Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Just now, QuirkyAngel said:

He has SPSM mode. Luce informed me of it's incredible healing capabilities. 


Sweet Christ that means he could have with that much power... DEFEAT RUDY IN UNDER 2 SECONDS?
Then i'm relying on you ,Chiaki must carry the team now 

Team? I was hoping Chiaki wouldn't have to fight...

Sweet Christ that means he could have with that much power... DEFEAT RUDY IN UNDER 2 SECONDS?

Chiaki believes Rudy to be a foreign dignitary.


*Pokes* hey, hey, what're you up to? Would you perhaps want to do a collab for Rei and Chiaki? They've been on friendly terms, it could be fun. Sides, island nations need to stick together.

He's going to make a big barrier around the pit. If Rei/ Akago don't intervene with the Rudy bomb, then Chiaki will.
Just now, QuirkyAngel said:

Team? I was hoping Chiaki wouldn't have to fight...

Chiaki believes Rudy to be a foreign dignitary.

He's going to make a big barrier around the pit. If Rei/ Akago don't intervene with the Rudy bomb, then Chiaki will.


To be fair, the exact same reason (Believing Rudy to have murdered someone) is why she called down the kirin..
@Kiyoko Tomoe

I wish I could lock up your older sister =). And yeah I know what you mean about the thread. Discussions are always hard to keep clean T_T


Go for it, my friend. You never know who you'll find!


Tekkadan are the real villains, LOL. Gas, you. *cheeks turn red*

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Yo, this might be the one time Daradei will stand being within 10 feet of Chiaki's wife.


ROFL. Rudy is who you care about right now?

And I only wrote out the Kirin coming down part. Did not do Mizutsune's actual jutsu yet. Which will probably be more focused and worse.


Nothing, don't worry about it, Quirk. You get to me so much.  :smile4:  And sure a full blown Aryan if that'll make your day. I actually already have one.

And be careful, healing doesn't restore life. Citizens and soldiers were fried to a crisp.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Merry Christmas! Rudy, Jinn, Kagaku, Rei, Mizutsune.
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2 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:

@Kiyoko Tomoe

I wish I could lock up your older sister =). And yeah I know what you mean about the thread. Discussions are always hard to keep clean T_T


Go for it, my friend. You never know who you'll find!


Tekkadan are the real villains, LOL. Gas, you. *cheeks turn red*

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Yo, this might be the one time Daradei will stand being within 10 feet of Chiaki's wife.


ROFL. Rudy is who you care about right now?

And I only wrote out the Kirin coming down part. Did not do Mizutsune's actual jutsu yet. Which will probably be more focused and worse.


Nothing, don't worry about it, Quirk. You get to me so much.  :smile4:  And sure a full blown Aryan if that'll make your day. I actually already have one.

And be careful, healing doesn't restore life. Citizens and soldiers were fried to a crisp.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Merry Christmas! Rudy, Jinn, Kagaku, Rei, Mizutsune.


Nah Han and Yasa aren't even going to in rendering distance after the first explodsion
He's going to make a big barrier around the pit. If Rei/ Akago don't intervene with the Rudy bomb, then Chiaki will.

Barrier's a good idea, but I figured with Rei and Chiaki working together they could likely put and end to all the tomfuckery going on, and they both have more than enough reason to want to keep the people of the island safe. With Chiaki's experience, and Rei's reserves, there has to be plenty they can do there.

@White Masquerade

So Rudy, Jinn, Kagaku, Rei and Mizutsune are down there, currently the main lives on the line are Kagaku's, Rudy's and Jinn's, correct? And the state of Mizutsune after the attack would be what? Tired? Worn out?

I'm looking at posting for Rei here soon, which will likely include my post for Kauri now that Raven's spoken, by the by, happy to see what she said there and amused that you kept the 'mum' spelling, cos I know it's a UK thing, and also a post for Rokoriko, the Memoriam and Timuga... potentially Masima involved.

I know it'd be three individual posts by techinicality, but I also plan on getting things done =P
To be fair, the exact same reason (Believing Rudy to have murdered someone) is why she called down the kirin..

And inadvertently took many more lives. There's a reason isolation was necessary. Hence Chiaki's restoring the barrier.


Nothing, don't worry about it, Quirk. You get to me so much.  :smile4:  And sure a full blown Aryan if that'll make your day. I actually already have one.

And be careful, healing doesn't restore life. Citizens and soldiers were fried to a crisp.

He can at least heal his wife.

The full extent of jesus touch is lost to me. I didn't watch very far in Shippuden...though I hear all sorts of complaints. 


Tekkadan hasn't really ever done anything evil. Their number of good deeds actually out-trumps their bad ones.

Same with Sasuke. I didn't really like his character, but the number of people he's actually killed is relatively small...
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Barrier's a good idea, but I figured with Rei and Chiaki working together they could likely put and end to all the tomfuckery going on, and they both have more than enough reason to want to keep the people of the island safe. With Chiaki's experience, and Rei's reserves, there has to be plenty they can do there.

@White Masquerade

So Rudy, Jinn, Kagaku, Rei and Mizutsune are down there, currently the main lives on the line are Kagaku's, Rudy's and Jinn's, correct? And the state of Mizutsune after the attack would be what? Tired? Worn out?

