Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

His eyeless corpse will continue to be used as a literal village bicycle.

Official Merchandise. Toei is savage as fuck.


GENM's actor posted a tweet about how cool and strong he was this week, lol.

Is Kamen Rider big over there?
@White Masquerade

Oh, I hope you like Rei's growth so far. I figured with the multitude of lifetimes, both present and far past, that she was able to acquire as memories it gave her an edge of maturation, and while she is still a very friendly person, she's learned that the nice ways aren't always the right ways to handle things. 

I was also happy to expand on Kauri, and was really pleased with how you handled Raven's opinion on the matter, I would have put it the exact same way.
'Saved' is a very debatable word. It will be interesting to see how the 'saving' goes.

Rei probably saved Daradei too. Given that the Tsuchikage was patting herself while counting bombs, I figured she was going to go suicidal bomber on Mizu.
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Just now, QuirkyAngel said:

Rei probably saved Daradei too. Given that the Tsuchikage was patting herself while counting bombs, I figured she was going to go suicidal bomber on Mizu.


Plus Mizu has a greater immortality than Kakazu
Plus Mizu has a greater immortality than Kakazu

lol. Mizu's insane. She's probably about to lose her one friend.

Granted, her aggression towards Rudy made her a friend of Raina =)

IT WAS A BLOODY ACCIDENT! I tried to make TWO Separate barriers to keep it in, and they failed!

Haha. I mean Pequeno didn't have to list their deaths. It's White's job to kill Kiri citizens =P

Mizu made Kirin powered, rainbow color (multi-elemented) Rasenshuriken with senjutsu. I'm not sure which barrier could hold that.  Fairly sure even the truth seeking ball would shatter if it had to block that.
Okay gonna blitz format this post to post it in maybe 20-30 minutes. Tomorrow no post, but probably one again Wednesday of teams at the beach. Will answer OOC fully tomorrow too
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Okay gonna blitz format this post to post it in maybe 20-30 minutes. Tomorrow no post, but probably one again Wednesday of teams at the beach. Will answer OOC fully tomorrow too


Oh yeah, forgot to mention. During the Goetia boss fight F/GO goes full SRW on us and changes the BGM to an arrangement of Maaya Sakamoto (JANNU/Shiki)'s Shikisai - the opening to the game. 


Oh yeah, forgot to mention. During the Goetia boss fight F/GO goes full SRW on us and changes the BGM to an arrangement of Maaya Sakamoto (JANNU/Shiki)'s Shikisai - the opening to the game. 

Gas...that vid is 10 minutes
Gas...that vid is 10 minutes

It's just a looped BGM White, just play it in the background when you're doing something suitably cool.


Also, David has been exonerated of being the Worst Father of the Year with the reveal that Solomon was just as Good and Wise as his biblical depiction. Though, it must certainly be painful for him - he wasn't aware that Dr. Roman was his son the entire time. I should also mention that Dr. Roman acted pretty stern with David - their interaction is similar to how Mashu keeps Lancelot on a leash.



Sorry if it wasn't more clear, the 'Deceased' list was not more losses, it was an addendum to the original losses, taking but a handful of lives off the list as Rei was able to protect them in time because those were the people closest to her. Jinn, a handful of soldiers and some civilians, all got saved from actually being killed by Rei's quick action, pulling them off of White's original listing.

@White Masquerade

I hope you don't mind that I shifted the list of deceased  a little, but I know Rei would have made a solid attempt to save people, and while she's quick, the ferocity of the explosion would severely inhibit that. Despite this, I imagine she'd be able to protect Jinn and the handful of people she had time to shield. It'd be perfectly acceptable to imagine everyone would be dead before Rei cleared the dust too, right?
Good morning folks! You guys having a good holiday break thus far?

@White Masquerade

Mhmmm, I knew it- we only have a few days left to post stuff, and you've left me no choice but to drag poor Akane into this mess >.< Whoever this imposter of yours is (And I have my suspicions), they're going to regret this.

It sounds like you had a pretty fleshed out afterstory in mind- it's a shame we won't get to see the rest of what you had in store, but such is life I suppose.
Good morning folks! You guys having a good holiday break thus far?

@White Masquerade

Mhmmm, I knew it- we only have a few days left to post stuff, and you've left me no choice but to drag poor Akane into this mess >.< Whoever this imposter of yours is (And I have my suspicions), they're going to regret this.

It sounds like you had a pretty fleshed out afterstory in mind- it's a shame we won't get to see the rest of what you had in store, but such is life I suppose.

