Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

To be fair, most of her powers came from the first RP

The only differences are the following -

Sage mode (Agreed upon with White's approval)

The Biwa Sealing technique (Hinted at from the beginning)

Advanced Byakugan (I have no idea in the slightest how to pronounce that name)

and... thats it. The whole second paragraph and first half of the third before the Tainan army reference all happened in the previous RP. IC she also achieved the Tyrant Release, but she is no where close to accessing it and just uses it as a regulator for her chakra in the mean time

She's so fat. 
She's so fat. 

That, was also another thing her Tyrant Release does...

She stores chakra as a liquid (Which was why in the previous RP as Shiso she grew massive budding flowers) so she has a greater source. Plus, the more threads she has the more padding and protection she has with her hearts. Also the grander her transformations will be when she shifts her threads around into monstrous forms. In all aspects, it gives her more advantages to be a larger form than to be thin. Plus, being made of chakra-enhanced thread, her weight is probably still under a hundred pounds, but definitely not over two hundred. 
@White Masquerade

She's one of the few NPCs to actually get a Gaiden, for one. Regardless, I've got the character sheet ready for Nana's main traveling buddy in her Gaiden, though in all likelihood he'll probably become an NPC by Knights because of his character progression as detailed in our previous conversations. Actually, did we ever learn Nana's full name? I think you mentioned that Nana was just short for something.

Yes Nana's full name was mentioned =P. Alrighty. I will have a look! No CS for the daughter in this one?

@Strawberry Preserves

He didn't cry...AT ALL.


Mitzu will stomp on you.
Yes. PC for players. You can make NPC too, but they won't be under your total control.

@Lucem Tenebris

This is the risk of making your character an NPC. If you go that route, make sure you don't leave Kouki alone for too long. Otherwise White might play with him =) 

Poor Gasman. Gawain an't so bad though. He is a loyal bodyguard right?






@Kiyoko Tomoe

@Pequeno Burraidh


@Lucem Tenebris





@Strawberry Preserves

@Edward Valentine

@Kinzu Hekmatyar



Character Sign-Ups for the 2nd RP are now open. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you are no longer interested, please let me know so I can delete you out of here! For those of you who were in the 1st RP, you can transfer over your character to this one. For new people, you may only create 2 characters. Every one you make after that, MUST be an NPC.

The Player Character & Non-Player Character Threads can be found here:

lol. You're so fast White. I'm not even done with all my gaidens yet...

Hmmm, Chiaki will most likely become an npc...since he's one of my pcs father. It's my other pc that I'm struggling to decide on. Making a Kakureyami sounds like fun. But having a character to explore Tainan's Army could be interesting as well. And then there's always making another ninja...or elevating one of my previous npcs to pc status...

...I think I'll decide later. One pc for now. Two if I get around to it :)

I hope to turn that "almost" to a "definitely"

Haven't watched Naruto in like 2 months so here goes nothing

I barely got into Shippuden. You should be fine ^_^

Mizu...Body Slaaaaam! Lol. Really though. There will be some challenges for her. It won't be all green grass.

@Strawberry Preserves

Anpan, Hanbungetsu, and Shinsei. All 3 of them get on my nerves.


Oho. I look forward to getting into these. If only I had 4 more copies of myself or a re-play the day button =/. Well I plan to extend this up until the end of 2016, so 3 months should be enough time to wrap this all up while getting in some good interaction. May we make beautiful stories, Gas.

@Lucem Tenebris

I figure having Gaidens open along with the RP would give people things to post in one or the either. For what I want to do with Knights, there needs to be a ton of PC and NPC so might as well get creation started! And lol. You say it like I'm going to make Kouki drown himself.

Right? Right? Right? There are things I want to do with Shirokko, but also want to make a human and possibly Kakureyami. Choices, choices.

Mizu...Body Slaaaaam! Lol. Really though. There will be some challenges for her. It won't be all green grass.

@Strawberry Preserves

Anpan, Hanbungetsu, and Shinsei. All 3 of them get on my nerves.


Oho. I look forward to getting into these. If only I had 4 more copies of myself or a re-play the day button =/. Well I plan to extend this up until the end of 2016, so 3 months should be enough time to wrap this all up while getting in some good interaction. May we make beautiful stories, Gas.

@Lucem Tenebris

I figure having Gaidens open along with the RP would give people things to post in one or the either. For what I want to do with Knights, there needs to be a ton of PC and NPC so might as well get creation started! And lol. You say it like I'm going to make Kouki drown himself.

Right? Right? Right? There are things I want to do with Shirokko, but also want to make a human and possibly Kakureyami. Choices, choices.

I hope you like my new PC more then. ; 3 ; 
@Strawberry Preserves

Anpan, Hanbungetsu, and Shinsei. All 3 of them get on my nerves.

I'm sure you'll love Shinsei Gaiden when I get around to writing it.

> 3 < I hope he isn't going to be a louse, my Kurama clan member... 

He'll be fine. Probably...

I think I found Mitzu's signature move than for this...

I didn't even read Harukachou's cs yet, but I see the snorlax and I approve xD
See, I've not bothered with Gaidens, cos Dove is Raven is not mine so yea, and then Rei is still up in the air as to how things go with her, but currently she's effectively immortal so I'm just sitting on that for now.
See, I've not bothered with Gaidens, cos Dove is Raven is not mine so yea, and then Rei is still up in the air as to how things go with her, but currently she's effectively immortal so I'm just sitting on that for now.

Haha. So I have the go ahead to make a Gaiden for Dove?

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