Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Kouki is married I believe.

Ah, sorry about that. Shinsei will need someone who can...put up with him so to say. I don't think he'll ever turn into a good guy. Decent maybe...but not good.

Just be thankful Shinsei fought the untrained Dove, and never encountered Kameretsiu. Kam would have eaten him alive.
Tainan and Rei need to meet anyhow, that will need to be discussed with White since they are basically doing the same thing in different ways. That and Rei's pulling the Switzerland thing where she and Hato no Tochi are uninvolved in the world's foolish games of power. There was also Kouki I think, but I think Luce has his own plans for Kouki anyhow, though Rei still owes him a thank you xD

Well, yes, definitely, and Rei's happy as a lark, but I as a writer would like to see her find love and peace, especially after the Dove fiasco. I mean, I know I set up all the info but I kept wanting things to work out for the better... and then they got worse.

I don't have any plans for Kouki relationship-wise. He's unattached. I look forward to when he's able to meet up with Rei.

That's understandable. Things don't always go well. Although, even if things don't work out in the love department, she'll always have her village.

That's a good reason. Though I thought there had to be a strong bond between the two sharingan users to create the Eternal Mangekyo...which is why all previous characters created it by killing their siblings...

The donor and receiver need to have strong blood ties in order to restore vision, so I don't think Sarada's eye would suit anyone unless they go through genetic manipulation.
I don't have any plans for Kouki relationship-wise. He's unattached. I look forward to when he's able to meet up with Rei.

That's understandable. Things don't always go well. Although, even if things don't work out in the love department, she'll always have her village.

The donor and receiver need to have strong blood ties in order to restore vision, so I don't think Sarada's eye would suit anyone unless they go through genetic manipulation.

Hmmmm, so what's going on with the vision thing, someone give me the rundown =P
Just be thankful Shinsei fought the untrained Dove, and never encountered Kameretsiu. Kam would have eaten him alive.

Shinsei used none of his lightning jutsus/sealing jutsus against Dove. All he did was charge with brute force. And he only lost so badly because I'm terrible at dice rolls ¬¬

I don't have any plans for Kouki relationship-wise. He's unattached. I look forward to when he's able to meet up with Rei.

That's understandable. Things don't always go well. Although, even if things don't work out in the love department, she'll always have her village.

The donor and receiver need to have strong blood ties in order to restore vision, so I don't think Sarada's eye would suit anyone unless they go through genetic manipulation. it's basically useless to a character who got blinded by having the Mangekyo...unless you mean normally blinded characters. Did Kouki lose his eyes?
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Shinsei used none of his lightning jutsus/sealing jutsus against Dove. All he did was charge with brute force. And he only lost because I'm terrible at dice rolls ¬¬ it's basically useless to a character who got blinded by having the Mangekyo...unless you mean normally blinded characters. Did Kouki lose his eyes?

Yea, but Kam had none of Dove's weaknesses, i.e. being dissipated or held back by emotion or having issues reforming his body, and then there's the fact that he's literally her older brother. Have you ever seen what older brothers do to people that mess with their younger siblings? I have a child caseworker friend who told me about a lad that right on and bludgeoned his dads head in with a cricket bat cos the bastard was a sicko paedophile after the boys younger sister. 

I may not have siblings myself, but I have plenty of cousins who do and they all seem like they'd go to hell and back for each other. I just have a rather fantastical boyfriend =p
Shinsei used none of his lightning jutsus/sealing jutsus against Dove. All he did was charge with brute force. And he only lost because I'm terrible at dice rolls ¬¬ it's basically useless to a character who got blinded by having the Mangekyo...unless you mean normally blinded characters. Did Kouki lose his eyes?

I'm also terrible at dice rolls. "Catching" Mewtwo was my first and only success. 

He still has his eyes. Although, I have plans to do something with his Sharingan, so that could change before I have a full CS for him.
Yea, but Kam had none of Dove's weaknesses, i.e. being dissipated or held back by emotion or having issues reforming his body, and then there's the fact that he's literally her older brother. Have you ever seen what older brothers do to people that mess with their younger siblings? I have a child caseworker friend who told me about a lad that right on and bludgeoned his dads head in with a cricket bat cos the bastard was a sicko paedophile after the boys younger sister. 

I may not have siblings myself, but I have plenty of cousins who do and they all seem like they'd go to hell and back for each other. I just have a rather fantastical boyfriend =p

True. Though Shinsei was always meant to be a tactical fighter. Lots of versatility in terms of jutsus, and...I think I put he was clever in his cs. Lol. Showed none of that in the fight. I blame all the alcohol he's consumed...and the fact that he was fighting Dove. His attachment to her stemmed from before they even met. She'd been his goal after Amagakure got massacred and brought him out of depression...a love built from hatred. I'd plan for Shinsei to fall in love with Dove early on. Not exactly a healthy one. I just didn't expect her to recuperate his feelings so soon(if ever)...but then you had your own plans for Dove.

I'm also terrible at dice rolls. "Catching" Mewtwo was my first and only success. 

