Neko Clans! ;3

(lol, all the fuzzies! I always get emotional in rp's especially when I play relatable characters like Xeon, he's probably my favorite charrie of mine in all my rp's )
It was at that moment the healers arrived at Xeon's door. A polite nurse knocked on the door only to have a male neko open the door and walked inside. He looked at the warm family scene before speaking, "I'm sorry but can you three exit the room. We need to check on Xeon."

Julie the nurse, began to take out her equipment for the necessary examinations. The doctor, Adam, began to figure out what was wrong with Xeon as from the information that Lilian gave them Xeon is fighting an infection of some kind given by the fever he is sporting. After some prodding Adam concluded that Xeon's one of his ribs was broken and the rest were bruised.

"As I thought, we are going to have to transport you to the Medical Center to guage the size of the wound." He nodded to Julie to contact the staff and the ambulance.
"Love you too," Cliff had managed to whisper this response back just in time before the nurse stepped into the room. Actually he was quiet disappointed when they appeared. Why couldn't they just come later? We just got all snugly and lovey as a family and such. He thought but knew that this would on be selfish to keep him waiting any longer from getting proper treatment sooner. So he picked both Faru and Cyrus into his arms, not sure if Cyrus would be okay on that half since he clearly preferred Xeon overall, but at least Faru wanted him to be the daddy. He glanced back over his shoulder at the harmed man on the bed before stepping out the door.
The nurse exited the room to tell Cliff that they will be taking Xeon to the medical center as one of his ribs may have punctured a lung. "We'll tell you as soon we find out soon." Soon enough Xeon was about to be transport into the ambulance.


With Lilian she successfully sent a few nekos to find Luna. She paused and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She was beyond exhausted at what just occurred in less than 24 hours.
Cyrus bumbled down From Cliff's grip and wavered slightly to Lillian, hugging her leg softly and looking up at her with wide eyes.. Filled with fear and love and a lot of other emotions..

"Xeons going to alright..isnt he Lily?"
Xeon went with them kind of sad that the moment had to stop but soon he'd be healed and he could actually do something, he hated having to sit still
Xeon was sent to a small room where the healer's took off his shirt and inspected his injuries and the big deep purple bruise on his side, he really hoped this would work the celebration of their alliance with Harthaal would be soon and he wanted to be there in person
alexander walked around, the whole area, abit bored and confused. ''IIIIM SOOOO BOOORED!! hmmm huh'' his ears twitch to xeon giving a toothy grin.
Cliff almost raced after Cyrus when the little boy had run off but he stopped himself when he saw that he was only going to worriedly cry to Lillian. He sighed then looked down at Faru who was still in his arms. "Sure hope they can help out leader. I hate to see everyone like this, plus...I don't want Xeon to be hurt." he thought.
((@the-lich; where is Alexander currently?))

Cliff rolled his eyes. "You really do like to mess with my ears," he took this opportunity to take the boy back outside. He set him back down in his own feet but still kept an eye on him.
Cliff followed after him but froze when the butterfly flew up to land on his nose. He blinked a few times before the lovely creature lightly flapped its colorful wings.
Xeon sat still as the healers found his broken rib, inspecting for any serious injuries they gave him an herbal remedy for pain taking a picture of his chest with an x-ray, when it snapped the rib had punctured a small hole in his lung, they circled around him focusing on his lung they all placed their healing hands on his bare chest they used blessed waters that glowed seeping under his skin and filling in the small hole in his lung stopping the internal bleeding and others waters hardened the bone around the broken rib and bringing the broken peices back together and bandaging up his chest, when they were done Xeon jumped up smiling brightly he felt much better now all he had were bruises and some minor injuries that would heal in a day or two.

he turned to the neko watching him through a window(Alexander)... he ran outside to where he was curious as to why he was there, he never saw him before so he had to be from another clan, Harthaal maybe? he smiled at Cliff running by, he would make up for lost glomps later for now he was going to see who this new guy was he walked up curiously to the neko all happy and bubbly he first noticed that he was freaking adorable! he looked like he could be Cliff's younger brother! he had the same hair and eye color although Cliff was cuter in the face Cliff was still his No.1 but this guy was too much! he giggled at him waving his tail happily "hi, what's your name cutie?" he said blinking innocently he tilted his head circling him playfully pawing at his ears
( -facepalms- I thought I posted )

Lilian was arriving at the capital building as Xeon was being taken by the healers. She walked up towards Xeon's room to help Cliff with the kits. Lilian petted Cyrus's head, "He'll be alright he is in good hands. He'll probably be right as rain later." She gave a smile to Cliff to reassure him as well.
"Ahh.." He mumbled, hanging his head limply and nodding, he didn't dare ask about Luna, for fear of being weak infront of Lilian,and he couldn't do that again today, so he bolted and ran off to the nursery, sitting on luna's bed and inhaling her scent from the pillow, he sighed and finally let his tears fall.. He sniffed at the pillow a few more times, taking in her scent and smiling sadly..

"I love you Luna, if you're out there somewhere, come home soon, I think you're the only person. I want right now" he whispered into the pillow..
Lilian watched Cyrus run to the nursery, with a heavy heart. She turned to Cliff before walking towards the nursery to check if he was alright. She knew his behavior was connected to Luna's disappaerance, hopely the rescue party found a lead to find Luna where ever she is.
Curled up in a small ball on the end of her bed, rocking slowly wrapped up in her sheets pressing them to her nose, he flinched when the door creaked and inched back Along Luna's bed.. Still whispering to the sheets as if Luna would materialise if he whispered enough..
Lilian's eyes became sadden as she hears Cyrus's whimpers. The loss of Luna was hitting him deeper than everyone else Xeon included, I guess it was for the love he had for her. She let out a soft sigh before leaving the room thinking that she should leave Cyrus for now.
As the door shut again, the kitten realised just how insane he looked just now, but it was Lily.. And she probably got it.. Well... Yeah.. He sat up again.. Trying to think of all the things that Luna had ever said to him.. From the first day they met to earlier today.. Replaying him back through his mind made him want to cry, he knew deep down that they probably wouldn't find her at all... Or she was dead, Cyrus had given up all hope, and that's when he did cry, I mean really cry, he turned his face over onto the pillow, still clutcling at her sheets and sniffing, he tried to wipe his eyes but more tears freshly flowed, he decided to let them, because what else could he do?

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