Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


 =P. This is war with Water, IG. We can't show our weakness.

@Pequeno Burraidh

I feel so sad for Kauri. Yet his story seems all to real. People with disabilities do have it rough. High five for manifestation as well. Fun fact for you: Wunan had Manifestation. Jinan had Projection and linking.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Come and get it.
She i would but last i checked ball is in your court,seeing as your oc's are the aggressors shocking i know . They blow up like their village when they get upset . @White Masquerade
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She i would but last i checked ball is in your court,seeing as your oc's are the aggressors shocking i know . They blow up like their village when they get upset . @White Masquerade

xD. Lol. We'll play it cool Kinzu, don't worry.

@Lucem Tenebris

Kouta. Sad story bout his father. At least he is coming to make peace. Hopefully he makes some friends in Kirigakure.
1 minute ago, White Masquerade said:

xD. Lol. We'll play it cool Kinzu, don't worry.

@Lucem Tenebris

Kouta. Sad story bout his father. At least he is coming to make peace. Hopefully he makes some friends in Kirigakure.


Hey don't say it like the Kirigakure is just a killing field ,its a bit violent but you can make friends !
You tend to have some close bonding when evading death and struggling *Twiddle thumbs ,shifty eyes*

Only if the evading part works out and assuming no one is crippled instead and assuming the policy isn't built on creating murderous psychopaths.

Which it is
1 minute ago, IG42 said:

Only if the evading part works out and assuming no one is crippled instead and assuming the policy isn't built on creating murderous psychopaths.

Which it is


No no no its just coming of age rites 

You are correct, some puppets of the Chikamatsu collection are destroyed by Sasori. If you want to go over which ones, just PM me and we can get to that.
While many coming of age rites involve the risk of death butthead none kill 2/3s of the participants or more if there's a real nutjob in the mix.

Sadly but true the loss can be staggering at times ,but result tends to lean to stronger graduates . Sure bit more bloodthirsty than your standard person but the ninja world is in even more troubling time we need the strongest ninjas to bare their fangs at this new world.
Sadly but true the loss can be staggering at times ,but result tends to lean to stronger graduates . Sure bit more bloodthirsty than your standard person but the ninja world is in even more troubling time we need the strongest ninjas to bare their fangs at this new world.

The lone God of Chakra was defeated by three Ninjas.

Quality over Quantity doesn't work when a team is greater than the sum of it's parts.
10 minutes ago, IG42 said:

The lone God of Chakra was defeated by three Ninjas.

Quality over Quantity doesn't work when a team is greater than the sum of it's parts.


This is true,but it just the way things are done. I reason ,it was stopped after the 4th mizukage  ,5th ,and perhaps 6th but resume after the need for better fighters. If I may reason if some Kiri-ninja looked back at their most powerful ninja came from the bloody mist generation ,so I mean it seems logical to mimic the result . Though i image this first attempt failed since the Kiri was the first to fall to the dark kage ,leaving survivors like Han ,Yasa ,Chiaki(well maybe not Chiaki,since he grew up outside the kiri ) and the recent Mizukage to them it just the way it been for their lifetime it normal to them an odd normalization  of Kill or be killed .  

=/ Kaguya *sigh* bad times

I stopped paying attention to the fight scenes after Danzo died, partly to throw a party because that asshat was finally dead and partly because it did have some clever stuff in there.

Genjutsu needed more attention especially being used for little misdirections instead of just smothering targets under fantastical illusions.

This is true,but it just the way things are done. I reason ,it was stopped after the 4th mizukage  ,5th ,and perhaps 6th but resume after the need for better fighters. If I may reason if some Kiri-ninja looked back at their most powerful ninja came from the bloody mist generation ,so I mean it seems logical to mimic the result . Though i image this first attempt failed since the Kiri was the first to fall to the dark kage ,leaving survivors like Han ,Yasa ,Chiaki(well maybe not Chiaki,since he grew up outside the kiri ) and the recent Mizukage to them it just the way it been for their lifetime it normal to them an odd normalization  of Kill or be killed .  

I wouldn't think policies laid down by a Jinchuuriki under the control of an insane Uchiha working for Madara to bring about the end of the world would be considered on principle.
1 minute ago, IG42 said:

I stopped paying attention to the fight scenes after Danzo died, partly to throw a party because that asshat was finally dead and partly because it did have some clever stuff in there.

Genjutsu needed more attention especially being used for little misdirections instead of just smothering targets under fantastical illusions.

I wouldn't think policies laid down by a Jinchuuriki under the control of an insane Uchiha working for Madara to bring about the end of the world would be considered on principle.


I understand this,but how i see it how the allies took Nazi research and made it their own. If the strongest ninja came out of such cruel training regime something musta worked then .
I understand this,but how i see it how the allies took Nazi research and made it their own. If the strongest ninja came out of such cruel training regime something musta worked then .

Zabuza was born with freaky chakra and Kisame naturally had massive reserves.
Well, Zabuza was more skilled based ,while Kisame I can't lie that man was a beast . However setting this aside I'll admit openly it's flawed thinking,but no seem to choose to change it not like my character were Mizukage I sorta figure the 9th mizukage would put an end to it but didn't seem so.So things continue status quo ,Spartan training and what not . But you can see with Han daughter ,or least whenever Quirky makes her bio sheet there is a choice not to be a ninja now. 

Zabuza was born with freaky chakra and Kisame naturally had massive reserves.

Gosh no we don't need a character like that here xD

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Ah. Kiri is still in the process of changing. I doubt Tsukiko will keep it going for much longer.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

I like the extension of the lore you got going there! Very cool connection she has with Kanami/Kokoro. I changed the Spirit Class to B. The only problem were with the techniques. All new characters can start with 2 natures/tactics/masteries and Mio's set covers 4 masteries. I labeled which ones her powers are, next to the name. I see she has a lot dealing with Projection and Linking, so I'd say to keep those two.

If a new character is older though, would def consider them having 3. The Masteries are listed in the lore thread, but if you want me to go over them just let me know!
4 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:


Gosh no we don't need a character like that here xD

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Ah. Kiri is still in the process of changing. I doubt Tsukiko will keep it going for much longer.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

I like the extension of the lore you got going there! Very cool connection she has with Kanami/Kokoro. I changed the Spirit Class to B. The only problem were with the techniques. All new characters can start with 2 natures/tactics/masteries and Mio's set covers 4 masteries. I labeled which ones her powers are, next to the name. I see she has a lot dealing with Projection and Linking, so I'd say to keep those two.

If a new character is older though, would def consider them having 3. The Masteries are listed in the lore thread, but if you want me to go over them just let me know!


sounds good to me ,least in wording lets see how the mizukage transition .

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