Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


The Kakureyami do exist.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Yes we shall get into Shinobu and Nanko's hot love soon enough. Correct, one of the characters would have to be NPC. If more than one person wants the 5-tails, their characters will have to hunt and fight for it  :x . As for dragons...=(

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Are YOU ready? You're gonna get your socks knocked of Kinzu. You better have shoes on.

@Strawberry Preserves

Apanini is back on the menu! Thought it was gonna go away for the season.

@Pequeno Burraidh

No problem, take your time.


Do your best Brook. We don't judge here. If anyone does, tell on them. and LOL. I was thinking what were you talking about but now I remember. Go for it. Turn that almost into a definitely.

Once all the characters are made can I make a table for all the actives to deceased ones from this story? 
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I'd transfer Kouki over to Knights, but I think a lot of the older characters would be considered overpowered.
@White Masquerade

She's one of the few NPCs to actually get a Gaiden, for one. Regardless, I've got the character sheet ready for Nana's main traveling buddy in her Gaiden, though in all likelihood he'll probably become an NPC by Knights because of his character progression as detailed in our previous conversations. Actually, did we ever learn Nana's full name? I think you mentioned that Nana was just short for something.
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Your character '~'

To be fair, most of her powers came from the first RP

The only differences are the following -

Sage mode (Agreed upon with White's approval)

The Biwa Sealing technique (Hinted at from the beginning)

Advanced Byakugan (I have no idea in the slightest how to pronounce that name)

and... thats it. The whole second paragraph and first half of the third before the Tainan army reference all happened in the previous RP. IC she also achieved the Tyrant Release, but she is no where close to accessing it and just uses it as a regulator for her chakra in the mean time

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