Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@White Masquerade

They're buddies with McGillis, who hits several of Char's key characteristics: 1) Fast, Red Suit 2) Blonde 3) Ambitious 4) Prone to stabbing people in the back 5) Insatiable lust for lolis. Mikazuki is a full blown psychopath and you can interpret his relationship with Orga as him pushing him towards more ruthless behavior. Shit, when Biscuit died he basically started a wave of bloodlust that spread to the rest of Tekkadan. Gaelio's unarguably the most morally-upstanding character on the show - when you think about it, he really was only fighting Tekkadan because it was his job. I just really hate how the narrative hypes up Mikazuki - he's basically just been steamrolling everything in his way. I don't think he's ever really been on the ropes. I think I've only continued to watch to see where Vidar and Julieta end up - Julieta almost feels like Mika 2.0 except she's actually fun enough to watch.


I also want to see Vidar using the Multi-Shot Accelerator - they teased that thing back when it was the Kimaris trooper.



It's really a case of Gray vs Grey. Gjallerhorn is corrupt as shit but they're not Titans Tier evil - they're keeping the peace. Consider the large number of named sympathetic characters they've had (Mikazuki's killed most of them lol).  Tekkadan are just trying to survive and get ahead in life - but Mika would be considered a war criminal with the shit he's pulled like killing pilots who have already left their cockpits. 

As for Sasuke, incompetence doesn't equal innocence. Consider how many times he's actually tried to kill people - of course he hasn't managed to kill most of them, but he was willing to go that far. The worst part about him is that all he needed to do was say "Yeah, sorry." and everyone magically forgot about all the shit he's pulled. 

That's certainly true. Tekkadan is a mercenary group. Hence their business thrives on warfare. Is killing pilots who've left there cockpits a war crime? I can see such ruthless actions starting a war though... Mika is far from a morally upstanding character, but I figured that's what made him interesting to some. Iron-blooded really suits him. Tekkadan only fought GJallarhorn because GJallerhorn continued to attack them. The only thing they were trying to do was take Kudelia to Earth. And Kudelia only wanted to go to Earth for Mar's economic independence. The only thing they did was reveal to the world that one branch of GJallahorn was corrupted (and they weren't really even trying to do that--it was all McGillis). In the second season, they became allies with GJallerhorn. Mika is indeed a psychotic character, there's no denying that, but he's also done a number of good--intentional or not. Though, I'll be honest, Atra and Kudelia's feelings for him make little sense to me =P

With the number of risks they're taking, and the reckless way Mika keeps fighting, Tekkadan is setting themselves up for a downfall.

A person can be evil on the inside, but if they haven't actually done that many bad deeds, can you really call them evil? Does the willingness to kill make one evil? If one tries to kill evil, are they also evil? Sasuke was a criminal, but he also aided in saving the ninja world from Madara/Kagura, etc. It's somewhat understandable that his crimes would be pardoned, especially when one compares the level of the actions.  His criminal activities were limited to trying to kill a criminal (his brother), trying and failing to kidnap Killerbee, and trying to kill Danzo (who we know isn't exactly the most likeable character in the series)/attacking the Kage Summit. His one action saved a great many more lives than the ones he's tried to kill. I don't like Sasuke, but looking at the numbers, it's hard to pin Sasuke as a villain. 

@Pequeno Burraidh

It's ironic that Rei is trying to set an example of living a simple life without chakra when she is made of chakra and is infusing her land with chakra.

Have fun with with your characters. But keep in mind that there are 5 posts left until the explosion.
Yeah thinking about it, this RP has amassed a plethora of immortal people... We have people made of pure Chakra (Dei, Dove), people who've used Kinjutsu to become immortal (ex. earth grudge fear), people whose bodies themselves have become immune to death (Danhi), a spiritual master who can keep their soul in the world of the living after death and then take over the body of a Sakurai with ease (Kanami, that damned bitch who fucked with my precious Kokoro and Shinobu, which I have only myself to blame for the existence of and so I can't help but love how interesting Kanami made things). Am I forgetting anything else that makes characters immortal in this RP?

