Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

That's right. That was your first and only warning. Don't cross the wrong people, chakra-less. What's a normal going to do?

Make explosions, fire flames, shoot laser beams. At the very least that's what Shinsei's doing...

Maruorochi isn't going to be very happy about what Chiaki's going to do to Orochimaru :P

@Strawberry Preserves

Please don't sell vital organs to pay for textbooks (At least not your own). I understand you gotta make mullah to pay the bills and such, but if you're going into the black market don't get involved with such a finicky commodity- with the refrigeration and the short time span before the organ's useless to transplant, it's risky business... that's just my two cents though.

So you've survived orientation if nothing else- congrats! Now prepare to have your life force gradually sucked out of you for the next however many years! ^.^


From my understanding, the main charges Akane would face include obstruction of justice (In not immediately telling the Kage about Hoshie's absence/ whatever she uncovered in her investigation via Hanako's documents), interfering in the political affairs of a sovereign nation outside the conditions of Iwagakure's foreign policies on interventionism (Ie. Espionage), and (If White decides to get feisty) a nonviolent coup d'état through extortion/blackmail (Ie threatening to tell the Kage about Hoshie's actions to force her to resign/abdicate.) That last point is a bit of a stretch though.


Aww, that's rather sweet of Chiaki ^.^. Considering that they've never formally met, it would be rather altruistic (If not unexpected) for him to come forward on Akane's behalf. But then again, he might know her from what Hans might've told him as well as what he saw during the negotiations with Jinan. Either way, I'd be curious to get his thoughts on the whole situation. As for your point on a political motive, I imagine there would be some concern amongst the other nations that two people of Iwagakure heritage are in charge of three of the larger shinobi countries, but whether that'll be addressed in the gaiden is up for debate.

Regarding the Hokage, I just figured that over the time-skip at least some of the Land of Fire residents would conglomerate into refugee camps spread out through the other nations until the curse was lifted, and the Hokage would act as the voice for those displaced citizens in negotiations with the other Kage. Perhaps White has something else in mind though, not sure.


Thank you for this XD.

@White Masquerade

You see that up there?! Akane this whole time has been trying to be an honorable shinobi. She was loyal to Rozu, so much that she was unwilling to allow her death to be in vain and went after the culprits. When Hoshie decided to bail on her nation (What kind of shinobi goddess does that btw?), who took charge and made sure that the battle plan wasn't completely thrown out the window?! And then, when the war was over and the countries had to go home to deal with their own personal messes, who stepped up and help Iongakure get back on their feet, even though it wasn't their homeland?!?! She could've bailed then and let the countries dissolve into social turmoil, but because she has a conscience and recognized how her actions played a part in the predicament, she tried her best to alleviate the situation, and then fessed up to the whole thing instead of remaining the greatest Raikazekage in the history of the world (not that her predecessor was much competition for such a title ;p).

I'm so ready for this, compadre: even if it goes south for Akane, it's going to be a blast in the process. Don't hold back- show me your moves! XP

Chiaki doesn't need to formally meet Akane to do the right thing. As someone who participated in the war, even he could tell that Akane's actions aided the war effort. He did encounter a Dru clone with her orders after all. And, like you said, he can guess what sort of person she is by her attempt to talk to Jinan. I don't think Chiaki would've initiated conversation if Akane hadn't. If you'll remember, he came at Jinan with a flaming sword first...
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Make explosions, fire flames, shoot laser beams. At the very least that's what Shinsei's doing...

Maruorochi isn't going to be very happy about what Chiaki's going to do to Orochimaru :P

Chiaki doesn't need to formally meet Akane to do the right thing. As someone who participated in the war, even he could tell that Akane's actions aided the war effort. He did encounter a Dru clone with her orders after all. And, like you said, he can guess what sort of person she is by her attempt to talk to Jinan. I don't think Chiaki would've initiated conversation if Akane hadn't. If you'll remember, he came at Jinan with a flaming sword first...

I look forward to see this future version of Shinsei- shall he be making his entrance in a mech suit as well? ;p

I'm just waiting for things to start and then explode like a fother-mucker xD

Patience, friend- all good things come to those who wait.
I look forward to see this future version of Shinsei- shall he be making his entrance in a mech suit as well? ;p

Patience, friend- all good things come to those who wait.

