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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

@National @Sinister Clown

(Why did you tag Defective? Lmao)

Rin Hagane. Kaigangakure.

Rin nodded, "He did, yes. Nice to see ya Zoku." She replied happily. She sighed as Kien dashed out of the building, presumably off to wherever the Uchiha was. She was going to say something, but decided not to. Meh. He can handle himself.. She thought, shrugging inwardly. "Anyway, mind if we continue this conversation in your office?" She asked him, gesturing towards the door. Although, she didn't come out and say it, there was always the possibility of someone they didn't want hearing information well..hearing it.
Defective Kitten](IM SO CONFUSED. WHY WAS I TAGGED!? O-O DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG!? ALL I KNOW IS THAT I WAS LEFT BEHIND AT THE KOREAN BBQ W/O A RESPONSE OR I DIDN'T SEE A RESPONSE. WHAT!?) [/QUOTE] ((Last I checked [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL] or @Galen Ardila had to respond to your post. Or @djinnamon . I have no clue why National tagged you))
@Robyn Banks[/URL]

Kitten exam? Well I never thought of it that way. She found it odd how she changed her emotions so quickly but didn't think anything of it."well ooook then. But if that's really what you're worried about I can help you out if you want." She said continuing to walk to the library until she paused again. 'This is your first time in the village and all you want to do is study? What's wrong with you?!' She spun herself around to face Misaki."unless you're willing to show me around of course."

(Sorry didn't get any notifications for some reason)


Misaki Yamaguchi

Haganegakure - Genin

Misaki appreciated that Ailee would be able to help her with the exams, feeling rather inferior that a girl much younger than herself had to help her with the exams.. Despite the urgency of needing to actually study and train, she quickly took up the opportunity to show the young girl around her village to prolong her time to not have to actually sit down and study whatever she needed to be.

What would be the first step in studying for Chunin Exams anyways?? I heard they change it each year so that no Genin would be able to prepare for it..

"Ok! Where do you want to go first?" Snapping from her train of thought, speaking to Ailee with a cheerful smile.​

Ailee started to think.'Hmm.. Where would I like to go? So many choices.' "Surprise me. I'm not very good at deciding these kinds of things" she replied honestly returning the smile. Looking around at the scenery for a hit before looking back at Misaki

@Defective Kitten

Uta Uchiha

Unfortunately even with the fog disguising the area, with the combined efforts of the other two Shinobi, on of the water streams were able to blade Uta into the wall before making his get away. Noticing three senbon coming his way although he was able to avoid two of them by shifting his body angle to avoid them. One was able to pierce into his left shoulder and dug a few inches deep which caused Uta to stumble back slightly "Tsk" using his mouth to rip out the senbon from his shoulder. Standing there, despite the jutsu still taking place around the Jounin facility, due to possessing a Dojutsu Uta was still able to see the other two Ninja even within the fog, sending out more Kunai toward the both, four filling the gaps between each of his hand's finger's and been sent at the both of them. Shortly after Uta dashing forward towards Soetsu, he appeared to almost be on all fours before using his hands as support in order to preform two round house kicks. Attempting for his first kick to hit his ribs to stagger him for a moment, and attempting bring his other leg down in an axe-like kick on the back of his head.
Soestu could tell he hit the Uchiha. He then smiled as the water stopped pouring down but felt a kunai pierce his shoulder. He quickly pulled it out and watched as the sucker came running down towards him. He was easily able to block both strikes. Taijustu was where he shined, so this should be no problem. Once he got closer, Soestu's hand glowed bright blue with immense chakra as he sent a upwards strike towards the Uchiha's throat. If it hit, the chakra release would cause his windpipe to be crushed for a moment which would either knock out the Uchiha, or send him flying. Even if he blocked, the release of chakra would be enough to send him back a bit but the damage would drastically be reduced.

