Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Got it. Thanks:) I'm just deciding which of his abilities I should axe from Chiaki's cs now that the war's done.

Does having affinity with all five natures mentioned in the wiki come from chakra of the bijuus or Hagoromo's chakra?

You have no idea how many sage mode users where in this rp prior to the end. It was crazy. Chiaki was horribly underpowered before he got his power up <_<  

Even then I didn't consider him the most powerful character.



Omg, the inner Prisma ilya event. I've tried watching it but it never stuck =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

You are thinking of the Daimyo! The Daimyo control the policy side of the country. The Kage control the military.


Psh. You just enjoy the grand time you're having Quirkstar. I am happy for you.

Omg, the inner Prisma ilya event. I've tried watching it but it never stuck =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

You are thinking of the Daimyo! The Daimyo control the policy side of the country. The Kage control the military.


Psh. You just enjoy the grand time you're having Quirkstar. I am happy for you.


Yes, Daimyos,good save *twiddle thumbs* so I feel with this new power on the lands as a bit redundant as the old check and balance have been upset . Seeing as there had been a purging of ninja for say ten years,the population is pretty cripple in ninja terms and image the damage done to the ninja culture as a whole. So i'm sorta wondering if the ninja world would be on the edge of existence cept for this "Hero" generation coming home . Plus with the advent of simpler weapons and tools ,would that also threaten the potent and effort of rebuilding the ninja world to ?
Yes, Daimyos,good save *twiddle thumbs* so I feel with this new power on the lands as a bit redundant as the old check and balance have been upset . Seeing as there had been a purging of ninja for say ten years,the population is pretty cripple in ninja terms and image the damage done to the ninja culture as a whole. So i'm sorta wondering if the ninja world would be on the edge of existence cept for this "Hero" generation coming home . Plus with the advent of simpler weapons and tools ,would that also threaten the potent and effort of rebuilding the ninja world to ?

BINGO Kinzu, you hit the nail on the head. This is a crossroads in history. What happens here can go in many different directions. Right now, the ninja you can say, are in the direction of going extinct. There are almost no jinchuriki, all the important ninja from the past are dead, and most of the heroes from the war lost their chakra. So either someone is going to step up and bring them back together, or they are slowly going to die out and eventually fade away. The humans are the biggest trouble. Once technology gets started, you can't stop it. Either someone takes on Tainan and kills the discoveries now, or face humans with some badass weapons in the coming future. Then there are the Kakureyami. They are isolated and don't bother anyone. If left alone, thy will probably move away into another dimension once the world is overrun with normal humans. The Knights! No comments on them yet. They a certain situation.

Regardless. This is where it's decided which sides live, and which sides die. Anyone of them could go extinct right here.
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BINGO Kinzu, you hit the nail on the head. This is a crossroads in history. What happens here can go in many different directions. Right now, the ninja you can say, are in the direction of going extinct. There are almost no jinchuriki, all the important ninja from the past are dead, and most of the heroes from the war lost their chakra. So either someone is going to step up and bring them back together, or they are going to slowly going to die out and eventually fade away. The humans are the biggest trouble. Once technology gets started, you can't stop it. Either someone takes on Tainan and kills the discoveries now, or face humans with some badass weapons in the coming future. Then there are the Kakureyami. They are isolated and don't bother anyone. If left alone, thy will probably move away into another dimension once the world is overrun with normal humans. The Knights! No comments on them yet. They a certain situation.

Regardless. This is where it's decided which sides live, and which sides die. Anyone of them could go extinct right here.


I SEE guess to prepare my curve ball ,it's something I thought I'll never do but I guess it must be done for the plot .
Yes, Daimyos,good save *twiddle thumbs* so I feel with this new power on the lands as a bit redundant as the old check and balance have been upset . Seeing as there had been a purging of ninja for say ten years,the population is pretty cripple in ninja terms and image the damage done to the ninja culture as a whole. So i'm sorta wondering if the ninja world would be on the edge of existence cept for this "Hero" generation coming home . Plus with the advent of simpler weapons and tools ,would that also threaten the potent and effort of rebuilding the ninja world to ?