His character sheet is up as a pc. He doesn't have a mech suit. He has the Arc Shield :)
I look forward to see this future version of Shinsei- shall he be making his entrance in a mech suit as well? ;p

Patience, friend- all good things come to those who wait.

Shinsei will be fun to see. I'm looking forward to my work with getting my characters out into the world, something I didn't get to do as much last time around.
His character sheet is up as a pc. He doesn't have a mech suit. He has the Arc Shield :)

Yes, I did indeed see that (Which does look rather intriguing)... but maybe Tainan and his group of tech-geniuses' have been cooking one up just for the occasion. Never know, right?

Also, out of curiosity, how do you expect he'd react if Uzabab shows up? I mean, she did kind of ditch the peacekeepers gang after that whole situation with in Tanigakure- you think he'd be holding a grudge, or is it all in the past for him now?

Shinsei will be fun to see. I'm looking forward to my work with getting my characters out into the world, something I didn't get to do as much last time around.

Mhmm: it's a whole new ball game with this set of folks. Hopefully this time you/ your characters will get the desired amount of interactions with the other characters, and all turns out as you plan it ^.^
I'm impressed that he managed to hang on to the eye for fifteen years.

Yep. Preserved in a container with amniotic fluid. Do want it?  xD

Yes, I did indeed see that (Which does look rather intriguing)... but maybe Tainan and his group of tech-geniuses' have been cooking one up just for the occasion. Never know, right?

Also, out of curiosity, how do you expect he'd react if Uzabab shows up? I mean, she did kind of ditch the peacekeepers gang after that whole situation with in Tanigakure- you think he'd be holding a grudge, or is it all in the past for him now?

Mhmm: it's a whole new ball game with this set of folks. Hopefully this time you/ your characters will get the desired amount of interactions with the other characters, and all turns out as you plan it ^.^

It's past him. He never had a grudge against her in the first place.
Yes, I did indeed see that (Which does look rather intriguing)... but maybe Tainan and his group of tech-geniuses' have been cooking one up just for the occasion. Never know, right?

Also, out of curiosity, how do you expect he'd react if Uzabab shows up? I mean, she did kind of ditch the peacekeepers gang after that whole situation with in Tanigakure- you think he'd be holding a grudge, or is it all in the past for him now?

Mhmm: it's a whole new ball game with this set of folks. Hopefully this time you/ your characters will get the desired amount of interactions with the other characters, and all turns out as you plan it ^.^

Depends on the plan technically. 

I had that whole 'Dove is off her rocker' thing, and of the six potential endings I had for Dove, lo and behold if she didn't wind up with one of those self same endings xD

And yea, I almost forgot about Uzuzab, hope she's okay.

I think I'm going to enjoy expanding Rei's expanse as a leader, moulding Rokoriko into a medical nin, and figuring out where Kauri will go in the world. He's my most malleable character at the moment. I hope Timuga gets approved just so I can see what trouble he could stir up, perhaps be the catalyst for a companionship or two.
I want to have Rei find someone to settle down with =P 

I feel like she'd make a good mother figure, I'd like to know she has a happy ending and the like.
And yea, I almost forgot about Uzuzab, hope she's okay.

She's doing okay. She's a teacher at Kiri's academy from what I read. 

May also be a proctor at the chunin exams, though I dunno about that. I'd considered making Shinsei one to represent the normal humans...but decided against it.

I think I'm going to enjoy expanding Rei's expanse as a leader, moulding Rokoriko into a medical nin, and figuring out where Kauri will go in the world. He's my most malleable character at the moment. I hope Timuga gets approved just so I can see what trouble he could stir up, perhaps be the catalyst for a companionship or two.

The Rei x Shinsei Gaiden shall be written...eventually. I'm glad your characters have lots to do. As for Kauri, I can relate. I'm debating on whether or not Shinsei ought get his chakra back or remain as he is...

I wouldn't be opposed to it. It could be interesting to work with.

lol. I've got no idea what to do with it.

Meet Chiaki in the afterstory/gaiden and he'll probably give it to one of your characters...provided you provide a half-reasonable explanation for why they want it. Otherwise, he'll likely give it to Kiyomi/Hanuka(being Uchihas) or maybe even Shinsei(should he get his chakra back).
She's doing okay. She's a teacher at Kiri's academy from what I read. 

May also be a proctor at the chunin exams, though I dunno about that. I'd considered making Shinsei one to represent the normal humans...but decided against it.