He still has his eyes. Although, I have plans to do something with his Sharingan, so that could change before I have a full CS for him.

Ah, so he's going to experiment on his

Welll, if Kouki is blind that'd be a reason for Chiaki to give it to him. That's why he'd he even consider giving to Shinsei. Otherwise, he'd give to someone he trusts.
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True. Though Shinsei was always meant to be a tactical fighter. Lots of versatility in terms of jutsus, and...I think I put he was clever in his cs. Lol. Showed none of that in the fight. I blame all the alcohol he's consumed...and the fact that he was fighting Dove. His attachment to her stemmed from before they even met. She'd been his goal after Amagakure got massacred and brought him out of depression...a love built from hatred. I'd plan for Shinsei to fall in love with Dove early on. I just didn't expect her to recuperate his feelings so soon(if ever)...but then you had your own plans for Dove.

Ah, so he's going to experiment on his

Welll, if Kouki is blind that'd be a reason for Chiaki to give it to him. That's why he'd he even consider giving to Shinsei. Otherwise, he'd give to someone he trusts.

Ugh, one day I might dredge up the work that went into all the plans and routes Dove was potentially taking, take a picture and post them here. If the chicken scratch script was legible it would be a vast chart that essentially consisted of Dove being a sinking ship that then had a vast multitude of hole blown into it whilst she did her best to bail water out.

Basically between Orisas, the disaster at Yugakure and the number of people that opted to be outright against her despite her attempts to do good was a basic death knell before things got started. There were two small chances for turn arounds, but Orisas refused her when she revealed herself, and the the whole genjutsu debacle that dredged up all the rubbish she'd locked away in her head all over again. 

I built Dove as a character that 100% was going to be relying on others for a happy ending, so don't blame Shinsei alone for not saving her when it was kind of just society as a whole and it's wants to destroy everything.

You know, since the ninja still couldn't get along even when they faced extinction.(Which is totally not why Rei wound up taking cues from Naruto with her 'Believe it' line xD    )
Ah, so he's going to experiment on his

Welll, if Kouki is blind that'd be a reason for Chiaki to give it to him. That's why he'd he even consider giving to Shinsei. Otherwise, he'd give to someone he trusts.

I don't think he would experiment on his eyes. If trust is a criteria, Kouki would be out of the running. He doesn't have a very good track record.
Ugh, one day I might dredge up the work that went into all the plans and routes Dove was potentially taking, take a picture and post them here. If the chicken scratch script was legible it would be a vast chart that essentially consisted of Dove being a sinking ship that then had a vast multitude of hole blown into it whilst she did her best to bail water out.

Basically between Orisas, the disaster at Yugakure and the number of people that opted to be outright against her despite her attempts to do good was a basic death knell before things got started. There were two small chances for turn arounds, but Orisas refused her when she revealed herself, and the the whole genjutsu debacle that dredged up all the rubbish she'd locked away in her head all over again. 

I built Dove as a character that 100% was going to be relying on others for a happy ending, so don't blame Shinsei alone for not saving her when it was kind of just society as a whole and it's wants to destroy everything.

You know, since the ninja still couldn't get along even when they faced extinction.(Which is totally not why Rei wound up taking cues from Naruto with her 'Believe it' line xD    )

Tbh, even though it all went downhill, I'm perfectly content with this ending for Shinsei. It gave him a good opportunity to mature. I've even built npcs that will lead him down the good route. Hopefully nothing bad happens. 

The previous rp was never meant to be happy I don't think. 

I don't think he would experiment on his eyes. If trust is a criteria, Kouki would be out of the running. He doesn't have a very good track record.

Oh, so he's going to give it someone?

So what's up with the eye thing? I feel like I've missed something.

Luce implied that Kouki plans to do something with his sharingan eyes.
Tbh, even though it all went downhill, I'm perfectly content with this ending for Shinsei. It gave him a good opportunity to mature. I've even built npcs that will lead him down the good route. Hopefully nothing bad happens. 

The previous rp was never meant to be happy I don't think. 

Oh, so he's going to give it someone?

Luce implied that Kouki plans to do something with his sharingan eyes.

So why does Kouki have Sharingan eyes? 

And I think that while the initial happenings of the original may not have had an immediate happy ending it was still a forgeable option for some, and they can share their treasures that they've created in life.

I think the previous iteration was a good lesson in what happens when people let useless or silly differences drive wedges between them when unity is needed the most.
So what's up with the eye thing? I feel like I've missed something.

We're just discussing the Sharingan Chiaki has and what it could be used for.

Oh, so he's going to give it someone?

I haven't decided anything yet, but he wouldn't pass them on. He dislikes having the Sharingan, but it's necessary. Giving the eyes away like a tool to be used wouldn't sit right with him, considering they came from someone he cared about.
We're just discussing the Sharingan Chiaki has and what it could be used for.

I haven't decided anything yet, but he wouldn't pass them on. He dislikes having the Sharingan, but it's necessary. Giving the eyes away like a tool to be used wouldn't sit right with him, considering they came from someone he cared about.

Ahhh, makes sense.