@Sinister Clown
Uta Uchiha

Uta's movement's didn't falter for a second. After noticing both of hits being blocked nearly effortlessly 'The one man army' sent a strike back, leaping from his hands and flipping the right side up and taking the hit, bringing his arms in front of the attack, still being sent back to the wall he was able to rebound himself back to the ground, placing one hand to his chest which appears to be the area it hit. He grinned "Oh?" rushing back in, using handsigns and bringing them towards his mouth "Great fireball technique" the fog was now replaced by flame, as it fired right towards the man momentarily after releasing the jutsu he switched back to his earlier posture "Demon's palms." taking a deep breath, the red aura flaring around his arms he appears to motion his hands in front of him as if punching. Each time sending out a barrage of dragon heads 'If things get too heated, I may just have to resort to it.' he thought to himself as he formulated a plan whilst fighting. After sending out all his strikes in attempt to hit the Jounin he also put safe distance between them for Uta to think of something and if need be, counter the Jounin's next move.

@Isune @Mitchs98
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Soestu watched as the barrage of attacks flew directly at him. He didn't seem to move, but instead began to do multiple handsigns before suddenly holding out both arms and shouting,"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!" At first it seemed as if everything would hit him, but a massive dragon formed out of water managed to absorb most of the hits, with a few dragon heads still making it through. Soestu easily dodged them but suddenly stopped,"It doesn't stop there!" He then made a few more handsigns and placed both arms on the ground,"Earth Release:My Prisoner!" Just then, a massive wall of solid earth shot up out of the ground and two massive earthen shackles shot out of the wall in a attempt to grab the Uchiha. Soestu then took cover as he waited for justu to do its job.

@Sinister Clown

Uta Uchiha


Uta swayed to the side as he saw the water dragon being formed, however what he didn't anticipate was the mist which would come from it. Having sent fire towards Soetsu, the water dragon would have only made matters worse for the other two Shinobi within the fog as the mist thickens. Soon, Uta heard and saw two earth like pillars raising from the ground and by the sound of the technique he was attempting to trap Uta. preforming hand signs of his own "Steam release: Steam body" a coat of steaming chakra covering him and intercepting the two shackles, the steam was clearly seen to branch out from his body, seeming similar to another set of limbs he grits his teeth for a moment "You're a bother." dashing forward, his steam body chakra seemed to stretch out as he ran, keeping the shackles which were previously heading towards him held in place as Uta got another chance to attack the man head on. Sending another dragon head figure, the flaring aura vanishes and his glowing eyes dim back down it's original state. Going in, he sent three strikes all incorporating his fists he glared directly towards Soetsu even if the man did greatly excel at Taijutsu, with the help of Sharingan Uta would be able to predict his moves freely.

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Soestu was getting tired of this. He once again dodged the dragon but this time he let a strike hit him. He somehow managed to power through it as both his arms became engulfed in chakra as he swung one at the head, and the second at the stomach. However, there was something odd about this attack pattern. He seemed like he was planning something.

@Sinister Clown
Uta Uchiha


Uta avoided the first one easily, by simply taking a small leap back a safe distance to avoid the attack he was also able to tell the second one coming. Doing a similar movement he quickly dashes to the opposite side of where the whip was going and avoided the second. Tossing two shuriken towards the Jounin before leaping forward and above, doing a rather odd flip that seemed to be a summer-salt with a 180 degree turn the man took out Nin wire and used this maneuver to wrap the wire to the man's neck and force him down to the ground by yanking down on the wire which ends both seem to be tightly in Uta's grip.

This didn't make him forget the other Nin, and in this case he felt the only way out without having to reveal any more of his strengths and weaknesses would be using the Medical nin as a hostage. Quickly dashing back and letting go of the string, within a blue he appeared beside and slightly behind the Medical nin, quickly slipping out a Kunai and lightly pressing it against the Shinobi's neck he let's out a short sigh
"I'd love to play a little more, but I'm on a tight schedule. Unless you want this Shinobi's life on your hand I suggest backing away for the time being." pausing for a moment, pressing the kunai slightly harder down on the Shinobi's neck enough to shed a tiny amount of blood "If you're afraid of never seeing me again, I assure you that we will have a lot to do with each other in the time ahead." a rather innocent smile appeared on his face for a moment, waiting for the Jounin's response he knew the man wouldn't risk another's life just for his.