Well Dove was made human again via a scroll by Rei during the Sisters' Crescent incident.


Part of the reason I'd rather collab a post instead of do one alone XD
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Part of the reason I'd rather collab a post instead of do one alone XD

Then figure out a way to collab with me, because I have three lovely characters who're more than free to be made use of if at all possible to fit 'em in anywhere! Well, that and assuming A, I'm able to focus on doing the collab, B, there's anything to even do for my characters besides what Mio's got goin', and C, I haven't given up on posting for those other characters entirely before the explosion can occur.
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@White Masquerade

Posting this now as a Christmas Gift/I won't have time tomorrow. Enjoy your enlightenment and a summary of the goddamn greatest endgame ever. This makes up for all the shit that happened in 2016.


The true villain of Fate/Grand Order was really the Demon King Goetia, the combined form of all 72 of the Demon Pillars. Also known as Beast I and Tiamat's senpai in eradicating humanity. As it happens, Goetia hijacked Solomon's corpse. He fires his Noble Phantasm at you but Mashu uses Lord Camelot to block it. One of the often mentioned qualities of Mashu's Noble Phantasm is that the shield will remain so long as her will does not waver. Still, despite blocking the attack and saving your life, Mashu is completely incinerated by the heat of the attack. All that remains afterwards is her shield. It becomes clear that Goetia is invincible - the battle before this scene is scripted to end with him firing his Noble Phantasm.


This also begs the question - what of the real Solomon? And as it turns out...



Your support, Dr. Roman, is in fact the Heroic Spirit Solomon. Prior to the start of the game, the director of Chaldea and Marie's father, Marisbilly was the winner of this timeline 2004 Fuyuki Holy Grail War. His Servant? A normal Caster Solomon. And unlike every other instance of Holy Grail Wars, the winning Master-Servant pair actually got their wishes. For Marisbilly, he wished for money in order to financially support Chaldea and turn it into the organization that it is today. For Solomon, however, he wished to become a human. This was because he was in essence just a vessel of God who never had free will. Thus, Solomon became Dr. Roman - though in his diminished state he still held onto one of his rings. Though, before he became human and lost his Clairvoyance, he foresaw the end of humanity and thus spent the next ten years working to prevent that. When all seems lost, Dr. Roman rayshifts into the Singularity and confronts Goetia. He assumes his true form as Solomon and reveals his ultimate trump card/Noble Phantasm: Ars Nova. With all ten of his rings, Dr. Roman/Solomon can re-enact his heroic deed - the rejection of God and the return of His gifts. This act is what caused the Age of Gods to end. However, using this Noble Phantasm also has a side effect - it causes Solomon to be removed from the Throne of Heroes. Dr. Roman/Solomon fades away shortly afterwards, but his removal from the Throne of Heroes retroactively weakens Demon King Goetia enough for you to defeat him.


The fight is an arduous task, but ultimately you come out victorious. And then you prove yourself to be the most hardcore Master ever - you engage Goetia in a fistfight. You expend a Command Seal to punch him out - this causes the Singularity to start collapsing. And even despite all of this, Goetia's still alive.


Now reduced to Human King Goetia, he musters all of his willpower and declares that if he's going to die then he'll take you down with him. Of course, after shorter struggle, you kill the now mortal Goetia. But, all that time spent fighting him has caused the path to the gate that'll bring you back to Chaldea to collapse. You run and run as the world around you literally crumbles and all seems lost...



The ever faithful kouhai, Mashu shows up at the last second, grabs your hand, and pulls you through the gate. But wait, isn't she dead? Well, as it so happens...



Your animal companion, the Cath Palug named Fou, appeared to Mashu in the void - though her body was completely gone, her conscious lingered. Initially, it seemed that the big reveal about Fou was that he was Merlin's companion. However, Fou speaks to Mashu and drops an even bigger bombshell. In another timeline, he would have become the 1st Dead Apostle Ancestor - Primate Murder. As the name suggests, the White Beast is the absolute best existence at killing humans. In timelines like this one, Fou doesn't become Primate Murder because he gains a new perspective on humanity after staying with Merlin. Fou uses all the power he's accumulated over the years to achieve a miracle that not even True Magic can accomplish - the complete and total revival of a human. Doing so, however, will turn him into a normal animal. He resurrects Mashu from the dead just in time for her to save you - and this resurrection has also granted her a normal human lifespan. Looks like Gilgamesh's Grail was unnecessary. 


