Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Hey guys anyone want to weigh in on a Gaiden? It takes place between Kiri and Hidden Rain (Amegakure I think, can never spell it right), I can give you more details on it it takes place 14 years after the events of the previous story so it could be fun playing around with the 30-40 year old versions of your characters

No worries, I got White covered on the Shirokko gaiden! The others I'll see about catching up on in the next few days- hopefully on weekend I'll be able to post the first part of the Akane or Torune gaiden.

Hey guys anyone want to weigh in on a Gaiden? It takes place between Kiri and Hidden Rain (Amegakure I think, can never spell it right), I can give you more details on it it takes place 14 years after the events of the previous story so it could be fun playing around with the 30-40 year old versions of your characters

I'm intrigued.... details would be appreciated, if possible ^.^


>_>. That video is so you.

@Kalin Scarlet

Okay three things. Your character is accepted. He has the Sharingan and he's not an Uchiha, so he's going to get hell for that. Last, he has bumped Kumo/Land of Ions up to 3rd place I believe. Congrats.

@Lucem Tenebris

No it;s only visible to me (which is so annoying). To everyone else it's fine.


What is it about?
I apologize for the annoyance. I hope you can forgive me.

No, no, it's not you lol. It's just the new layout in general. BBcode destruction of all prior posts. The burial of the custom code I had done for the Overview. The small library of code to make do with. Lost edits. I've re-uploaded and attached pictures only to find them disappear again the next day! I can see all hidden/deleted threads + posts. Ugh. I just have to laugh and sigh at how difficult it's become to maintain a role-play. I'm waiting for the next hurdle to jump next   :x . So banish the apology, Luce! Truly, it's not you.
Onee-Chan...! Oh my dearest Onee-Chan...! We need to talk! RIGHT. NOW.

How come you haven't given a proper response to my mentioning of the Sakurai clan...? You owe me an answer. Can I. Or can I... Make the Sakurai clan an option for players? Seriously, it's so simple to just say yes or no. Don't take so long that I completely run out of time to even make my characters all new and pretty for the RP's upcoming story.

I will wait to do anything else until I get my answer.
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@IG42 too, IG? Has White infected you with her Kiri hating ways?

To all those making characters, don't listen to those two trying to flame the Mist Village. Kirigakure all the way :)

Hey guys anyone want to weigh in on a Gaiden? It takes place between Kiri and Hidden Rain (Amegakure I think, can never spell it right), I can give you more details on it it takes place 14 years after the events of the previous story so it could be fun playing around with the 30-40 year old versions of your characters

I have a characters that live in Kiri as well as a character who used to live in possibly. Depends on what you plan to do.

@White Masquerade

What exactly are we talking about, in terms of "Hell"?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. White's just trying to scare you. Probably.

@White Masquerade

Poisoned...I suppose that's not so bad if it protects him ^_^  
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To all those making characters, don't listen to those two trying to flame the Mist Village. Kirigakure all the way :)

I'm morally obligated to agree because of Tsukiko and Toshiro's relationship. Kiri all the way; well, half the way. The moon for the other half as the moon is such a special place where only a select few can ever set foot upon, those being currently Shinobu and her direct family.
@IG42 too, IG? Has White infected you with her Kiri hating ways?

To all those making characters, don't listen to those two trying to flame the Mist Village. Kirigakure all the way :)

Kiri ain't that bad. =w= My newest character is a Kiri kid. 

Oh wait... 

No.... this is bad... White will dislike him too now.... xD  
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@Pequeno Burraidh how are you drunk right now? It's not even 8am in the UK yet.


By ignoring what is and isn't entirely responsible or mature to do, and deciding to do whatever I want based on silly whims like 'Oh, I was bought this bottle of rum, tucked it away in the cupboard and forgot about it. Huh, wonder what it tastes like.'

That and an utter disregard for the overall well being for my kidneys and liver  in, say, thirty or forty years from today xD
@White Masquerade

Well, there's a welfare servant for the collab event. Whether I rolled Tristan or not doesn't matter now.


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