Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Whooop! Add that to the list. My excitement levels are steadily increasing. You just watch me. I'm going to do her proud.

One thing though, and you prolly don't want to hear this cos I'm putzing around in how fast I'm doing it, but you'll need to wait for my post with Rei and Rove/Daven before doing her Gaiden =P
One thing though, and you prolly don't want to hear this cos I'm putzing around in how fast I'm doing it, but you'll need to wait for my post with Rei and Rove/Daven before doing her Gaiden =P

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Way to get my hopes up, Pequeno!
Okay, so the site is flipping out and I've already lost a post I was editing. Frustration is setting in! I will pick things back up tomorrow.

I just want to let you know I re-did the points system very slightly and I'm feeling much, much happier about it. Unfortunately Kurama has died, but if he were still alive, 9-tails would have a huge bonus! Which I feel is the correct way to go on that.

Kurama will be missed, but I still approve. It forces Kouki to make decisions on his own without a moral compass to guide him.
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Yes we shall get into Shinobu and Nanko's hot love soon enough. Correct, one of the characters would have to be NPC. If more than one person wants the 5-tails, their characters will have to hunt and fight for it  :x . As for dragons...=(

What about dragons...? They're people too, the spiritual peoples! In fact, I'm actually wanting to open up the character type for players, if ya don't mind me doing so. I won't exactly disclose 100% details to peoples, but I would provide all the necessary information.
@White Masquerade

Hello lil' miss red oni ^.^. I'll get back to you on that, but, is there anywhere you might need another character?

I can't suggest places. Wherever you think might be the most fun. I am working on the World Wall where it shows each village's info right now. I will point you there when I'm done! However, if you pick Kirigakure, we're going to have some tension in our relationship.

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