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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

(@Zabuzas Son @Bills352 , I'll be off for tonight. You guys can go on without me, seeing how I play little role in this little escapade.)

The border guard shivers even more from panic, until he pathetically faints from a mixture of freight and stress. Pathetic right? They let these guys watch borders even when tensions are high?
@Iak Destler

The two rouges stop, as Crystal points back towards the border guard that fainted with a huge grin on her face. This time the Demon of the Mist laughs even harder than he did before. Neither of them bother to notice the Uchiha hiding in the bushes, watching. Both Zabuza and Crystal are able to easily walk on water, after all it took nothing but being able to concentrate your chakra into your feet evenly, as they begin to head towards the Hidden Mist.

Once they reached the Hidden Mist the two of them headed through town, the people splitting as they passed refusing to make eye contact. The people of this particular town had more than a terrified opinion of the two. Without watching a young child playing ball with friends accidentally kicks the ball too far, as he goes to get it he accidentally knocks into the Demon of the Mist.

All the people immediately stopped what they were doing, eyes all directed towards the boy waiting to see what would happen next. Crystal casually walked towards the boy, who was trying to back away and call for help to no avail. When she reached the boy, she kneed him in the stomach causing him to drop to the ground in pain. She goes to kick him again until Zabuza puts his hand on her shoulder.

"He was only playing, it was an honest mistake. No need for any more broken bones than he already has, he's paid his price."

They continued to walk through the village, until they reached the village edge. There seemed to be a sprawling forest but it was covered in much thicker mist than the rest of the island. Still the two of them seemed to be able to move through it as if unaffected, knowing clearly where they were going.

They reached a massive mansion, with highly detailed and carved crystal statues decorating all around it. The statues were a hobby of Crystal, the mansion came from just how much profit the Demon of the Mist had made so far after years upon years of work in the bounty hunter business. They entered, finally home.
Iak instantley jumped down from the trees he was following them from and knocked on the door of the mansion, his mask covering his face and his cloak his body.He waited pationtley at the door, leaning against the door frame,but not letting his guard down in case of them trying to get the better of him...'now to see if he wil accept, my offer and my plans will finally start to fall into place'.
The door was almost instantly opened by the girl, Crystal, as soon as he knocked on it. For as soon as Iak had entered the mist Zabuza could sense his presence. She was mute so she could not say anything, but she bowed her head and motioned for him to enter. The main entrance hall was lined on both sides with elegant crystal statues depicting Zabuza brutally murdering.

She led him, without talking, to the main parlor of the mansion. There were three seats prepared, Zabuza sitting sprawled back in one of them with the Executioner's Blade placed across his lap.

"Welcome, feel free to take a seat. Then explain why you were following us."
"oh so you court on to that did you"He laughs to himself before sitting down on one of the chairs crossing his legs and taking his mask off his mangaku showing.He leaned forward, his fingers intertwining with each other as his stared Zabuza up and down"Zabuza the scond 'Demon of the hidden mist...quiet a title you have there".
"So you know both my name and title, hopefully to be expected of somebody bold enough to arrive at my front door. Now I repeat myself, why are you here? Are you here for a contract, or for another reason?"

Crystal poured all three of them drinks, handing a crystal glass to both Zabuza and Iak before taking her own seat.
"thank-you my dear"He says takinghhte drink before taking a sip of it."Now the reason I am here does take some explaining, so I belive you know of the story that revolves around Naruto Uzumaki and the ten tailed beast paired with Madara Uchiha?"Without waiting for a reasponce he continued"I want to revive that plan because the Wars and distrust of this world have gone untouched for far to long...Basically what I'm saying is I want to revive the Akatski and I want you, and your young assistant here"he idicates to crystal "To be some of the first members"

Sora had placed a mark on both the man and the young woman, he did not intervene because it was not a part of his mission.

Sora then walked over to the bridge,

He summoned two of his ninken, Boro and Kiba,

Both Boro and Kiba found a lead on the ninjas, he scratched them behind the ears before they ran over the water, Sora slowly followed behind.


Sora followed his ninken to a house , he unsommend them (couldn't think of the proper word) and began to walk cautiously and slowly towards the house, this was due to swing the man and woman from earlier but it was also due to the fact that his ninken had been following a leaf shinobi, which meant one was here.

