Neko Clans! ;3

(Cyrus, yup. In his last post he knocked out on Xeon's bed. ....Hopefully Cyrus is a heavy sleeper for Cliff and Xeon's sake.)
Waking up from a rather fitful sleep, Cyrus snuggled down into Xeons bed, It was was warm and fluffy and cosy and it felt so nice, his red hair was spiked up in all different directions and his ear were standing on end, he walked out of the door and looked up, seeing Xeon, and Cliff, and Luna.. And.. Who was that kit?

Cyrus looked up to Xeon, seeing the wild blushes on his and Ciff's faces..

"Well done!" He squealed "you faced the monsters!" He added, crawling up xeons leg and hugging Luna tight..

"I missed you kitty!" He whispered into the blondes ear, he had been in hospital for a week after contracting the Flu, he giggled before hugging luna again.
Cliff stuck out his bottom lip all pouty-like when he unwillingly received Faru into his arms. He didn't know how to deal with children so this may not end so well. "Guess the lake will have to wait," These words were directed to Xeon but spoken in such a quiet voice that the neko might not have even heard. He looked down at the tiny male neko in his arms.
( xD Lily you always ruin my fun...)

Xeon looked at Luna with guilty eyes if she saw any of that he'd never hear the end of it...
(I dunno either way I'm good I just don't want to make like 5 new pages and then everyone logs in tommorow and their like what?)
@Lucem Tenebris Greg waited outside the building, her hands on her hips and a glare on her face. She watched her clan members fighting and insulting each other for a moment, her glare worsening. "You two just don't know when to shut your mouths do you? Honestly, Sere, we are in another clan and you are fighting with the Beta! Viza, you're yelling at on of our kits! How does that make our clan look?"
(Yay!, I made Xeon my avatar)

Xeon looked over to Cliff with an eyebrow raised "what if we took them with us?" he asked he really wanted to go even if they weren't alone it would still be fun
Viza stood straight, immediately looking away from Seren, while the younger Neko gave a salute. They seemed to be very alike when it came to respecting the leader. "Yes, I aplologize, Miss." To be fair, Viza wasn't really yelling. His voice was only a little above normal. Seren, however, was full on shouting. The two looked at each other and they held no expression on their faces. They were having a silent conversation. 'You are so whipped, Beta Boy.' Things like this were a constant between them. "Tell me that when you can see her and not salute, Solidier Boy."
(XDXD it hurts to laugh yet I still am xD ) Greg sighed and rubbed her temples, another migraine seeping it's way into her head. She didn't look up at the two, afraid she might have tears in her eyes, as she gave them an order. "Stop the bickering while we are here. Seren, be a dear and go and collect our things from the guest rooms. It seems we will be cutting our visit short." She knew she shouldn't have refused the herbs Zero offered, and now she was paying the price. Her head throbbed as if it was slowly splitting open, but she made sure to keep the pain out of her voice.

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