Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Now if only someone could make a classy Tokyo Ghoul RP. My RP life would be complete.
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Haha! Now THAT is cute  :x . Totally erases all the negative points you've built up.


Aren't you happy you chose the Sand? The water is blehhhhhhhh.


I see your character too. I will check them soon!


Yours too!

We are on a good pace people!!!! I'm feeling the vibes!
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Now if only someone could make a classy Tokyo Ghoul RP. My RP life would be complete.

I know right? I've always wanted to make a Ghoul from another part of the world that had like, parents that worked law enforcement and they fed on rapists and murders and the like as well as donations from the morgue, essentially keeping a city safe in exchange for food. Then of course goes to Tokyo and starts cleaning up the city of troublesome people =P
I know right? I've always wanted to make a Ghoul from another part of the world that had like, parents that worked law enforcement and they fed on rapists and murders and the like as well as donations from the morgue, essentially keeping a city safe in exchange for food. Then of course goes to Tokyo and starts cleaning up the city of troublesome people =P

 I would love to play me some no-nonsense CCG that die just before the day of their wedding. Then in a blaze of hate and passion, the whole branch walks into the streets as a crew at 12 A.M. with guns drawn, daring ghouls to attack them. They would look stony faced and march around the streets of the city. Unh! The drama. Tokyo Ghoul is set for Drama.


I really look forward to the story with you.
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Clarinetti. Each reply slips a fire to my fuse and gives me strength. I'm literally burning to write more. I'm wavering between having a relaxing afterstory or just going all out again for one last hurrah. Nice post. Delicious post. Gah! 

Now if only someone could make a classy Tokyo Ghoul RP. My RP life would be complete.

I know right? I've always wanted to make a Ghoul from another part of the world that had like, parents that worked law enforcement and they fed on rapists and murders and the like as well as donations from the morgue, essentially keeping a city safe in exchange for food. Then of course goes to Tokyo and starts cleaning up the city of troublesome people =P

I too forward this motion: I've only recently started on the anime, but from what I know of the series, the source material would be great for a suave dark storyline. Just gotta keep our eyes out for it... unless we wish to take matters into our own hands. ;p

Also have been watching the new Beserk series, which has sparked my craving for another gritty thread. Whether I choose to act on it however... eh, we'll see what happens.


Clarinetti. Each reply slips a fire to my fuse and gives me strength. I'm literally burning to write more. I'm wavering between having a relaxing afterstory or just going all out again for one last hurrah. Nice post. Delicious post. Gah! 

The feeling is mutual, White. Admittedly I was in a bit of a lull for a bit, especially with the back to school business, but seeing yours and Strawberry's gaiden posts (Not to mention what everyone else has been cooking up) has reignited my passion! Do what you feel is best (because either way, the afterstory's going to be a nice way to put this to rest), but I know that I'm going full throttle. 

[SIZE= 10px]Less than two weeks left until thread starts? Multiple CS's to complete? 15 years of relevant backstory/ development to cover?! [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10px]Let's do this.[/SIZE]
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Now if only someone could make a classy Tokyo Ghoul RP. My RP life would be complete.

I'd like to see that. I have two TG characters that were never used.

I know right? I've always wanted to make a Ghoul from another part of the world that had like, parents that worked law enforcement and they fed on rapists and murders and the like as well as donations from the morgue, essentially keeping a city safe in exchange for food. Then of course goes to Tokyo and starts cleaning up the city of troublesome people =P

This sounds like a good idea. It reminds me of vampires that get blood from hospitals, rather than living humans.
I'd like to see that. I have two TG characters that were never used.

This sounds like a good idea. It reminds me of vampires that get blood from hospitals, rather than living humans.

That was the idea. It would make her an interesting anomaly for the TCG as well. Imagine them walking out of their office one night to find a serial killer ghouls all trussed up, just for them, or the polis receiving a predator, sans part of his leg or something, that had been attacking women the past month or so.

They'd be doing the city a service, and making themselves an objectionably useful/worrisome tool.
@White Masquerade

Daradei still likes Chiaki? After fifteen years? Seriously? Even Hana's not that attached...

The Land of Water is the BEST.

@Edward Valentine

lol. Looks like Kokuran needs to step up his game.

Don't worry. Chiaki isn't completely dense. It's late night. The time for newlyweds to go to bed~He'll leave after finishing his ramen ^_^

@Kiyoko Tomoe

I can relate to making a character as an outlet. I've done the same with Shinsei :) .

Though I'll have to agree with White on this one. Happiness is a choice. 


Depending on the speed of the afterstory, it may be possible to post Gaidens concurrently with the Naruto Knights rp. Since the threads are separate, disorganization shouldn't be an issue...