Da Vinci welcomes you and Mashu when you return to Chaldea. With Goetia's defeat and the collapse of the Singularity, humanity has been restored. Although, the year 2016 can not be reversed - while everyone is alive they've essentially missed out on an entire year. Doesn't really matter for you since you spent the entire year clearing Singularities, but it seems that Chaldea will be getting a lot of visitors. For now, however, you've won. You and Mashu step outside of Chaldea and gaze at the now restored scenery:




And she tells you that she'll stay by your side and follow you into the unknown future.










Oh, and Gilgamesh also mentions that Beast VII is coming after your ass.


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Then figure out a way to collab with me, because I have three lovely characters who're more thahaven'tto be made use of if at all poss ible to fit 'em in anywhere! Well, that and assuming A, I'm able to focus on doing the collab, B, there's anything to even do for my characters besides what Mio's got goin', and C, I haven't given up on posting for those other characters entirely before the explosion can occur.

I still have a negative balance with your characters over the Raina incident. A whole post was rewritten like it never happened so i want you to know i havent forgotten. Im going to collect on that if any one of your characters show up. Think of it like a debt that still needs to be paid.
@White Masquerade

Oh yeah, that "Bestow a Grade "Cause"" thing. The rank of Cause is something used by the Mage's Association. It's two steps above the lowest rank, but it's basically the average. That's fairly good considering Gudao got recruited for the job by seeing a flyer in a McDonald's, but also completely underwhelming considering the fact that he just saved the world and human history.
I'm going to murder you as the clock strikes 12. You can't post, but you can throw endless content at me?

Joke's on you, getting murdered turns me on. I had to summarize F/GO because it went full Visual Novel on us. Ex-Aid's episode ends with Emu crying as Lying Bikeman/Kiriya fades out of existence after getting fucked up by GENM Level X. PoiPoiPoi.
Joke's on you, getting murdered turns me on. I had to summarize F/GO because it went full Visual Novel on us. Ex-Aid's episode ends with Emu crying as Lying Bikeman/Kiriya fades out of existence after getting fucked up by GENM Level X. PoiPoiPoi.

Let me know if you join a suitable RP for it in the future. I think we'll be able to work something beneficial out.  :smile4:
Alright then. Chiaki drops a truth seeking ball between Rudy and Mizu's attack, expanding it into a dome to block Mizu's attack(negating any chakra that isn't senjutsu, and turning anyting that doesn't have yin, yang chakra to dust)--trapping Rudy in process. Akago flashes in to steal Rudy's sword and port it to a bijjuu chamber. Once the dome opens, Rei uses the distraction to hug Rudy, porting him and Chiaki to Hato no Tochi where Raina is sleeping after being saved by Shinobu + co. Rudy is too shocked by everything that's happneing to respond right away. Chiaki uses his diplomatic skills to negotiate/compromise with Rudy. Problem solved, lol.

If everyone was on the same page, then stopping Rudy would be easy. It's the fact that no one knows what anyone's doing that makes rping difficult (hence fun).

But, yes. I'm up for collab depending on what you've got in mind^^  

Frankly I'm up for dropping him a Bijuu chamber and knocking on the door a few hours later to see if he calms down.


"Yuu keel me, you're bettah. Ai keel you, Ah'm bettah."

He'll keel you for free.
Frankly I'm up for dropping him a Bijuu chamber and knocking on the door a few hours later to see if he calms down.

He'll keel you for free.

Ironically, he doesn't - when the protagonist is trapped Blisk just tosses him his business card and fucks off because he respects him a Pilot. He also doesn't immediately kill you once steals the McGuffin from you - Blisk is an antagonist but he's surprisingly more civil than you'd expect from someone who leads a band of psychopaths and thugs.

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