I think the Kakureyami will have it hard coming in as well. From what I understood, the Kakureyami were a dying population in the darkness dimension...which is why Jinan wanted to take back the Ninja world for his people. Now, for many of the younger Kakureyami, they'll be entering a new world with plenty of reasons to discriminate. 

BINGO Kinzu, you hit the nail on the head. This is a crossroads in history. What happens here can go in many different directions. Right now, the ninja you can say, are in the direction of going extinct. There are almost no jinchuriki, all the important ninja from the past are dead, and most of the heroes from the war lost their chakra. So either someone is going to step up and bring them back together, or they are slowly going to die out and eventually fade away. The humans are the biggest trouble. Once technology gets started, you can't stop it. Either someone takes on Tainan and kills the discoveries now, or face humans with some badass weapons in the coming future. Then there are the Kakureyami. They are isolated and don't bother anyone. If left alone, thy will probably move away into another dimension once the world is overrun with normal humans. The Knights! No comments on them yet. They a certain situation.

Regardless. This is where it's decided which sides live, and which sides die. Anyone of them could go extinct right here.

Fortunately, Kiri has a beautiful Jinjuriki in their Kage =) And with Haruto having a child we'll likely see more Sharingan eyes. Ninjas have always been dependent on the normal humans for their economic stability. Normal humans provide the missions that give ninjas their pocket change. Now that normal humans are picking up the fight themselves (with their badass weaponry) I do see ninjas no longer being needed as much. I don't see normal humans hating ninjas all that much. Though I can't say anything about Tainan's army...
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@IG42UGGGH! You really are BRITISH! The DIFFICULT kind too!

So I open up your post right? I didn't en begin reading yet but you already frustrate me. 17 months? Wth? You can't put 1 year and 5 months? You had to go with the more not-obvious option?? *sigh*

But hold on some. I'm sure after I read the post I'll be gushing over you  xD
@IG42UGGGH! You really are BRITISH! The DIFFICULT kind too!

So I open up your post right? I didn't en begin reading yet but you already frustrate me. 17 months? Wth? You can't put 1 year and 5 months? You had to go with the more not-obvious option?? *sigh*

But hold on some. I'm sure after I read the post I'll be gushing over you  xD


MOPP-4 has been initiated ,please white get a room 
@IG42UGGGH! You really are BRITISH! The DIFFICULT kind too!

So I open up your post right? I didn't en begin reading yet but you already frustrate me. 17 months? Wth? You can't put 1 year and 5 months? You had to go with the more not-obvious option?? *sigh*

But hold on some. I'm sure after I read the post I'll be gushing over you  xD

It's simple maths and it only starts to sound silly when you get to 20 or more.
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Omg, the inner Prisma ilya event. I've tried watching it but it never stuck =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

You are thinking of the Daimyo! The Daimyo control the policy side of the country. The Kage control the military.


Psh. You just enjoy the grand time you're having Quirkstar. I am happy for you.

I only read the Shirou flashbacks because of how cool he was. I really don't need another Gold Caster. Tamamo, Nursery Rhyme, Edison, and Helena are more than enough.

Mm I don't know about Tainan's army either, haha. We will both find out.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

You get a room first! If it wasn't for Lucem messing with the votes, we would have had the best ship!


Nooo, it starts to sound silly when you go past 12 and don't use years, friend.


Ooh la la, now you have choices, Gas. Sounds like your team is pretty much set.
I only did it when the goal was to maintain symmetry. I didn't touch on the shipping poll.
I only did it when the goal was to maintain symmetry. I didn't touch on the shipping poll.


Then who was it? I know there was more than 1 culprit. If you give me the names of your accomplices, all charges against you will be dropped.
If I remember correctly, the poll went through some changes after IG commented on being in first place. It could've been anyone.

Guh. Let this serve as a life lesson. You better keep your cockiness in check! It does more harm than good!


Lucem is not off the hook, but there was definitely more than 1 person involved.
Heh, so we some mysterious trouble makers in this thread, or rather, the previous one. Sounds like fun. 

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