Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Yup o.O. You trying to figure out an age or something?

I will be filling in some Gaidens finally probably this weekend. Once the IC locations are done, I'll be freer to do some responses and finally get involved in things.

Yup, both Rei's to have it right, and Kauri Brehm's, new character, Kakureyami, born in Konohagakure four years after it's occupation. 

That and to line up events and the like =P

Anyhow, I think Rei and Tainan would have a bit to talk about since they're basically going about doing the same thing in two different ways. If you haven't read the Hato no Tochi arc of Rei's Gaiden yet, you'll understand what I mean when you do. 

Which reminds me, Rei's going to a familiar part to play this time, because she, like Dove, will be unaffiliated for a good portion of Knights I am sure.
Haha. Okay, I GUESS we can imagine there's something up there for now  :x

It exists, end of discussion. The moon in the Naruto universe is as real as I am, Onee-Chan, so if you're to say the moon doesn't exist, then you're to say your own Imouto doesn't exist, and that would make you the worst person ever to disregard your little sister like that. So, what's it gonna be, Onee-Chan...?
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Also... Anyone mind explainin' to me how the Gaidens work?

The Gaidens take place in the fifteen years after the Konohagakure final battle, but before the beginning of the Knights saga.

Essentially the Gaidens are to tell everyone what your characters have been up to. Doves gone off and done whatever it is Dove does after what happned in the Beautiful Sea Gaiden Part 2, but for Rei she's used the time to build up her old coastal bay home village into a much larger settlement called Hato no Tochi, which is where she will be when Knights starts.
The Gaidens take place in the fifteen years after the Konohagakure final battle, but before the beginning of the Knights saga.

Essentially the Gaidens are to tell everyone what your characters have been up to. Doves gone off and done whatever it is Dove does after what happned in the Beautiful Sea Gaiden Part 2, but for Rei she's used the time to build up her old coastal bay home village into a much larger settlement called Hato no Tochi, which is where she will be when Knights starts.

I kinda meant as in how one gets their Gaiden(s) up and started, so... Sorry my question regarding it wasn't specific enough.
I kinda meant as in how one gets their Gaiden(s) up and started, so... Sorry my question regarding it wasn't specific enough.

Oh yea, so you'll click on the link to the Gaidens, and at the top of the list above the 'X amount of topics in this Forum', on the right side, it should say 'Star a New Topic'. Just click on that, give it a title and write up your Gaiden =P

Hey, what do you think Shinsei's current attitude towards Rei would be? You know, given their last meeting in Konohagakure?

Shinsei thinks she's an annoying goody-two shoes brat, but he doesn't care about her enough to hate her so...indifference maybe? I dunno. Depends on what she does. 


Where's Ja at?

He's with Machi in Tanigakure, I believe.
Shinsei thinks she's an annoying goody-two shoes brat, but he doesn't care about her enough to hate her so...indifference maybe? I dunno. Depends on what she does. 

He's with Machi in Tanigakure, I believe.

Yea, it's just for me Rei didn't get to meet a lot of people, outside of like, Orisas and Ja, so meeting some of the few she did would be cool. Also I think Naogetsu would think Rei is cool as all get out what with her ability to hang out with sea life and the like.

While I intend on playing Rei as a character, I can't imagine her getting into too much trouble unless trouble comes to Hato no Tochi.

Kauri on the other hand, he's going to be out sniffing for trouble is White approves him.
Yea, it's just for me Rei didn't get to meet a lot of people, outside of like, Orisas and Ja, so meeting some of the few she did would be cool. Also I think Naogetsu would think Rei is cool as all get out what with her ability to hang out with sea life and the like.

While I intend on playing Rei as a character, I can't imagine her getting into too much trouble unless trouble comes to Hato no Tochi.

Kauri on the other hand, he's going to be out sniffing for trouble is White approves him.

He probably would.

Regarding troubles, I'm sure White will bring them to our characters whether we want it or not. The only question is whether our characters survive...

Then again, this isn't a sequel. It's just a small afterstory according to who knows?
He probably would.

Regarding troubles, I'm sure White will bring them to our characters whether we want it or not. The only question is whether our characters survive...

Then again, this isn't a sequel. It's just a small afterstory according to who knows?

Small compared to what, Rebirth? So we've got half a year of RP ahead of us then, eh? xD

As for Rei, I'm not surrendering her to NPC land cos I don't trust White with my precious Rei. But in the same breath, I would very much like for Rei to have her own faerie tale ending with Hato no Tochi, so I figure playing Rei and doing my best to skirt any issues around Hato no Tochi is my best bet for that. But because of that Rei is a relatively OP character, which means that I'll be adhering to Rei's nonviolent approach to things quite strongly for Knights unless Hato no Tochi is directly involved by some one. Then I mean, fair game, you tangled with the wrong Matron Mother of Hato no Tochi xD
Small compared to what, Rebirth? So we've got half a year of RP ahead of us then, eh? xD

As for Rei, I'm not surrendering her to NPC land cos I don't trust White with my precious Rei. But in the same breath, I would very much like for Rei to have her own faerie tale ending with Hato no Tochi, so I figure playing Rei and doing my best to skirt any issues around Hato no Tochi is my best bet for that. But because of that Rei is a relatively OP character, which means that I'll be adhering to Rei's nonviolent approach to things quite strongly for Knights unless Hato no Tochi is directly involved by some one. Then I mean, fair game, you tangled with the wrong Matron Mother of Hato no Tochi xD

What if Rei faces a character who knows Wuji Release?
What if Rei faces a character who knows Wuji Release?