Good morning to you. I am not taking the bait =)



Sorry if it wasn't more clear, the 'Deceased' list was not more losses, it was an addendum to the original losses, taking but a handful of lives off the list as Rei was able to protect them in time because those were the people closest to her. Jinn, a handful of soldiers and some civilians, all got saved from actually being killed by Rei's quick action, pulling them off of White's original listing.

Didn't think Jinn and Kagaku were a part of White's original listing since, if White does kill pcs, I figured she'd have listed them separately.

Most of the main body of Kirin (as I understood Hud's post) got stopped above her head and formed/combined into the giant rasenshuriken, which compacted into a twinkle twinkle in her palm(therefore those close to Mizu within the pit wouldn't be affected). I didn't imagine Mizu was trying fry herself and everyone around her. It was just, given the size of Kirin, accidents happened as it was descending. Though I do imagine something exploding if Mizu's twinkle twinkle touches anything. She was trying to stop a bomb by making a bigger bomb...

@White Masquerade


...Am I right in my imagination?   

Chiaki just to good for Han i swear sometimes i don't know how i stole'im away from white lurking paws @QuirkyAngel @White Masquerade

lol. Nonsense. Han was Chiaki's best friend in the last rp  :smile10:

Good morning folks! You guys having a good holiday break thus far?

@White Masquerade

Mhmmm, I knew it- we only have a few days left to post stuff, and you've left me no choice but to drag poor Akane into this mess >.< Whoever this imposter of yours is (And I have my suspicions), they're going to regret this.

It sounds like you had a pretty fleshed out afterstory in mind- it's a shame we won't get to see the rest of what you had in store, but such is life I suppose.

This is indeed turning into a nice mystery. Who do you suspect?
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Didn't think Jinn and Kagaku were a part of White's original listing since, if White does kill pcs, I figured she'd have listed them separately.

I don't think so either, I was just removing a handful of standard faceless npcs from the death list to make Rei's attempt to save people moderately viable. She's fairly pissed though. Like, yea, no, she's not very pleased with Mizutsune at the moment.
Good morning to you. I am not taking the bait =)

Who ever said I was trying to bait you? Honestly White-chan, it breaks my heart that you would think me capable of such things D':

By the way, I just wanted to clarify that we're to cease and desist on all posts as of Jan. 1st, right? Or will there be a final round of posts?

Didn't think Jinn and Kagaku were a part of White's original listing since, if White does kill pcs, I figured she'd have listed them separately.

Most of the main body of Kirin (as I understood Hud's post) got stopped above her head and formed/combined into the giant rasenshuriken, which compacted into a twinkle twinkle in her palm(therefore those close to Mizu within the pit wouldn't be affected). I didn't imagine Mizu was trying fry herself and everyone around her. It was just, given the size of Kirin, accidents happened as it was descending. Though I do imagine something exploding if Mizu's twinkle twinkle touches anything. She was trying to stop a bomb by making a bigger bomb...

@White Masquerade


...Am I right in my imagination?   

lol. Nonsense. Han was Chiaki's best friend in the last rp  :smile10:

This is indeed turning into a nice mystery. Who do you suspect?

Oh, well it's just a hunch, but there's a certain Suna kunoichi who ditched the shinobi world a while back who might have the slightest grudge against Akane. ;p

Exhibit A

A Traveller

Sitting in silence with a cloak draped thick around her head and neck, the passenger on the hollowed boat was swayed back and forth by the roll of the waves and enjoyed the winds against her skin. Besides the lone captain at the head of the dinghy rowing it with small wooden oar, there was only one other person sitting off to her side.

How they were going to make it over the ocean she had no clue, but apparently, these people turned back anybody trying to make into their countries illegal. If for some reason this boat wasn't able to make the trip and was caught or sunk, then she'd just get to escaping and making it there on her own. There was no other alternative; there was nothing left for her behind.

"Hey. Got no life too?"

Turning to her right, she would find the man looking at her, but returned to her starting position, looking down, not saying a word.

"Aha, well no need to be so sad. At least you're still alive. That's certainly something to be thankful for. This war between the ninja and many people have been murdered in the fight of it; not able to make it back home. And I honestly can't tell you in the name of what. If you ask me, both of them are knuckleheads. Someone should just say sorry and have it be over eh?"

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"Pfft. Say sorry? It's not that easy."[/COLOR]

"Ah! I knew you had voice! A pretty one at that, eheh! Alright then miss. Let's say, if you were a kage, what would you have done to fix the mess?"

