Neko Clans! ;3

Lilian was nestled among her blankets as she dozed off, she blearily opened her eyes when she felt someone crawling into her bed. Seeing the ruffled red-hair she brought the kit closer to and wrapped her tail around him gesturing Cyrus that she'll protect him and the others no matter what. Giving a small kiss to his forehead, Lilian went back to sleep.
The kit was awoken again by the sounds of crying, he slipped away from his subsitute mother and ran outside, tripping over his tail, he looked up at his Clan Leader, who was crying his eyes out.. The Kit frowned and storked Xeons ears.. "Don't cry.. It will get better I'm sure" he said shakily.. Removing his hand and wiping away the salty tears.. He then gave Xeon a whopping great hug and sighed..

"I can't sleep either.. The monsters are back under the bed" he whispered..

Shiro smiled.. Hugging her tight..

"You mean you don't mind?"
Xeons eyes suddenly widened as he felt little arms around him "T-thanks... what's your name?" (I think Cyrus is gonna be my adoptive son now X3)
Seren walked through the town, looking for Greg and Viza. There was no way he was gonna stay home, while they went on a mission. He was capable enough to come along. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have been able to get in here. Speaking of which, this place really needed new guards. He only had to throw a rock to distract them, while he snuck in. He scratched his head, looking around the area. 'Where the hell are those two?'
Lilian woke up an hour later as she felt the rays of down hit her face. Rising out of bed she got ready for the day before walking outside of the capital building to find the leader, as she wasn't briefed on what was the result of the meeting with Greg.
(Lilian brought Faru, another kit, and is in the nursery with you. Xeon is with Cyrus, another kit, in the forest and Lilian is outside trying to find Xeon to get brief on what to do. Rai and Cliffy are still playing in the lake.)
Rai glanced up at the skies and frowned ever so slightly, still trying to get the water out of his ears. "Ah, you're right." The neko's eyes flashed with triumph as he was able to get the water out and hear properly. Standing up properly, Rai squeezed his shirt off one more time before slipping on the damp article of clothing. "Should we start heading back? I'd rather not get attacked by a pack of wolves." Rai flashed Cliff a silly grin before turning around and slowly walking back to the camp, going slow enough for the other neko to catch up easily. 
The little kit's eyes fluttered open as the light shone on her face. Was it morning time already? Luna yawned as he stretched her arms and legs and got up, feeling very fresh and clean. "The Great and Powerful Luna has awoken!!" Luna emitted a very obnoxious laugh as she suddenly heard a loud growl come from her tummy. Frowning ever so slightly, Luna glanced down at her belly and poked at it in confusion. "I'm hungry." With those words Luna walkwalked off in search of some sort of prey, a large smile on her little face.
Cliffy Cliff yawned sleepily as he climbed too out of the cool lake water. Well, his clothes were definitely soaked, not that he had a different set to change into; guessed he'd have to wear them to bed, having rather not falling for the idea of sleeping nude. When the dark clouds above peaked open to release a few days of light which meant night had come to an end, it kind of disappointed him. sleepy time. He thought as he ran a hand back through his thick brown hair, removing a bit of the water that sat a top. "I'm ready to go back," The neko declared as he stretched his arms up towards the wide open sky while he head back another tired yawn. Since we're going back to camp I might as well check up with the Xeo- I mean the Leader. He was begging to see me and I thought I heard him crying earlier...
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Seren walked through the town, looking for Greg and Viza. '

Greg was studied the town with a friendly smile on her face while walking around it's borders. Ethryn clan was very well kept and the people were all very nice, she could tell instantly when she introduced herself that this alliance would strive. Greg could only hope no one ruined it for Haarthal. @Lucem Tenebris
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Xeon had headed back to the capital still sobbing and all drowsy, the kit had followed him there he held the little guy in his arms smiling he was a cute kid, he said his name was Cyrus... Luna had some compettition now for his favorite kit... he smiled down at him before yawning, he didn't get to sleep last night... *I'm not gonna forgive him for this!, Cliffys a jerk!* he thought to himself even though he knew he would probably cave in and come running back to him like he always did...
Lilian walked through the courtyard and spotted the kat she was looking for but she was surprised that instead of the smile that usually crossed his face a frown was there as well as tears. Walking up towards Xeon, Lilian gave him a concerned look before pulling him towards the Capital Building for some rest.
Serena walked through the town, hands in his pockets. As he turned his head, he saw his leader. He ran up to her and gave a salute. He had developed a soldier mentality over the years and saluting people had become a constant.
Greg blinked a bit, tilting her head to the side but keeping her bangs in the same place, as a kit dashed up to her. Seren saluted and Greg blinked at him for exactly one minute before her eyes went wide. "Seren? What are you doing here? I thought I told Viza to make sure you stayed home!" It wasn't that she didn't like the kit, he was actually her favorite, she just had some motherly instincts about him getting hurt or in trouble.
Seren placed his hands back in his pockets and looked at his leader. "He did, but it's hard to keep someone at home when there's nobody watching you." He reached into his shirt and took out a wrinkled piece of paper. "You guys left this behind too." He showed the map to his leader and put it back. "I felt this would be a good learning experience. Besides, I'd like to see what level the kids here are at."
Xeon collapsed in the bed hugging his pillow curled up in a ball "Lily, if Cliff comes tell him I never want to see his face again..." he sobbed into his pillow his eyes hurt from balling his eyes out, he didn't want to hurt anymore...
Lilian held Cyrus in her arms, while she pet Xeon's head. "Shh, shh. Its alright I'll be sure to tell him." She continued to rub Xeon's head in a comforting gesture before saying, "Do you have anything else to tell me, leader?" she softly said, as if Xeon was a kit himself.
Greg blinked and took the map. "Thanks, Sere, I didn't even realize we had left this. Well, alright, but an alliance has already been struck so please do try and be polite. That's an order." She added, just for precaution. "Would you mind if I tag along with your exploring? I seemed to have lost Viza and don't know where to find him."

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