Sora reached into his back pocket and took out a couple of shuriken, he held his hand behind his back to keep them out of view.
Aoi just watched as the two unknown people headed back into the hidden mist borders but she wasn't bothered about them who ever they were they didn't harm her in anyway shape or form. She walked over to the passed out border guard and sighed. "They let people this weak protect the bridge pathetic I didn't even throw a punch." Aoi said before shaking her head. "Well that wasn't like me now was it." She muttered since normally she would help the weak but now she was insulting them.

Aoi stood up and began the journey back to the hidden leaf its been two long since she's been home so she was heading there at full speed. She was excited to see if anything or anyone had changed well after being on loan to the hidden mist for a year where she was able to improve he kenjutsu she expected a lot to have changed.
Ikari nods in thanks, following the guard's directions to get to Harou. Upon arriving, he gives a curt nod to the Hyuuga. "I understand there is an ongoing investigation, Harou-san?" Straight to the point, then. Ikari takes a moment to look over the compound. The Hyuuga have always relied on their eyes, so he'd like to see if there is a lack of defenses due to this over-reliance.

"Yes...I am Harou Hyuga." Harou said. "So you're both here about the investigation?"

"Well, come inside then, and we'll get down to business. Can't speak about it out here."
Zabuza and Crystal both momentarily went into a state of shock, after all, the Akatski were taught in the history of all the great nations. It took a few moments for Zabuza to speak again.

"Well.. exactly what would be the payment for being part of such a thing? Also, the moment we start the same cause as the Akatski did last time, I believe everyone will know what our goals are."

There's a pause as Zabuza looks seemingly out in the distance

"Did you bring a friend? There's somebody else out there in the mist, and we weren't expecting anybody else but you I suppose."
Ikri nods to the other man, then to Harou, before entering casually, once again taking note of any vulnerabilities and important areas. "So, what is it we are investigating? It seems to be serious, if it requires the assistance of the Hyuuga." He asks, hoping Harou will note the praise. As a new asset to the village, relations are important, and in Ikari's experience, flattery will get you everywhere.
Harou let them both in, sitting them down at a table.

"Alright, so yesterday we received report of a missing convoy of Nobles. Immediately a team consisting of a Chunin, Jonin, and Genin were sent out to find the convoy. They ended up finding the ruins of the convoy, and all of the dead guards but no nobles. After they were given permission to pursue they went a few clicks into the forest, where they found the nobles. One noble from Konoha was dead, while all the rest were pinned against trees by a strange crystal ninjutsu. The area was also filled with traps, and these traps incapacitated one jonin, and killed a few other nobles in the process of saving them. The trail is cold, all that we know is that it's a man and a woman, and one of them has the ability to manipulate crystal as a ninjutsu. Not much other leads than that, as the nobles weren't much help as an eye witness account.
"Do we have anything on the appearance of the perpetrators?" Ikari asks, thinking back to the pair he had met on the way to his assigned abode. Come to think of it, the man had warned him that it may be prudent to leave. Then, it seemed unimportant, but the timing was odd. The warning was given on the same day as the attack, and given the attack's nature, the people would suspect any outsiders... Maybe the encounter, or even the man, had relevance.
(Wow I never got any notifications after my last post on page 5 lol. I read and caught up though and see we have some new characters.)

Neji Uchiha woke up the next morning after the failure of a mission he was on the day before. It was his fault that Katsuro and gotten hurt, Neji didn't warn him in time about the traps. Then he went to the hokages office yesterday and got a stern talking too. The hokage told him to take a few days off so he could clear his head. Neji sighed as he got up out of bed and showered. He got dressed and headed out of his house into the village. He casually walked towards the hospital as he wanted to go see Katsuro.
"Ah the hidden leaf it still looks as grand as the first day I laid eyes on it." Aoi said as the hidden leaf came into sight the place where she had so many memories some good most bad it was also the place she wouldn't miss in the slightest if it burned in flames but for now she would stay as a leaf ninja until the time seemed right since if it wasn't for the leafs misinformation Naoki Senju the one person she has ever loved would still be alive but alas he is not. Aoi walked into the village and headed straight to the hokages office where she knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
Hokage Mitsorugi

"Yes? Come in." He said across the room. Currently the Hokage was busy filling out paperwork, but he could spare time.
Aoi opened the door and walked into the Hokage's office. "Sorry for taking up some of your time." Aoi said noticing all of the paper work the Hokage seemed to have been doing. "Jonin Aoi Uchiha is ready of duty as a leaf shinobi once again my mission in assisting the mist was successful well after a year it was anyway." Aoi said before remembering the bridge incident. "You may also want to send someone to take a look at the bridge guard, whose guarding the bridge crossing the fire nation to the water nation."

