Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Ugh, I hope my child faces yours in the Exams!


Of course! They are the terrible twosome. It's so cute how they match. Will take things by storm.


Sure thing, go for it.

@Hange Zoe


@Strawberry Preserves

A Fire clan. Born in the Void. Yet affiliated with Kiri. Lol. You look for ways to undermine people don't you?

It's important to be culturally diverse. :D  Besides, Konoha has no ninja village to become bestu taijutsu mastah!
@White Masquerade

Here's some hardcore platforming/fighting game action to start off your day. Lots of wire-fu here, I'm hoping that it also carries over to Ex-Aid's series.  The cameo is also an advertisement for their crossover movie in the winter lol.

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 Your cousin is disabled?

Lol. Traitor. 

Sort of, he tried to join the military and fell from a fairly decent height. He can't run around like he used to and has trouble lifting things over certain weights or performing long term physically stressful tasks. That coupled with a few other things going on actually had him sojourning over here for a year at one of our Uncle's places. He was a completely different person from who'd I had known as seemed to have just hit his lowest during that year, and I based Kauri on that set up. Kind of just has this mix of social and personal issues weighing down on him, so he decided to leave and just go be alone.

In a sense it is running away from your problems, but the good thing is that when you're at the bottom of the barrel, there's only one direction to go from there.

Also no need to worry about my cousin, he's doing well as well and is a lot more at peace with himself. 
@Strawberry Preserves

Okay, I'll drop it. You know that I know, Strawberry, what you're doing. I'll leave it at that.


Ex Aid is the Black one?

@Pequeno Burraidh

Understood. I am happy to hear he is much better off in terms of coping from before. Hopefully Kauri will be able to find the same relief in this situation. Very true, when your back is against the wall. It is a curse but a blessing as well if you take it right.

As for the Exams, PC and Non PC will be together. No reason they should be separate.

@Hange Zoe

What outsiders?


Heyo, just ask here if you have any questions.
@Strawberry Preserves

Okay, I'll drop it. You know that I know, Strawberry, what you're doing. I'll leave it at that.


Ex Aid is the Black one?

@Pequeno Burraidh

Understood. I am happy to hear he is much better off in terms of coping from before. Hopefully Kauri will be able to find the same relief in this situation. Very true, when your back is against the wall. It is a curse but a blessing as well if you take it right.

As for the Exams, PC and Non PC will be together. No reason they should be separate.

@Hange Zoe

What outsiders?


Heyo, just ask here if you have any questions.


And yea, as long as you have the wherewithal to understand it, having your back finally put against the wall becomes a blessing because now it doesn't matter where you go, because it's all going to get better from there.
There was some heavy rain last night, but it came back in full force today. Texas still gets rain, but it's not constant. It flooded a few times last year as well.

My campus is next to a big river, so the water rises fast around here. A lot of the students have taken to riding in inner tubes. There also someone skimboarding outside my apartment. 
There was some heavy rain last night, but it came back in full force today. Texas still gets rain, but it's not constant. It flooded a few times last year as well.

My campus is next to a big river, so the water rises fast around here. A lot of the students have taken to riding in inner tubes. There also someone skimboarding outside my apartment. 

You're kidding? Tell me you're kidding?

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Super. Will look now.


Haruto is accepted!
@Lucem Tenebris

That's crazy O.O. Hopefully no one's been injured or anything like that (Though it sounds like folks are getting a kick out of it, if they're tubing to class and such). Your building hasn't been flooded or anything, right?

@White Masquerade

Please, do me a solid and don't look over Yoshinori's CS yet- the history is just a clichéd mess right now >.<
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Nope. The people at my school don't take things like this too seriously. I also saw someone kayaking outside.

Woooooow. I don't know what to tell you Lucem. Your uni-mates are pretty lax. That's a cool atmosphere to have actually. They sound like the type to all dress as doctors and go to class like normal, if there's some kind of health scare.


Sure, no problem. I plan to give this whole week for character creation and getting together. I'm mostly done with my set-up, so it's no problem to wait on others. It's funny you decided to go with somebody from the East.


Samantha is accepted. She is affiliated Kumo. Nice to see Lightning characters.

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