Well Rei has only three regular techniques at her disposal out side of her Kekkai Genkai Union in the Light. Then, if she's in Hato no Tochi then she has a fairly hefty advantage of having the people on her side. Finally she has the Memoriam, who are all former Kakureyami and essentially the closest to family they all have to one another. The Memoriam would likely be the first response to Wuji, however.

I mentioned it earlier, but Rei and Tainan are doing the same thing, just in different ways, which means Rei has more than just Ninja and Kakureyami who would try to protect her.
Yea, it's just for me Rei didn't get to meet a lot of people, outside of like, Orisas and Ja, so meeting some of the few she did would be cool.

She got to meet Kouki's clone for a few seconds. That's high quality interaction.

Regarding troubles, I'm sure White will bring them to our characters whether we want it or not. The only question is whether our characters survive...

Then again, this isn't a sequel. It's just a small afterstory according to who knows?

I'm waiting for all the characters to get sent to the Land of Darkness in the final post.
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She got to meet Kouki's clone for a few seconds. That's high quality interaction.

I'm waiting for all the characters to get sent to the Land of Darkness in the final post.

Well for Rei it actually was high quality interaction, or at least it left a standing impact on her. As far as Rei was concerned, she thought she was the only only trying to save people in Kanohagakure. Then Kouki tried to save her. I mean, it didn't work, but you know, the thought was there. And she never got to meet the boy that tried to save her, so if she met Kouki again she'd likely be fairly stoked xD

Like, run up and hug and say "Oh hey I never got to thank you for having your clone totally die cos I tried to save him after he tried to save me but you had him try to save me at least so thanks! Oh yea, hi, I'm Rei, Rei Manami."
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@Pequeno Burraidh

Yes. The power of friends. Those who understand its significance will achieve great heights.

@Lucem Tenebris


Lol, don't like Luce's idea?

And friends is what Hato no Tochi is all about. The best place to learn about it at the moment, though, is my Beautiful Sea Gaiden Part Three, which is basically Rei just talking to a interviewer about the place and why it's there. I plan on having more info put up later, but I'm focusing on presenting the modernised and updated version of Rei's CS to Maque first.
Well for Rei it actually was high quality interaction, or at least it left a standing impact on her. As far as Rei was concerned, she thought she was the only only trying to save people in Kanohagakure. Then Kouki tried to save her. I mean, it didn't work, but you know, the thought was there. And she never got to meet the boy that tried to save her, so if she met Kouki again she'd likely be fairly stoked xD

Like, run up and hug and say "Oh hey I never got to thank you for having your clone totally die cos I tried to save him after he tried to save me but you had him try to save me at least so thanks! Oh yea, hi, I'm Rei, Rei Manami."

If she used those exact words, Kouki's brain might overheat. He'd be very confused.

Always be prepared for the worst.
If she used those exact words, Kouki's brain might overheat. He'd be very confused.

Always be prepared for the worst.

I think anyone would. Well if Kouki's ever looking for peace, word of Rei's bay village is milling about out there, and someone skilled as Kouki should be able to find it. 

Kind of my hope that more of our old characters retire from their fighting ways so that we can have that bathhouse scene we never got around to xD
@White Masquerade

Well, Kuro is pretty cool. Basically has what EMIYA's animations should be.

I believe that she's unable to use Archer Install's Unlimited Blade Works so that's why her Noble Phantasm is Triple-Linked Crane Wings. At least she actually uses her bow in an animation.
Lol, don't like Luce's idea?

And friends is what Hato no Tochi is all about. The best place to learn about it at the moment, though, is my Beautiful Sea Gaiden Part Three, which is basically Rei just talking to a interviewer about the place and why it's there. I plan on having more info put up later, but I'm focusing on presenting the modernised and updated version of Rei's CS to Maque first.

No I don't. I've never really liked tragedies.

Chiaki may visit, if not because of curiosity, to represent Kirigakure as its negotiations, possible alliance, non-aggression deals and all that. Though, Hato no Tochi seems very self sufficient so I doubt he has much to offer them. 

I'm currently working on his cs. Then I'll get started on Shinsei Gaiden...which I may post in Chiaki Gaiden: Repairing Family because the scene I have in mind happens at Eien no Yoru Palace at around the same time...  

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