Thinking long yet short on it, the girl turned her head and simply replied, [COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"Kill them all."[/COLOR]

"Mm-Mm. And that is the problem with all those fighting type folks heading the villages. Gaha! Never really did pay attention in class when I was schoolin' or fiddled much with politics. Being from the middle of a backwater land doesn't help either. Alls' I know is, they should be more like that man Naruto. Now he was something! If you heard the stories, that guy was great! Bet if he were here today, he would have got both sides to sit down and agree on something. This mess is only hurting the normal people like us. Giving us so much grief. Got anybody special this war took from you?"

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]""[/COLOR]

"Ah! You see that there?! And you had absoultely nothing to do with it! Now. Is that right? That seem fair to you? Say. What's your name miss? We're gonna be on the waters for a while, might as well get acquainted. No need to be shy, I'm just like you. Running away from a very big mess."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"..."[/COLOR]

Fidgeting at the offer between heading right and heading left, the girl decided after a spiteful thought in the grand scheme of things, it probably wouldn't matter anyhow.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"My name is...Akane Kurokawa. What's yours?"[/COLOR]

Who knows though? At this point though, I'm more concerned about the folks in Kirigakure- Priority goes to getting posts out for them before the deadline, and if possible I'll whip something up for Akane.
@White Masquerade

Who ever said I was trying to bait you? Honestly White-chan, it breaks my heart that you would think me capable of such things D':

By the way, I just wanted to clarify that we're to cease and desist on all posts as of Jan. 1st, right? Or will there be a final round of posts?

Oh, well it's just a hunch, but there's a certain Suna kunoichi who ditched the shinobi world a while back who might have the slightest grudge against Akane. ;p

Exhibit A

A Traveller

Sitting in silence with a cloak draped thick around her head and neck, the passenger on the hollowed boat was swayed back and forth by the roll of the waves and enjoyed the winds against her skin. Besides the lone captain at the head of the dinghy rowing it with small wooden oar, there was only one other person sitting off to her side.

How they were going to make it over the ocean she had no clue, but apparently, these people turned back anybody trying to make into their countries illegal. If for some reason this boat wasn't able to make the trip and was caught or sunk, then she'd just get to escaping and making it there on her own. There was no other alternative; there was nothing left for her behind.

"Hey. Got no life too?"

Turning to her right, she would find the man looking at her, but returned to her starting position, looking down, not saying a word.

"Aha, well no need to be so sad. At least you're still alive. That's certainly something to be thankful for. This war between the ninja and many people have been murdered in the fight of it; not able to make it back home. And I honestly can't tell you in the name of what. If you ask me, both of them are knuckleheads. Someone should just say sorry and have it be over eh?"

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"Pfft. Say sorry? It's not that easy."[/COLOR]

"Ah! I knew you had voice! A pretty one at that, eheh! Alright then miss. Let's say, if you were a kage, what would you have done to fix the mess?"

Thinking long yet short on it, the girl turned her head and simply replied, [COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"Kill them all."[/COLOR]

"Mm-Mm. And that is the problem with all those fighting type folks heading the villages. Gaha! Never really did pay attention in class when I was schoolin' or fiddled much with politics. Being from the middle of a backwater land doesn't help either. Alls' I know is, they should be more like that man Naruto. Now he was something! If you heard the stories, that guy was great! Bet if he were here today, he would have got both sides to sit down and agree on something. This mess is only hurting the normal people like us. Giving us so much grief. Got anybody special this war took from you?"

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]""[/COLOR]

"Ah! You see that there?! And you had absoultely nothing to do with it! Now. Is that right? That seem fair to you? Say. What's your name miss? We're gonna be on the waters for a while, might as well get acquainted. No need to be shy, I'm just like you. Running away from a very big mess."

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"..."[/COLOR]

Fidgeting at the offer between heading right and heading left, the girl decided after a spiteful thought in the grand scheme of things, it probably wouldn't matter anyhow.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 102, 102)]"My name is...Akane Kurokawa. What's yours?"[/COLOR]

Who knows though? At this point though, I'm more concerned about the folks in Kirigakure- Priority goes to getting posts out for them before the deadline, and if possible I'll whip something up for Akane.

Ah, I'd forgotten about her. She is a very likely suspect.

Your heart is in the right place Clari :)

Gas, I don't know what it is about you, but you need to give me permission to torture one of your characters very, very, soon. I need to get this itch out so bad.

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