I know right? I've always wanted to make a Ghoul from another part of the world that had like, parents that worked law enforcement and they fed on rapists and murders and the like as well as donations from the morgue, essentially keeping a city safe in exchange for food. Then of course goes to Tokyo and starts cleaning up the city of troublesome people =P

I had an idea for a ghoul that works as an avenger/assassin. She has a nice little online site where humans can request her services. Hate someone? Want someone dead? She'll kill them for you (and eat the corpse). In return, she'll take one of her client's body parts as payment. The client can choose which body part they want to give up to have their enemy dead. 
@Kiyoko Tomoe

I can relate to making a character as an outlet. I've done the same with Shinsei :) .

Though I'll have to agree with White on this one. Happiness is a choice.

So basically, happiness is a choice, even though I'd blatantly be ruining the RP by making Shinobu happy despite all that happened? Hell no, I ain't making a character still be happy after losing everything. Hell, I would probably even make my most psychotic and murderous character be bothered in some way by witnessing the murder of a person she knew by someone else, even if simply by the fact it wasn't them that got to do the murdering. That's how much I believe in all characters requiring at least one basic emotion at all times in their life that requires some sort of event in order to show. A character with no such emotion with requirements in order to be triggered in the individual, i.e. anger, sadness, fear, happiness, is rather boring. I don't like boring characters, they tent to not be very interesting to play with.

So tell me now. How would happiness have been a choice for Shinobu? She literally witnessed one of her friends die three whole times. She witnessed two (technically three from her point of view, since she didn't know the gimmick behind Gatona/Inpe) other friends die in front of her, she saw an entire town blown to dust all because of some naive little girl whom i will not mention the name of because it's rude to point fingers... *cough* dove *cough*

Then there was the death of Chomei right inside of her own body, not to mention the fact she'd have learned the fate of Camp Kumo by this point in the story, so there's even more for her to feel sad over, as that's the first place in the Ninja World to welcome her with open arms (albeit after a little mishap with guards).
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So basically, happiness is a choice, even though I'd blatantly be ruining the RP by making Shinobu happy despite all that happened? Hell no, I ain't making a character still be happy after losing everything. Hell, I would probably even make my most psychotic and murderous character be bothered in some way by witnessing the murder of a person she knew by someone else, even if simply by the fact it wasn't them that got to do the murdering. That's how much I believe in all characters requiring at least one basic emotion at all times in their life that requires some sort of event in order to show. A character with no such emotion with requirements in order to be triggered in the individual, i.e. anger, sadness, fear, happiness, is rather boring. I don't like boring characters, they tent to not be very interesting to play with.

See? It's a choice. You chose to make a Shinobu unhappy because otherwise she'd be a boring character in your eyes. 

Every character in the previous rp has witness murder, enough times to be jaded to it. Chiaki choice to focus on the bright side of things. Focus on re-building rather than grieving. Shinsei wallowed for a year, wasting his days in Eternal Night Palace, before getting himself back together and deciding to move on. What happens to Shinobu is entirely up to you. 
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I had an idea for a ghoul that works as an avenger/assassin. She has a nice little online site where humans can request her services. Hate someone? Want someone dead? She'll kill them for you (and eat the corpse). In return, she'll take one of her client's body parts as payment. The client can choose which body part they want to give up to have their enemy dead. 

Would the body parts she takes as payment be for eating, or are they like trophies?
Would the body parts she takes as payment be for eating, or are they like trophies?

Mostly for eating. She may keep it stored away, saving body the part in case she's ever in a situation where she is unable to obtain food normally. Or to feed some hopeless ghoul who can't hunt for themselves because she feels sorry for them. Otherwise, she sees human flesh as just food.

The only reason she'd keep it as a trophy is if she feels some sort of personal attachment to her client for whatever reason.     

What's with people and grittiness??? You can't like a sweet, pure, and innocent, love story? Granted I like hot and passionate love stories but still. Light can be right. Dark don't have to start. And...maybe Quirk or Kanra will  make one, haha. I will be dead.

@The One Eyed Bandit

I still fondly remember when you said people loved that TG RC Cell sauce  :x . Everytime TG is brought up, I laugh as I remember it.

@Pequeno Burraidh

I think it's kinda cute how you make your charries, but do you ever make a mean one?


Hey, don't get it wrong. She no longer likes him. Bitterness and hurt has replaced it. Also, you make some sadistic characters.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Tmo, yell at me some more. Tell me how I've been to Shinobu. =). I've been really, really bad right?

Hey, don't get it wrong. She no longer likes him. Bitterness and hurt has replaced it. Also, you make some sadistic characters.

Eh? I don't know what you're talking about. Most my characters are really sweet~


What's with people and grittiness??? You can't like a sweet, pure, and innocent, love story? Granted I like hot and passionate love stories but still. Light can be right. Dark don't have to start. And...maybe Quirk or Kanra will  make one, haha. I will be dead.

This sounds like a challenge. I don't think I want you dead though.

The Tokyo Ghoul character you just described...>_>

She can't help it. She needs to eat. At least she isn't hunting willy-nilly. She kills those that other humans want to kill, since people who acquire such hatred must not be good people. She also makes sure to receive payment from her clients, since the fact that her client wants to murder another doesn't make them good people either. Essentially, she's eating all the 'bad guys' who want to kill each other ^_^  

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