Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

My guess was that Naruto had the marks because of the time he spent within the womb of a Jinchūriki. He could have been affected by Kurama during the nine months until his birth. Boruto and Himawari also have them, so it could possibly be a genetic thing.

If he does, reading about his adventures as a ninja pirate would be interesting. 

I imagine that crossing him wouldn't be a very good idea. His appearance reminds me of the old Street Sharks cartoon.

Well like I told Quirk, he has one person he intends to track down, who he bumps into along that path will be the question that could make it all quite interesting.
Well Timuga's intentionally built to track down one person, and that one person alone. It may or may not, however, mean that he interacts with a good chunk of the group in the process.

However Rei is meant to interact with Rokoriko, and the Memoriam are generally accompanying Rei.

As for my PCs, well Kauri's got his own thing, which will be fun, and Koriko wants to be a simple medical nin.

Chiaki is pretty skilled in medical ninjutsu. Got his medic-nin license and everything...then changed career paths. 

Well like I told Quirk, he has one person he intends to track down, who he bumps into along that path will be the question that could make it all quite interesting.

I hope he bumps into some nice characters. Though, aggressive ones could be entertaining as well.

Most my characters will be starting in Kirigakure. The only exception is Hana, who'll be in Eternal Night Palace.
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So what precisely is Akane charged with? I mean you can't put someone on trial for making a kage cry.

Maybe taking charge of the army under false pretenses but considering the results and what would've happened if they hadn't turned up that seems like the best punishment would be to hit over the head with a fekking medal.

And who's the Hokage supposed to be?
So what precisely is Akane charged with? I mean you can't put someone on trial for making a kage cry.

Maybe taking charge of the army under false pretenses but considering the results and what would've happened if they hadn't turned up that seems like the best punishment would be to hit over the head with a fekking medal.

And who's the Hokage supposed to be?

From my understanding, she hid the truth about Rozu's death and was put on trial for withholding that information. 

He should be fine. Chiaki's a good talker. Except if he's Iwagakure. Then I'm not sure any amount of talk-no-jutsu would work.   

He could always resort to 'Obey Me Release'. 
So what precisely is Akane charged with? I mean you can't put someone on trial for making a kage cry.

Maybe taking charge of the army under false pretenses but considering the results and what would've happened if they hadn't turned up that seems like the best punishment would be to hit over the head with a fekking medal.

And who's the Hokage supposed to be?

I agree. But not all of White's npcs are reasonable...and there may be some political motivations for getting rid of Akane.

Dunno about the Hokage. Konohagakure was covered in darkness when the rp ended. I suppose the citizens might elect a new Hokage once Tainan decides to lift the curse--when he decides to life the curse--and the citizens decide to move back. Or they could have emigrated like @Strawberry Preserves's pc.
Rofl! Ah, Kuro...I forgot what happened to him xD

I'm not sure if he was mentioned again, aside from Chiaki's nightmare. He ran away after Kouki tried to kill him.

Well in her defence she still only has a suspicion that Hoshie did it there still isn't any real evidence.

I remember Hoshie confessing when Akane wouldn't let her investigation go. Although, she could've just been saying what she wanted to hear.
I'm not sure if he was mentioned again, aside from Chiaki's nightmare. He ran away after Kouki tried to kill him.

I remember Hoshie confessing when Akane wouldn't let her investigation go. Although, she could've just been saying what she wanted to hear.

I remember him talking to Ja Jankin, but I can't seem to recall what they were talking about...

I can't imagine why Hoshi would lie just to say what Akane wanted to hear.
If she did lie, it could have been to have Akane leave her alone. However, I doubt that's the case.
7 hours ago, White Masquerade said:

Oh yeahhh, I am getting there. I want to finish all the NPC first. I don't have too many more to go.

@Pequeno Burraidh

I did. I am declaring Tuesday break-day, so give me a few and I'll be right there.


You don't understand. These characters will literally kick Mizu's butt if she tries anything, lol. I'm being so serious. She's not the only dangerous character we have.

Static is much underappreciated


Dude, I may talk her up but its all kinda by accident ._.

I treat her as the weakest person in a fight most of the time, IC she only has won two fights in 96 years

Most other dangerous people are just plain bad ass compared to her
@White Masquerade


New Bond Level 10 for certain Servants that grants them a super-powerful Craft Essence based on their legend. Revenge intensifies, Dante is my priority. And it looks like his Craft Essence increases Quick Card performance. 
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I was already extremely lost then Gas started talking about Craft Essence. Help  :S
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Woow. What's with the philosophical discussion everyone? Akane is going to get what she deserves. It's as simple as that. 
Ugh! I was simultaneously hoping that you would say yes and no to that! But at least I won't be going back on my w-word, right? *sobs*

Haha. What. It's like asking the sun not to shine or the snow not to be cold. It's not good to ask me if I want to ruin someone's life.