Sora had positioned himself so he was hidden but still had good view of what was going on.

One of them was looking in his direction, but Sora knew that he could not see him.

Sora kept shuriken at hand.

Sora looked closer at the leaf shinobi, it was no doubt who it was, their Sharingan was clearly visible.

Sora would love to kill him, after all he was scum who betrayed his allies by abandoning them.

But one thing held Sora back from attacking, it was the fact that he did not know what the other two were capable of.

So Sora decided to stay put for as long as he could and continue to listen.


That virtually described Quintus half of the time. Constantly alert, and listening. He remained in the corner of his room within his private home, as though awaiting something. Quintus needed to make a trip to an important meeting involving the Shinobi of the criminal underworld. The man used the criminal underworld and those within it to his advantage, generally for things like supplies, but also to keep a look out on events occurring across the lands. You see, it was most certainly not a peaceful time. It was a time of war and strife, and only those with capable skill could take advantage of the chaos.

Quintus' eyes narrowed as he sensed someone approaching. He had been specific about arriving at the meeting with a small convoy, and was pleased to see that his associates had followed through. It was time to leave. Getting up from his position, Quintus moved towards the door. As expected, there were about four people waiting outside for him.

"We got the message... and we've been sent to escort you to the meeting," said a hooded, slightly large man from the group.

"I see..." Quintus murmured. His eyes had been darting around each of the men. The one who had just spoke sounded confident... yet the others looked slightly apprehensive, possibly nervous. One of them even had a hand on the hilt of their blade. And that's when Quintus realized...

"You're here as a part of a sabotage," He remarked, quite calmly for a man who had just found realized that these people had plotted to kill him. Barely a second after he uttered the sentence, the shinobi thrust their hands forward, each firing coordinated streams of fire at the man. He was seemingly enveloped in the flames.

"We got em!" One of them remarked, snidely.

"Not likely..." said a low voice from just behind the foolish ninjas.

The large one turned around swiftly, though he was sent smashing into the burning building. Grabbing the blade off of the body, Quintus tossed it into the next one's throat. A sudden ball of flame was sent at Quintus, who hadn't even time to dodge it, but managed to put his arms up to defend himself. The result was that it singed the forearms of his uniform.

"That... that should ha--" Quintus fiercely struck him in the stomach, before kicking him aside.

The last one hadn't made another attempt to attack Quintus, his eyes widened as Quintus took out the other. Then, it was his turn. Quintus' gaze turned towards him, and he slowly walked towards him.

"Hey, wait a second, maybe we can t--"



Quintus grabbed his wrist, using his foot to trip the man, and to get him on his knees. Walking behind him, Quintus grabbed the back of his neck.

"I won't kill you... no... I want you to go back to those who sent you, as a message... once you regain consciousness," He whispered. Raising his right hand, Quintus placed it on the man's forehead.


The mercenary's scream echoed throughout the area...

I give a brief wave back to the other man, and then turn Harou. I run the different facts through my head, trying to mesh up any ideas or plans to help the investigation along. "Crystal Style is... a rather rare kekkai genkai. Are there any faces in the bingo book with this kekkai genkai? That may help narrow down the possible suspects... and, as said, appearances - even the briefest descriptions - may help further focus our possible culprits" I murmur, pausing constantly as I think of more lines of thought.
Neji finally made his way to the hospital and asked where katsuros room was. He was told where it was and walked up a few flights of stairs and down a few hallways until he got to the room. He sighed and knocked on the door and saw his former sensei laying in bed. "Hey Katsuro hope you're okay with me dropping by? I just wanted to see how you were feeling."
"you really think I'm that stupid, Like I would call us The akatski, It's not like I havn't thought this through...as for payment, well you would be helping the world a better place"seeing his expression he rolled his eyes and added on"plus when you are not on missions you can go around gathering some high bounty targets as you won't need to stay here in hiding...as for other leaf sinobi that would be a spy who was probabley following you from the bridge but not to worry we can't be harmed"He lent forward and whispered something into Zabuza's ear then leant back in his chair with a smirk.

((Ill PM you hte whisper))

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