Neko Clans! ;3

Lilian shook her head at Xeon's antics, "Hush, now calm down. I can't understand you." she smiled at him, "So our guest is Cliff." Lilian assumed that Cliff sorted Xeon out as he was acting too emotional.

(Lol, Lilian can't understand fan-girl)
( xD I know)

Xeon took a deep breath before speaking again "it was amazing Lily Chan!, under the beautiful starry sky it was just me and him... oh!, Lily we became one last night!"
(She does ;3 don't worry storm. )

Lilian covered her face with one hand and raised her other hand to cover Xeon's mouth, slightly worried that he would wake the kits. 'Its way to early for this' thought Lilian. She kept her hand on Xeon's mouth and said, "Okay. Just for the record that was too much information. Second I'm happy for you."
Xeon chuckled waving his tail happily "sorry... I'm just so happy!" he squealed softer this time then his ears perked up "what do you think Cyrus will think having two daddys?..."
Lilian smiled at Xeon, "Its alright and I can tell that your happy." She shrugged her shoulders, "To be honest I'm not sure, you are going to have to talk to him about that."
((I'd post something but can't make Ritsu do anything...nobody ever talks to him but Rai, and paipai900 isn't posting. Also Cliff just feel asleep.))
((Okay. this time I wasn't getting any alerts. I found out why you don't get alerts though. Apparently if you don't post for more than 10 replies you stop getting alerts :P anyway, what happened while I was gone? Oh and I'm on my phone so the replies will most likely be shorter and have typos))
((@paipai900: really? I honestly didn't know that about the alerts. •.• Weird. I'll just do a new post.)) 
Ritsu lifted a hand to gently cover his mouth as he let out a tired yawn. He had stayed up practically the entire night last , walking around the camp, it's almost as if the patrolling idea was drilled into his brain. Just felt like an instinct to make sure there was no strangers lurking in the shadows, even though this wasn't even his clan. Now he was just lying underneath a tree, fiddling lazily with his tail as boredom swept over him.
((Me neither, but then some one else posted about it and I was all like "Ohhh! So that's why!" Heh heh)) 
((I'm actually going to use Luna to entertain you for this one, my dear Stormy. Is that alright with you?))
(I wonder if I abandoned my Inuyasha rp and degrassi now... holy crap that's stupid now I don't know what happened in those rp's...)

Xeon nodded "yeah... I'll have to tell him eventually I think he'll be ok its just Luna that worries me..."
Lilian nodded her head, "I understand but I'm sure she'll turn around." She looked at the teacup in her hands, "Though its probably better if you tell her yet, her emotions are getting the better of her."

Thirteen hours, nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds. It had been thirteen hours, nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds since she left, no one seemed to notice, no one seemed to care.

Luna brushes a strand of her platinum blonde hair out of her face, revealing bloodshot eyes that looked like they had been crying all night. The young neko was only a few miles away from the village, that was all she could run before collapsing in exhaustion.

Waking up with a stiff neck, Luna could still clearly remember what she had seen last night...

Shaking her head vigorously, the neko convinced herself that it would be best not to think about what she had watched go on between Xeon and Cliff. But, it wasn't just the sexual intercourae that hurt her, it was the fact that Xeon had his all of this from her, he didn't trust the girl who had known him for almost half his life but trusted some neko he just randomly chose to reveal such a secret. Was Luna really that worthless? Untrustworthy? Perhaps...she was despised..?

Getting up from her spot in a tree, Luna easily jumped down and landed on her feet. Setting out for nowhere in particular, Luna's chest ached as she continued her journey from the village. I guess you could call this running away, but who was Luna running away from? She saw this more like moving, no one would bother chasing her down anyway.
Ritsu popped back to reality, sitting up straight when he heard the quiet thud of a something land on the ground beside the tree he was currently lying under. Appeared to be a little girl. What was she doing all the way out here..and by herself? "Hey, are you okay?" He was slowly getting up onto his feet. The poor neko looked just awful with her tear stained cheeks. What happened? 
((Ooh...she saw that? •__• Definitely scarred her life forever.))
((The pouring rain outside my house is pretty much telling that this is going to be very emotional...))


Okay? Am I okay..? Well, the tom that I considered my best friend and had become my first love decided that it would be more fun to replace me with another child, enter into a sexual relationship with another tom, and then shared his biggest secret to said tom. I guess you could call that okay.

