Neko Clans! ;3

Cliff blushed slightly at Xeon's words. Why was he so embarrassing sometimes? And how did they have a leader that acted no more mature than a mere child? These were just a few questions running through that neko's mind. Even so, he wasn't falling for that smile of his, not yet at least. Stepping a bit aways from Xeon, he began ruffling up his own hair in confusion.
Lilian ears twitched as she heard a cry through the marketplace, quickly paying the merchant for her goods. She tried to find the soucre of the cry and saw a tomcat carrying someone towards the medical center. Lilian tried to calm any of the bystanders that were close to the two nekos and based on there ramblings of the situtation, based on there descriptions Lilian deduced that the female that collasped was no other than Greg. She told them not to worry and headed towards the medical center. Upon entering the center there was oredered chaos as various healers were workings hard to stabilize Greg. Lilian did kknow some basic healing skills but she wouldn't be much use in this situation, seeing a distraught cat. She walked towards Zero, with concerned ebony eyes.

"Uh..." Rai scratched behind his ears, trying to think of something to do. "There's always," the neko was thinking of many things that there was to do in Ethryn. There were many things! Because Rai didn't have much to do everyday, he spent time exploring the place, finding spots where even the others didn't know about. "The lake, I guess." Rai chuckled lightly and flashed Ritsu a silly grin, he didn't want to show the other neko his special spots just yet. Those spots were almost completely untouched by another neko, except for him of course. They had a kind of feeling to them, whenever you went there it seemed to become calm. But, whatever!


Luna curled up next to Cyrus, wrapping her own tail around his torso and cuddling close to the other source of heat. The kit mumbled something incoherent and completely fell into deep sleep, a little dream playing in her mind...

She was flying through the blue skies, passing through clouds and narrowly missing a few birds. Wait, no. Luna was falling. A sudden fear struck Luna as she looked down to see miles of height she was covering, sure, cats can land on their feet, but when dropped from the moon? I don't think so.

Just before Luna was about to hit the ground, the scene changed. She was in the forest, didn't know which forest, but she was in a forest. The scents and scenes all around her felt unfamiliar, it was both exciting and terrifying.

A figure of another little neko slowly emerged from the bush, everything was quiet, you could only hear the footsteps of the other neko, and Luna's own breathing. Even with sensitive cat ears, that was all you could really hear. A sigh of relief escaped Luna's lips as she ran up to the other neko, thankful that someone was here.

Bear. It was a bear. Luna's eyes widened in fear as she realized that she was now in ranged of a bear attack. Was she going to die just like her parents? Being ripped limp by limp by a bear? The kit was frozen in fear as the bear grabbed her and tore her apart with its strong jaws. Right before Luna "died" she saw a somewhat familiar kit. She didn't know his name, but something inside her thought;


The kit awoke with a cold sweat going down her neck. What in the neko was that? Who was this Seren kitty anyway? Shrugging it off, Luna made a mental note to never eat those weird looking berries by the lake, they probably caused delusions.
Xeon frowned making a pouty face sticking out his bottom lip and making his cutest begging face possible closing one eye and batting his paw "nya?" his eyes were all sparkly and he looked like a puppy begging to be petted this almost always worked... Xeon was back to his childish ways craving attention his ears plopped down cutely *wow... this is so embarassing* he thought 
(omg paipai your signature scared me to death...)
Faru tried to ignore the still going emotions. First Luna and Cyrus were cuddling, now Xeon and Cliff were basically teasing each other. He sighed inwardly and went back to playing with his tail.
((Aww, poor Faru's not getting any attention.))

Cliff couldn't help but give into Xeon's sudden display of cuteness. With a small smile he reached up to gently stroke one of his leader's kitty ears. "You're so weird sometimes," he stated in amusement.
((Awww! Faru!! I'll interact with you! :3 We need them to become best friends anyway xD ))


Luna climbed out of Cyrus's hold, careful not to disturb the other kit from his sleep. She had remembered that she hadn't ate anything yet and was absolutely starving! The older kit rubbed her eyes, quickly letting them adjust to the dark. Suddenly, while Luna's olive eyes were still adjusting, she tripped over something. A kit to be exact. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Luna jumped up again, brushing off the dirt from her clothing and making sure that the kit she tripped over was alright. 
((lol mattie xD That's why it's there.))

"Oh. It's just you." Luna mumbled quietly, not disturbing anyone else in the room. Getting up from her crouching position, Luna dusted herself off before strutting away, not wanting to be by "Stupid Faru". The kit had stolen Xeon's attention away from her! And that's never a good thing to do to a kitty in love. "Whatever." Luna brushed her hair back and exited the nursery to go get some food.
Faru sighed sadly. He put his ears flat to his head and pouted. 'Why did Luna hate him? He didn't mean to steal Xeon's attention.' He felt a tear run down his face. He angrily wiped it away. 'Big kits don't cry.' Faru reminded himself.
Xeon smiled purring at his touch his tail waved happily "meoow!" he couldn't help it the way he felt was a feeling he loved and hated he shouldn't be affected this way by a simple hunter but Cliff was special... he wrapped his tail around Cliffs waist 
(lol, you should have Luna walk in on Xeon and Cliff xD )

"Stop crying, big kitties don't cry." Luna stated, glancing over her shoulder to stare at Faru. "I only hang out with big kitties." The kit huffed, giving a subtle invitation to join her in her quest for food. Folding her arms over her chest, Luna waited impatiently for Faru to catch up with her.

((omg Mattie! That's going to break her heart! D: Okay > :D ))
[QUOTE="Little Sister]Lilian ears twitched as she heard a cry through the marketplace, quickly paying the merchant for her goods. She tried to find the soucre of the cry and saw a tomcat carrying someone towards the medical center. Lilian tried to calm any of the bystanders that were close to the two nekos and based on there ramblings of the situtation, based on there descriptions Lilian deduced that the female that collasped was no other than Greg. She told them not to worry and headed towards the medical center. Upon entering the center there was oredered chaos as various healers were workings hard to stabilize Greg. Lilian did kknow some basic healing skills but she wouldn't be much use in this situation, seeing a distraught cat. She walked towards Zero, with concerned ebony eyes.

Zero merely shot her a glance as he quickly worked to restrain the still twitching Greg. "You, I need nettle, basil, mint," The list went on as he shouted out herbs he needed. "Put a pinch of each into a pestle and crush them into a powder, quickly!"
Lilian walked quickly, as she heard the urgency in the male's voice, towards the cupboard in the facility and began to pull out the ingredients the male cat listed. Making sure she was putting each herb into the pestle before finely grounding it with the ceramic stone. Lilian then emptied that the powder into an empty cup before returning to Zero.
Zero took the cup and mixed in some water from his canteen before trickling it slowly down Greg's throat, making sure she didn't choke. He put a hand on her forehead and for a moment, his eyes seemed to glow golden. Greg felt a calm wash over her and she faded into a peaceful, dark sleep. "Thank you, for your help." Zero said, his facing becoming tired as he looked at the girl neko.

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