Find a way to use them for something other than what they've primarily always been used for, to avert bloodshed rather than beget more of it.
We're just discussing the Sharingan Chiaki has and what it could be used for.

I haven't decided anything yet, but he wouldn't pass them on. He dislikes having the Sharingan, but it's necessary. Giving the eyes away like a tool to be used wouldn't sit right with him, considering they came from someone he cared about.

Aw, Kouki's a good kid.

Chiaki was randomly given the eye and told it'd help in the war against the Kakureyami. But he didn't use it. So he'd probably either give it back to the Uchiha clan, find a blind person to give it to, or give it to someone who he trusts won't misuse it. Then there's always just throwing it away...but I think that'd be a waste.

So why does Kouki have Sharingan eyes? 

And I think that while the initial happenings of the original may not have had an immediate happy ending it was still a forgeable option for some, and they can share their treasures that they've created in life.

I think the previous iteration was a good lesson in what happens when people let useless or silly differences drive wedges between them when unity is needed the most.

Unity generally only works if every person has the same goals. I don't think Orisas even cared about peace...considering that she enjoys making people puppets....

Really, White doesn't like Shinsei, but it's not like Orisas is that much better, or any less creepy :P

In the Dove/Orisas scenario, Dove was the one that wanted something from Orisas. Therefore Orisas demanded something in return to show that she was serious. I think there was also a bit of powerplay involved, but I don't remember the exact details of what was said. Did it derail to personal attacks?

The ability to work with someone you dislike to achieve a greater goal isn't a 'talent' many possess. I'm not even sure if I'd call it a talent. More a personality trait. Many of White's npcs were the passionate types...which also tend to be stubborn and won't compromise on their ideals. To forge the ultimate happy ending would take an incredibly determined character, willing to go out of the box, befriend both sides, and come up with a solution that makes everyone happy. In other words, nearly impossible...because what makes one character happy won't make another character happy (especially with Kakureyami/Ninja relationship). Considering that both sides had been killing each other for ten years or so, I don't think I'd call the differences silly... 

Ahhh, makes sense.

Find a way to use them for something other than what they've primarily always been used for, to avert bloodshed rather than beget more of it.

Well, the one Chiaki got had the I guess it could be used to trap people in happy illusions? lol. There's also using it as time room to mentally communicate rather than a torture device.

The thing is, I've got no plans of implanting the eye in Chiaki unless I plan on giving him an eyepatch like Kakashii. Nor do I plan to have it planted in his hands, forehead, etc...which would mar his beautiful features. As of now, it's just wasting away as a creepy decoration.Therefore, his options are to give it to someone he trusts would use it for good, or use it as a bargaining chip to cement some sort of deal. He is a diplomat after all...

That plays a part in one of the final Gaidens. It ties into the Land of Light.

Did Kouki found the Land of Light by using his eyes to give sight to blind people?
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Clarinetti-chan...if I do not accept, I will regret this moment forever, I feel it in my soul!


Haha, normies are useless.


Why can't people leave oro alone? And wow. Nice analysis of things. That was the big thing in the last RP. A character has to work for what they want. Yeah, some things are going to be extremely hard, but if you want it, then you go for it. A few characters unfortunately weren't able to handle that or accept the risks, and that led directly to how things turned out.
@White Masquerade




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The year is 1907. The 20th century is still young.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This is a world that experienced a 19th century very different from our own. A world of innumerable steam-powered Engines. The unnaturally rapid development of this steam civilization filled the air with smog, robbing humanity of the blue skies they'd once known.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There is one place in particular where the sky is darker than anywhere else: the ruins of the Engine city New York, perpetually shrouded in grey clouds and polluted rain. Five years ago, a mysterious disaster known as the "Great Disappearance" reduced this entire metropolis to a deserted, crumbling wasteland. Sealed off from the world by the United States government, it stands in utter silence. Not a single soul now walks its streets.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]But today, a woman named Elysia quietly sets foot inside it - guided by a singular purpose. Her destination: old Manhattan, said to be the epicenter of the catastrophe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Unbeknownst to her...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There is a place said to be the city's "Underground." This is an enormous subterranean realm, permeated with a dim purple light. No one on the surface world knows of its existence. In this place, the Skyscrapers that crumbled five years ago still stand tall; but their forms are warped and twisted. "Underground New York" is a place of black and violet shadows. A prison with no exit. And beneath its unnatural "sky," the men and women who vanished five years ago still exist...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Cowering in fear of the seven monsters known as the "Messengers."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Suffering terror, agony, and death at the hands of the "Messengers."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]They linger on in this twisted underground city, as if waiting for something.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A girl named Lily sets foot in this place, her mind devoid of memories. There is only one thing she's certain of. She doesn't have a reason. She doesn't know who or what awaits her. She doesn't even know why she feels this way. But even so, she's absolutely certain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Manhattan. The ends of the violet sky."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"I have to go there. I'm the only one who can."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]─The girl sets off for the tower of violet shadow looming far in the distance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]─With every step, she finds the shades of those yet to fade away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]─She isn't aware of the tears she sheds.[/SIZE]

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