know she's gonna want to come regardless of what I say, but I need you to keep her here. She's in no condition for traveling." Viza put his hand on Seren's head, looking down at the Neko. "Besides, if things go sour, I've got this kid with me."
((I have a feeling that Luna's going to hit puberty soon...very soon...))

The kit stared at Faru, judging him from his words to his appearance, Luna's olive green eyes narrowed slightly while she did so. She was still very hungry, and then some new kit pops up, stealing Xeon's attention from her. Luna was not having a great day. Rubbing her protesting stomach, Luna leaned back against Xeon, wrapping her arms around his neck protectively.
Zero sighed. "I don't think I can keep her here. And no matter what I do to stop the swelling, it's only temporary." He glanced back towards his house before looking at Viza again. " Our leader is very stubborn, but I'll try my best. Don't tell anyone else of her condition, she doesn't want anyone to know." Zero couldn't stand it anymore. Finally he looked at the two pleadingly. "She doesn't have much longer to live, Viza, but I think, if my research is correct, that there is a plant in the unoccupied land between Valor and here. If you can find it, forget about the other clans and bring it straight back here." His voice grew sad. "Based on today's attack...she has at most, a month left."
Viza froze with that information. "I'll begin searching immediately. Seren, we're leaving." The younger Neko got on Viza's back and he began running. "Seren, you keep looking at the map and direct me to the spot highlighted. That's where most herbs and plants are." Seren pulled out the map from his pocket and used his compass to put them on course. "Head west."

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