@Isune @Mitchs98
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Soestu smiled for a brief moment,"Alright, you got me...but one last thing, there are people out there. It's wasn't a smart idea to release steam in here like that. I won't stop you, but others will." Soestu then stood up and looked at Senki,"Just let her go and I promise I won't pursue." Soestu couldn't stand the fact that she was taken hostage. He couldn't try anything unless he knew for sure that it would work, but for now he had no other choice but to sit and watch. It there was a bit more space he could easily isolate Senki, but for now he had no choice but to hope the Uchiha didn't slit her throat.

@Sinister Clown @Mitchs98
@Sinister Clown @Isune

(You could lemme post you know >_>)

Senki Tazuya

Senki couldn't help but feel entirely useless in the fight. He wasn't close enough for her to cut him with a scalpel nor was she skilled enough to do so against someone like him. Dodging most of the kunai one sliced a deep cut in her arm. She winced, but she could heal it easy later. Things happened and eventually she ended up hostage. She froze as the kunai was pressed to her neck, tensing even more as it was pressed further into her flesh. If she had've expected him to take her hostage she could of easily shielded her neck from the damage and summarily severed arteries in his arm with a chakra scalpel. But nope. She remained silent as she stared at Soetsu, she hoped he wasn't dumb enough to try anything, or didn't value her as expendable.


Akiko bit her lip with wonder. Hmm....this lady sure is the feisty type. She actually wanted to go eat BBQ, so was a little disheartened when the woman challenged the idea. Even though I think her partner will be just fine, maybe we could bring him some BBQ too...! A few seconds passed by as Akiko seemed to be seriously thinking about this. Her battle with time would not cease now. After making the woman wait for too long, she smiled mischievously.

"Ehh....if you are that insistent, I suppose I have no choice. It could be fun anyways. What's the plan?"

She didn't particularly care what she was told to do, Akiko felt overjoyed to be of use to someone; even if it was someone who placed comrades before food. How odd, certainly Akiko wouldn't understand. She peered at the girl, bracing her with a small smile. She left out her name or now, besides, the man from earlier had deemed her Asumi. She was still in that role was she not? @Chara Angel of Death
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~ The Red Princess ~

"Well how about the big fucking building with all the damn noise?"

She felt like she was stating the obvious; of course the only thing on this idiot girl's mind was food.

"Whatever. Come on."

She grabbed her wrist, pulling her roughly along to the Jounin facility.

"Uta!" She yelled out, "Come out! We're getting the fuck out of here!" She could already hear footsteps coming..

- @NyxNightmare @Sinister Clown
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Kaito stood up and said: "see you later ladies, I have to be leaving to Kaigangakure right now ." Then Kaito walked towards Misaki and said in her ear:" If you are nervous about the exams, I can prepare you for them, If you accept, I'll be in training ground number 3 next monday at 10:00 am" After he said that, Kaito started walking towards the Kage's office while he said in his head:"What a pain, now I have to go to the Kage's office... again ". When he arrived he knocked the dorr and after a few minutes with no response, he decided to go in. When he entered the room he saw Rin's secretary only and she said that a ninja from Kaigangakure came and talked to her and after a short talk she left with him to the other village, " Well then, when the Kage returns please tell her that I have to talk to her If I am unable to do so in Kaigangakure. After he said that to the secretary he went out of the building and said " Iron manipulation jutsu!" with that jutsu he created an iron platform, he jumped ontop of it and started elevating and when he was in the air he started moving towards Kaigangakure.

@Defective Kitten @Robyn Banks
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Ailee jumped a bit since she forgot that Kaito was there in the first place. She watched at Kaito whispered something in Misaki's ear before taking off to venture off to Kaigangakure. She did an awkward pause before finally waving bye to Kaito, wondering how long he's been there. She turned to Misaki once more pulling off a smirk asking "where to first?"

@Defective Kitten @Galen Ardila

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