No sarcasm involved. I like situations like these. No need send Akane to the guillotine.

White keeps implying that something bad is going to happen to her, but it could be a trick. It's only a matter of time before her fate is revealed. 

>_> You calling me unreliable?

@Strawberry Preserves

Oi. Strawberry. We started off really well. let's not ruin our relationship. I'm going to need you to stay out of this.


Wow. You still don't have Nightingale xD

So what precisely is Akane charged with? I mean you can't put someone on trial for making a kage cry.

Maybe taking charge of the army under false pretenses but considering the results and what would've happened if they hadn't turned up that seems like the best punishment would be to hit over the head with a fekking medal.

And who's the Hokage supposed to be?

IG why are you questioning things before the RP is even finished?

Dude, I may talk her up but its all kinda by accident ._.

I treat her as the weakest person in a fight most of the time, IC she only has won two fights in 96 years

Most other dangerous people are just plain bad ass compared to her

=) That's funny. 2 fights in 96 years

I was already extremely lost then Gas started talking about Craft Essence. Help  :S

It's an app for a Fandom called Fate.

Working on stuff! Don't you dare tag me for something small.
Haha. What. It's like asking the sun not to shine or the snow not to be cold. It's not good to ask me if I want to ruin someone's life.

>_> You calling me unreliable?

@Strawberry Preserves

Oi. Strawberry. We started off really well. let's not ruin our relationship. I'm going to need you to stay out of this.


Wow. You still don't have Nightingale xD

IG why are you questioning things before the RP is even finished?

=) That's funny. 2 fights in 96 years

It's an app for a Fandom called Fate.

Working on stuff! Don't you dare tag me for something small.


Suffer knowing that you'll never be as cute as this squint-eyed insane nurse.

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@Strawberry Preserves

Please don't sell vital organs to pay for textbooks (At least not your own). I understand you gotta make mullah to pay the bills and such, but if you're going into the black market don't get involved with such a finicky commodity- with the refrigeration and the short time span before the organ's useless to transplant, it's risky business... that's just my two cents though.

So you've survived orientation if nothing else- congrats! Now prepare to have your life force gradually sucked out of you for the next however many years! ^.^


From my understanding, the main charges Akane would face include obstruction of justice (In not immediately telling the Kage about Hoshie's absence/ whatever she uncovered in her investigation via Hanako's documents), interfering in the political affairs of a sovereign nation outside the conditions of Iwagakure's foreign policies on interventionism (Ie. Espionage), and (If White decides to get feisty) a nonviolent coup d'état through extortion/blackmail (Ie threatening to tell the Kage about Hoshie's actions to force her to resign/abdicate.) That last point is a bit of a stretch though.


Aww, that's rather sweet of Chiaki ^.^. Considering that they've never formally met, it would be rather altruistic (If not unexpected) for him to come forward on Akane's behalf. But then again, he might know her from what Hans might've told him as well as what he saw during the negotiations with Jinan. Either way, I'd be curious to get his thoughts on the whole situation. As for your point on a political motive, I imagine there would be some concern amongst the other nations that two people of Iwagakure heritage are in charge of three of the larger shinobi countries, but whether that'll be addressed in the gaiden is up for debate.

Regarding the Hokage, I just figured that over the time-skip at least some of the Land of Fire residents would conglomerate into refugee camps spread out through the other nations until the curse was lifted, and the Hokage would act as the voice for those displaced citizens in negotiations with the other Kage. Perhaps White has something else in mind though, not sure.


A badge of honor?

Thank you for this XD.

@White Masquerade

You see that up there?! Akane this whole time has been trying to be an honorable shinobi. She was loyal to Rozu, so much that she was unwilling to allow her death to be in vain and went after the culprits. When Hoshie decided to bail on her nation (What kind of shinobi goddess does that btw?), who took charge and made sure that the battle plan wasn't completely thrown out the window?! And then, when the war was over and the countries had to go home to deal with their own personal messes, who stepped up and help Iongakure get back on their feet, even though it wasn't their homeland?!?! She could've bailed then and let the countries dissolve into social turmoil, but because she has a conscience and recognized how her actions played a part in the predicament, she tried her best to alleviate the situation, and then fessed up to the whole thing instead of remaining the greatest Raikazekage in the history of the world (not that her predecessor was much competition for such a title ;p).

I'm so ready for this, compadre: even if it goes south for Akane, it's going to be a blast in the process. Don't hold back- show me your moves! XP
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