Neko Clans! ;3

(Is back)

Lilian rubbed her face with her hand as Luna ignored her and walked deeper into the forest. Having no other choice to go after her, she pulled Faru on her back and swiftly ran to catch up to the kit. As she ran, Lilian made sure to keep her steps light and silent as she tried to hear Luna.

Once Lilian heard Luna's yell she let out an unsurprised breath and quickly ran into that direction.
Xeon grinned wide. his youthful eyes shimmering "R-really?! Yay!" He suddenly jumped up at the older neko and into his arms "Cliffy!" The owl had left just to leave a panther cub of all things in its place it hopped onto Xeons shoulder as he jumped out of Cliffs arms almost as fast as it happened Xeon smiled and picked it up "Aia!" he kissed its forhead and petted its head
Seren watched the other two run into the forest and he was getting a little annoyed. Apparently the Ethryn clan was made of arrogant children and adults who ignored you. He ran into the forest as well, following the others. That lady still needed to answer his question.
Cliff let out another sigh, making sure it was almost silent since he didn't want his leader to overhear. The sigh was only because he was being called "Cliffy" again. Just sounded all girly, still not wanting to admit that he was a girly male. He slid his hands deep into his jean pockets. "H-How...?" He was trying to question the owl/cub.
Lilian tried to locate Luna, not knowing that there was another kit in the clearing they were just at. Seeing Luna's blonde head, Lilian swiftly ran up to Luna and swept her off her feet and into her arms. Lilian let out a sigh of relief as Luna didn't wander too far into the forest.
When the elder cat finnaly stopped, he approached her. He was definitely not gonna let her run away again. He spoke louder this time, just in case this lady was as deaf as she was blind. "Hey! I'm. Right. Here. I'm. In. Front. Of. You." If this cat didn't see him this time, he was gonna tear out his hair.
Lilian turned her head towards another raven-hair kit, her white ears twitching at his shout. "No need to shout, sorry if I didn't see you before." she said in a calm tone. Knowing that she must look silly, the beta of the Ethryn clan is a babysitter/mother for some of the kits. I'll probably drop them off with Xeon, I can't be doing my duties with kits hanging off me, she mused to herself.
The cub spoke clear english "My name is Aia a spirit guardian of the moon, to be more specific I guess you could say I'm Xeon's spiritual guide he was sad so I came, simple as that but I see you made him feel better, Thank you for that" the cub purred at Xeon scratching its ears and yes "its" it had no gender although it sounded slightly feminine
'Finnally!' He let out a sigh and looked at the woman. Was she a babysitter or something? "I'm looking for the Beta of Haarthal. Have you seen him?" If she said no, he was gonna scream. He did not come all the way here just to hear "No."
Lilian noticed that the kit looked like he was near the verge of a mental breakdown. Focusing on the child before her with her dark eyes, Lilian answered "Viza. He's staying at the capital building along with Greg. You could probably find him in one of the guest rooms. Well I have to get going, have a nice day child" She adjusted her hold on Luna and went back towards the capital building.
Seren muttered a thanks and waited for the others to be out of earshot. "Blind Cat..." He had now officially given the girl a nickname. He didn't really care what her real name was. From now on, she was Blind Cat.

As Seren began walking out of the forest, he heard a rustle in the trees. He pulled out his knife and prepared for the worst. "What do you think you're doing here, kid?" Seren sheathed his knife when he saw the owner of the voice. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Old Man!"
Aia reverted back to an owl and flew away as Xeon waved he smiled back to Cliff and gave him his magical smile "are we going to the lake or not?" He walked back over to the other neko and wrapped his arms around his neck he was the same height as Cliff but had more of a figure than he did making him look like he was slightly taller he nibbled Cliffs neko ear playfully whipering his name in his ear "Cliff..."
( xD Does Greg have a nickname as well? )

Lilian walked inside the capital building with the kits in towed and walked up towards Xeon's room only to see the leader nibble on Cliff's ear. She quickly covered Luna's eyes to avoid an upcoming tantrum that she did not have the patience of going through. Hopefully Faru was too busy playing with her hair to notice.

(Moment ruined :P )
Cliff watched the owl/cub fly off before he could even say a word. Once again the neko leader surprised him by slipping his arm in sneakily around his neck and pulling him into his side. This wasn't as embarrassing as the flirty nibble on his sensitive ear, making him squeal a little. Xeon knows my ears are sensitive!! He thought but his face turned even more red when he took notice of the observing Lillian. Had she seen that moment just now?
( xD poor Luna's gonna be so jealous... @paipai900)

Xeon stopped what he was doing after hearing the door open, he blushed a deep crimson and panic'd "I-I its not what you think!..." *yes it was...* he backed away slowly flailing his arms around in denial he bumped into Cliff falling on top of him backwards "W-wow!"
(Its a good thing Lilian is covering Luna's eyes.)

Lilian let out a sigh as she didn't have enough hands to carry and cover the kits eyes. She knew that she would have to deal with Faru's questions later, if he was paying attention. Giving Xeon and Cliff an unamused look with her dark eyes., "Seeing as you two don't look busy. I'm leaving the kits with both of you." she said in a calm but stern voice. Her lips were in a frown as she silently gave them a message with her eyes, 'Don't do ANYTHING inappropriate or I'll hurt you'.
"X-Xeon, get off of're heavier than you look." Or Cliff was just weaker than looked. Mostly just more embarrassment piled ontop of another. Both of the males' faces were burning red by now. Ahh, gay love! He raised an eyebrow of confusion at Lillian's words. "Wait what? Why do we have to watch them?"
(Oh my glob I lmao'd reading that)

Xeon blushed red at the kits and if Lily ever scared him it would be now with that look in her eyes... he hugged onto Cliff "Cliff I'm scared!" He buried his face in his neck he knew Lily mean't buisness when it came to the kits
Viza and Seren walked back to the capital, arguing talking along the way. "Aren't you gonna yell at me for not staying at home, Old Timer?" Viza looked ahead, listening to Seren along the way. "I knew you were coming no matter what I said, Delinquent." Seren looked at the older Neko from the corner of his eye." Fair enough. Also, I'd like my property back, Smokey." Viza now looked at the child from the corner of his eye as well. "Maybe I'd give it back if you'd listen to my orders for once, Shorty." This banter continued until they reached the capital.

As they emerged from the forest, the two Nekos were literally butting heads. "Pepper Head!" The two had been firing insults at each other for over thirty minutes. "Pipsqueak!" It was surprising they hand't run out of breath by now. "Smog Breath!" You did have to hand it to them. They kept coming up with nicknames without stopping. "Queeny!"
She turned to look at Cliff and sweetly said, "Cause I would rather keep this alliance between Haarthal long lasting." Lilian keep her tone calm to make sure the kits won't get upset, but her eyes conveyed a different feeling all together. It was for this purpose she was given the title Beta, to be stern to keep order. "Now if you cease your 'foolishness' you have kits to take care of."
Xeon whimpered his ears down to his head "y-yes mamm..." he slowly got up off Cliff and took Luna in his arms hoping she didn't see any of that...
Lilian patted Xeon's head and gave him a smile that showed she meant no hard feelings. She pulled off Faru off from her shoulder's and placed him in Cliff's chest. Lilian then turned to exit the room, waving goodbye to Xeon and Cliff. "Thanks for your help." she said in a light tone. As soon as exited the capital building she looked at the sky gauging the time, 'Good I still have the rest of the day to get my tasks done' she thought to herself.

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