Neko Clans! ;3

Seren nodded. He was always polite when it came to important situations. Even if someone really annoyed him, he would hold his tongue. "Viza? That old man is probably smoking up a storm somewhere. You know how he is." He began walking with Greg, keeping an eye out for the Beta. He had lots of nicknames for Viza, but Old Man was one of his favorites. It referred to the gray hairs that the Beta had on his head.
"Hey, it's tough work being a Beta. And he does an amazing job, if it wasn't for the 'Old Man', I probably would have ran the clan into the ground." Greg knew that was probably a major over exaggeration, but she did admire him and was very grateful for his support. She smiled down at Seren before looking around the town. "So, to catch you up, we'll be trading some of our catnip and getting cherries in return. Cherries!" She squealed happily, showing her inner child for the briefest of moments.
Xeon purred at his head being petted his ears pulled back and tail waving "thanks Lily, your always there for me.." he muttered under his breath "unlike some people..."
"Your welcome." replied Lilian. She looked at Cyrus in her arms and placed him next to Xeon. "Cyrus your mission for today is to keep Xeon happy. Think you can do it?" Lilian said to the kit and ruffled his red hair when she heard the affimative. Knowing that Xeon was in safe paws, Lilian headed towards the plaza of Ethryn.
(lol, c'mere Cyrus buddy!)

Xeon rolled around moping and trying to sleep when Lily put Cyrus in the bed with him he giggled and smiled hugging him "Cyrus buddy!"
Seren froze a bit when he heard "Cherries." All kids liked cherries, right? Wrong! Seren hates sweets. He hated sugar with a passion. Cakes, candy, ice cream, he hated it all! Instead of saying all of that, he went with something simpler. "I bet the clan will be happy..."
((What happened?? I wasn't getting alerts...All I got was that Xeon's crying and Luna's been replaced...))
"I hope so, cherries are nice. Sometimes tart, sometimes sweet." Greg's tail swished and she began to purr. "But, if it doesn't suit your tastes, maybe I could strike up another trade with a crop of your choosing?" She knew by the tone of his voice he didn't like the idea of cherries and Greg was nothing but fair.
"That won't be necessary. Everyone else in the clan likes sweets. It doesn't really matter to me." Normally, a child would've begged for something else, but Seren didn't act like a kid all that much. He hated children, so of course he didn't want to be anything like them. "Besides, it's not like we're dealing with weapons."
Before Lilian even made it out of the capital building she heard whimpering, she quickly went towards the nursery and saw that Faru was crying. Picking the raven-haired kit and rubbed his back to soothe his cries.

(Faru and Luna are currently in the nursery. Basically Luna has new playmates. )
Greg looked at Seren for a moment before pulling him into a hug. "You are the most selfless kit I have met. You have seriously outgrown your age, I couldn't be any prouder." She smiled at him before a thought occurred. "Didn't you want to become a Beta when you grew up?"
Luna turned her head to stare at the crying kit, he was sobbing about his parents. The sudden thought of how her parents left her made the kit's chest tighten as she rushed out of the nursery to go hunt something. Feeling tears well up in her eyes, Luna shook her head to get rid of them, deciding that big kitties don't cry. But the grief remained in Luna as she climbed up a tree and sat there, bugging her knees to her chest, trying to calm herself down.

((Thanks :3))
A faint red came across Seren's face when he was hugged. He knew the leader had good intentions, but this was embarrassing. Even more so in public!

When Greg set him down, he listened to her question. "I want to be a Beta, but I'm nowhere near ready. After a few more years of training, I plan to be a Beta and eventually be the next clan leader. If that's okay with you, that is."
Lilian felt her heartstrings being pulled hearing the kit's tearful plea. It reminded her how much sadness she had to endure herself but she didn't have anyone unlike the kits in her care now. Cradling Faru tightly close to her, in reassure, she saw that Luna ran out of the nursery. Concerned for Luna, Lilian walked out of the capital building to see Luna curled up in a ball.
(lol, Luna you have competition now, and who wants to see Xeon's dreams again?, hes a kit still in this one...)

Xeon fell asleep cuddled up to the little redheaded kit, he was talking in his sleep again "No.... the clan... shut up make up your mind..."
"Well, I don't mind your ambition but it all depends on how you grow up. So, how would you like to mentor under either Viza or me?" Greg grinned and began walking again, the thought of training the next Beta seeming fun to her. As an added bonus, she knew Seren didn't take any responsibility lightly and loved his clan.
"No thanks, I've already got my own regime for the time being." That's what he said, but it wasn't true. He had been training under Viza for a few years now, but he didn't want that to become public knowledge.
Feelong himself get put down on Xeons bed, he yawned instantly and hugged him back..

"Yay!" He giggled tiredly.. Wrapping his tail around one of the clan Leader's legs and nuzzling him quickly..

"I have a question.." He said quietly..

Shiro simply gave her the most insane looking cheshire-cat grin before pulling her close and hugging her tight

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