The Rei x Shinsei Gaiden shall be written...eventually. I'm glad your characters have lots to do. As for Kauri, I can relate. I'm debating on whether or not Shinsei ought get his chakra back or remain as he is...

lol. I've got no idea what to do with it.

Meet Chiaki in the afterstory/gaiden and he'll probably give it to one of your characters...provided you provide a half-reasonable explanation for why they want it. Otherwise, he'll likely give it to Kiyomi/Hanuka(being Uchihas) or maybe even Shinsei(should he get his chakra back).

I suppose that depends. It'd be interesting to see him meet with Raven at least once to see how that goes down. Shinsei could become a King xD
Maybe. We'll see ^_^

Will Raven be controlled by you or White?

White, Raven has been relinquished from my own hands, part of the significance in the name change. 

I have Kauri and Rokoriko as my PCs, Rei as a Shirotaiyo/Orisas level NPC, then the Memoriam as well. Timuga is still up in the air, need to get the 100% okay from White, but he's in there to add some mystery and drama, and potentially be a meanie head that White wants to see me play.
I want to have Rei find someone to settle down with =P 

I feel like she'd make a good mother figure, I'd like to know she has a happy ending and the like.

In terms of eligible bachelors in this rp, I can think of...Tainan? Their personalities would suit each other.

There's also Tenzumaki...who I think was around Rei's age in the last rp...though I can't imagine how they'd get together.

Otherwise, pair her with one of your npcs...

All other characters seem a bit young.

White, Raven has been relinquished from my own hands, part of the significance in the name change. 

I have Kauri and Rokoriko as my PCs, Rei as a Shirotaiyo/Orisas level NPC, then the Memoriam as well. Timuga is still up in the air, need to get the 100% okay from White, but he's in there to add some mystery and drama, and potentially be a meanie head that White wants to see me play.

Ah. In that case, I imagine their meeting will be...interesting.
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I want to have Rei find someone to settle down with =P 

I feel like she'd make a good mother figure, I'd like to know she has a happy ending and the like.

She has an entire village to settle down with. Would that count as a happy ending?

lol. I've got no idea what to do with it.

Meet Chiaki in the afterstory/gaiden and he'll probably give it to one of your characters...provided you provide a half-reasonable explanation for why they want it. Otherwise, he'll likely give it to Kiyomi/Hanuka(being Uchihas) or maybe even Shinsei(should he get his chakra back).

The only reason I could think of would be blindness. 
In terms of eligible bachelors in this rp, I can think of...Tainan? Their personalities would suit each other.

There's also Tenzumaki...who I think was around Rei's age in the last rp...though I can't imagine how they'd get together.

Otherwise, pair her with one of your npcs...

Ah. In that case, I imagine their meeting will be...interesting.

Tainan and Rei need to meet anyhow, that will need to be discussed with White since they are basically doing the same thing in different ways. That and Rei's pulling the Switzerland thing where she and Hato no Tochi are uninvolved in the world's foolish games of power. There was also Kouki I think, but I think Luce has his own plans for Kouki anyhow, though Rei still owes him a thank you xD

She has an entire village to settle down with. Would that count as a happy ending?

The only reason I could think of would be blindness. 

Well, yes, definitely, and Rei's happy as a lark, but I as a writer would like to see her find love and peace, especially after the Dove fiasco. I mean, I know I set up all the info but I kept wanting things to work out for the better... and then they got worse.
She has an entire village to settle down with. Would that count as a happy ending?

The only reason I could think of would be blindness. 

That's a good reason. Though I thought there had to be a strong bond between the two sharingan users to create the Eternal Mangekyo...which is why all previous characters created it by killing their siblings...
Tainan and Rei need to meet anyhow, that will need to be discussed with White since they are basically doing the same thing in different ways. That and Rei's pulling the Switzerland thing where she and Hato no Tochi are uninvolved in the world's foolish games of power. There was also Kouki I think, but I think Luce has his own plans for Kouki anyhow, though Rei still owes him a thank you xD

Well, yes, definitely, and Rei's happy as a lark, but I as a writer would like to see her find love and peace, especially after the Dove fiasco. I mean, I know I set up all the info but I kept wanting things to work out for the better... and then they got worse.

Kouki is married I believe.

Ah, sorry about that. Shinsei will need someone who can...put up with him so to say. I don't think he'll ever turn into a good guy. Decent maybe...but not good.
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