"I'm fine." Luna mumbled softly, refusing to take the pity of some neko she had never seen. Dusting off her dress, which was covered with a mixture of dirt, mud, and wjag it seems to be a hint of blood, without anymore words, Luna walked off, going deeper into the forest.

Her once shiny black shoes were covered with mud, scraps and cuts all over her arms and legs, many of them looked like they could become infected because of the mud that had gotten into them. Ignoring the sharp pain in her hip, Luna sighed, tears threatening to fall from her heavily bagged eyes.

"....Haathral, right?" A small smile twitched at the corners of Luna's lips as she stopped in her walking to inquire if the older neko was from the neighbouring clan. It seemed clans weren't her thing, cats were independent creatures after all.
(Why did Luna have to see that? °_°)

Xeon sighed "I just really worry about her..." he looked around everywhere and couldn't find his little girl anywhere... Sh*t!" he said out loud running outside not seeing her anywhere in the clan even!, 'oh my god please this can't be happening...' living in the wild most his life he knew all too well how much danger she was in he ran as fast as he could on the treetops "Luna!" he called out praying for an answer...
[QUOTE="LittlLils!~ ister](Goodnight everyone :3 be back on late Saturday )

((Goodnight, Lils :3 see you later))
((Nighty-night Little Sister.)) 

paipai900 said:
((The pouring rain outside my house is pretty much telling that this is going to be very emotional...))

Okay? Am I okay..? Well, the tom that I considered my best friend and had become my first love decided that it would be more fun to replace me with another child, enter into a sexual relationship with another tom, and then shared his biggest secret to said tom. I guess you could call that okay.

"I'm fine." Luna mumbled softly, refusing to take the pity of some neko she had never seen. Dusting off her dress, which was covered with a mixture of dirt, mud, and wjag it seems to be a hint of blood, without anymore words, Luna walked off, going deeper into the forest.

Her once shiny black shoes were covered with mud, scraps and cuts all over her arms and legs, many of them looked like they could become infected because of the mud that had gotten into them. Ignoring the sharp pain in her hip, Luna sighed, tears threatening to fall from her heavily bagged eyes.

"....Haathral, right?" A small smile twitched at the corners of Luna's lips as she stopped in her walking to inquire if the older neko was from the neighbouring clan. It seemed clans weren't her thing, cats were independent creatures after all.
((Ahh :c I feel bad for her now.))

Ritsu almost responded himself with "You certainly don't look fine" but luckily he had paused to think about what he was planning to say. That would be so mean to say, besides the girl could just be tired or had a bad dream or something small like that. He shouldn't one to judge.

"Umm? Oh, yeah. Yeah Haathral you're correct." He was curious as to how she could easily tell. Inside he was wondering if he should stop this girl. Just it didn't right since she was so little and petite; could simply get snapped like a twig.
(Everyones logging off all at once...)

Xeon jumped between tree limbs extremely quickly he was extremely limber "Luna please!!" he wondered... 'd-did she see us!, no there's no way...' he told himself, he was almost to Haarthal now... she really couldn't be there, right?
((It's the rain making me all emotional >_<"))


Nodding with the tiniest of smiles on her face, Luna remebred that she always did want to visit Haathral and all those other neighbouring clans. Perhaps she could drop by a few of them with her new status as "a lone neko".

Chuckling softly at her little joke, Luna's heart ached as she took another step farther from her own village. Why was she so reluctant to leave? There was nothing holding her back. Luna didn't really have much friends and her family was dead.

Dead. Her family was dead. Suddenly getting all choked up, Luna did her best to scurry away before she broke down crying in front of the stranger neko. She had to be strong, she needed to find her own path, didn't she? But still, something kept Luna from leaving the neko village that she had grown up in, then again, she was still growing up. Luna knew that she was most likely going to go back to Ethyryn, apologize to everyone and fall asleep. But not this time, Luna knew that this was what she was supposed to do, she needed to start over on a new page.

But, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Hearing Xeon's voice call out to her was the final push. Sprinting away from the two nekos, Luna used her smaller size to her advantage and hid in a hollow log, knowing that she couldn't outrun the other nrko and Xeon. Couldn't they just leave her aloneto drown in her own misery? That's what Luna thought, but she secretly wanted to run back and jump into Xeon's arms and then just cry. She used to just wanted someone to be there for her at all times, but now Luna just wished to cry.

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