Neko Clans! ;3

Cliff plucked a small yellow flower from Faru's hair that had unknowingly misplaced there. Sitting there in that chair he knew that it was his responsibility to watch over all three of theses young-ones, and yes that included his very own leader, but truthfully he was younger than him.
Cliff watched Faru climb up onto one of his arms then hang upside all goofy-like. It was cute and also amusing, he chuckled as he witnessed the strange little child's act of play. Almost acted similar to a monkey by that action. "Careful not to fall," he warned.
"Daddy?" Cliff raised an eyebrow curiously and his amused grin faded. He didn't look upset just appeared...confused. He chuckled again when Faru began playing with his ears, since they were quite sensitive it tickled easily.
((@neon: I do have a question about Faru; how small is he? Well more like how tall is his height? Seems like a cutesy little midget so far. :3))

Cliff found that sentence absolutely adorable. How can you deny that little guy? The answer is simple. Ya can't. "Okay!" The corners of his mouth curled up. "Whatchadoing?" He questioned as the tiny boy climbed up ontop of his head.
((Aww! x3 That's awesome!!))

"Well, I can see that now." Way to state the obvious Faru. Cliff reached up to do the same thing and lightly mess with little Faru's tiny ears as well.
Xeon watched as they headed back to earth and back to Ethryn specifically seeing himself lying down in his room he smiled at Cliff and Faru waving his tail and then he noticed Cyrus holding his hand like it was a life line... he didn't know if they could tell he was there or not but he wrapped his arms around Cyrus's tiny body trying to comfort the poor boy, he didn't know if he was dreaming or if he was having an out of body experience or what was going on exactly but he could feel Cyrus he was really in the room with them he could feel the warmth of the room and the blankets he felt happy as could be he lied down on top of himself entering his own body opening his eyes slowly blinking fluttering his eyelashes unknowingly he turned his head to Cyrus smiling warmly still pale he actually knew how bad he looked now so he understood their concern if it weren't for Ethryn's wonderful healers he would worry about leaving everyone he loved but he knew better than that he would be fine he tightened his grip on the kit's hand he was still weak but he tried to hide it he had to be strong for his lionheart
Lilian swiftly ran into the medical center and explained the situation to the head of the staff. The medical center nodded their heads and relinquish some of the healers at hand to take care of Xeon. Thanking them for there assistance Lilian went towards the mission center to turn in a form to have a rescue group to retrieve and recover Luna.
Cliff hadn't noticed Xeon when he was "there" just a moment ago. The atmosphere felt different for a brief amount of time but that was about it. He had turned to feast his attention on that specific man's still resting body, watching him, then sighing deeply before looking back down at Faru.
Cliff smiled relievingly at both of them, feeling kinda silly for worrying when both of them pretended that he was okay. He wanted to run over and hug Xeon but he was still afraid that he might hurt something of him inside; substituted it by cuddling Faru in his arms. 
"Yeah," he chuckled lightly. "You did tell me, were right too."
Cliff picked the boy up to hop over and join the other guys on the same bed; two older teens and two little boys, all males. It was kind of amusing but also a snuggly kind of cute.
Xeon smiled soon he would feel good enough to move again, he would surprise Cliff with the glomp of a lifetime then, he chuckled at the thought his side hurt but he thought he found out why... that broken rib must have hit something when it snapped causing internal bleeding... that would be why he was coughing blood earlier at least, either way he couldn't stand this much longer everyone was being all snuggly while he was stuck lying there he knew if they squeezed him too hard or hit that rib it would hurt but as Cliff knew all too well he LOVED to cuddle and hug just having the people he loved there in his arms made him feel so warm and fuzzy inside!, oh all the feels! his ears bent down adgainst his head whining in soft little whimpers, sure you could call him clingy but he really just knows what he wants and when he wants to cuddle theres no stopping him, all he wanted was to hold Cyrus in his arms close to his heart and lean his head on Cliff's chest... listen to the sound of his heart beating like a security blanket.

So he got bold and did just that he got up slowly crawling over and gently taking the kits in his lap leaning on Cliff's chest caressing both kit's heads scratching behind their ears he sighed in contentment love and family are his core values he was too distracted to feel the pain getting up had caused for now Cliff was his sturdy pillow, Faru his fluffy teddy bear and Cyrus his brave little lion heart he could stay like this forever... "I love you guys..."

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