I'm looking at posting for Rei here soon, which will likely include my post for Kauri now that Raven's spoken, by the by, happy to see what she said there and amused that you kept the 'mum' spelling, cos I know it's a UK thing, and also a post for Rokoriko, the Memoriam and Timuga... potentially Masima involved.

I know it'd be three individual posts by techinicality, but I also plan on getting things done =P

Correct. And you'd have to ask Hud about Mizu. =P. She is still Dove so it made sense to keep what came before of her ways. Well it looks like you have a full plate, lol. I won't be posting for there anytime soon again, so yeah.


It can heal pretty much everything except death and techniques that kill body parts on purpose, supposedly.
@White Masquerade

They're buddies with McGillis, who hits several of Char's key characteristics: 1) Fast, Red Suit 2) Blonde 3) Ambitious 4) Prone to stabbing people in the back 5) Insatiable lust for lolis. Mikazuki is a full blown psychopath and you can interpret his relationship with Orga as him pushing him towards more ruthless behavior. Shit, when Biscuit died he basically started a wave of bloodlust that spread to the rest of Tekkadan. Gaelio's unarguably the most morally-upstanding character on the show - when you think about it, he really was only fighting Tekkadan because it was his job. I just really hate how the narrative hypes up Mikazuki - he's basically just been steamrolling everything in his way. I don't think he's ever really been on the ropes. I think I've only continued to watch to see where Vidar and Julieta end up - Julieta almost feels like Mika 2.0 except she's actually fun enough to watch.


I also want to see Vidar using the Multi-Shot Accelerator - they teased that thing back when it was the Kimaris trooper.



It's really a case of Gray vs Grey. Gjallerhorn is corrupt as shit but they're not Titans Tier evil - they're keeping the peace. Consider the large number of named sympathetic characters they've had (Mikazuki's killed most of them lol).  Tekkadan are just trying to survive and get ahead in life - but Mika would be considered a war criminal with the shit he's pulled like killing pilots who have already left their cockpits. 

As for Sasuke, incompetence doesn't equal innocence. Consider how many times he's actually tried to kill people - of course he hasn't managed to kill most of them, but he was willing to go that far. The worst part about him is that all he needed to do was say "Yeah, sorry." and everyone magically forgot about all the shit he's pulled. 
Correct. And you'd have to ask Hud about Mizu. =P. She is still Dove so it made sense to keep what came before of her ways. Well it looks like you have a full plate, lol. I won't be posting for there anytime soon again, so yeah.


It can heal pretty much everything except death and techniques that kill body parts on purpose, supposedly.

Yup, just need to see if anyone wants to add in their two cents worth or try to collab with me and see what we can all accomplish. I'd imagine that, with the right people working together, it'd take one collab post to get Rudy out of everyone's hair.
I will probably make a move on that after I complete a post for my dear Mio.

Sound good, I was just trying to rally forces since, well, I'm about to make a big post that's going to take up three of the last five posts before the big bang, so I wanted to see what all the options were for everything before I posted, or see what other peoples ideas were.
Yup, just need to see if anyone wants to add in their two cents worth or try to collab with me and see what we can all accomplish. I'd imagine that, with the right people working together, it'd take one collab post to get Rudy out of everyone's hair.

Alright then. Chiaki drops a truth seeking ball between Rudy and Mizu's attack, expanding it into a dome to block Mizu's attack(negating any chakra that isn't senjutsu, and turning anyting that doesn't have yin, yang chakra to dust)--trapping Rudy in process. Akago flashes in to steal Rudy's sword and port it to a bijjuu chamber. Once the dome opens, Rei uses the distraction to hug Rudy, porting him and Chiaki to Hato no Tochi where Raina is sleeping after being saved by Shinobu + co. Rudy is too shocked by everything that's happneing to respond right away. Chiaki uses his diplomatic skills to negotiate/compromise with Rudy. Problem solved, lol.

If everyone was on the same page, then stopping Rudy would be easy. It's the fact that no one knows what anyone's doing that makes rping difficult (hence fun).

But, yes. I'm up for collab depending on what you've got in mind^^  
Alright then. Chiaki drops a truth seeking ball between Rudy and Mizu's attack, expanding it into a dome to block Mizu's attack(negating any chakra that isn't senjutsu, and turning anyting that doesn't have yin, yang chakra to dust)--trapping Rudy in process. Akago flashes in to steal Rudy's sword and port it to a bijjuu chamber. Once the dome opens, Rei uses the distraction to hug Rudy, porting him and Chiaki to Hato no Tochi where Raina is sleeping after being saved by Shinobu + co. Rudy is too shocked by everything that's happneing to respond right away. Chiaki uses his diplomatic skills to negotiate/compromise with Rudy. Problem solved, lol.

If everyone was on the same page, then stopping Rudy would be easy. It's the fact that no one knows what anyone's doing that makes rping difficult (hence fun).

But, yes. I'm up for collab depending on what you've got in mind^^  

Sounds like a fairly solid plan, save taking Rudy to Hato no Tochi. There are a handful of unpopulated places that would serve better for a deposit. Are you up for it npw, or are you gearing up for bed for Christmas tomorrow and want to wait?
Sounds like a fairly solid plan, save taking Rudy to Hato no Tochi. There are a handful of unpopulated places that would serve better for a deposit. Are you up for it npw, or are you gearing up for bed for Christmas tomorrow and want to wait?

lol. Can Rei actually summon herself anywhere else besides Hato no Tochi? 

I'm playing Tales of Zestria with by brothers for family bonding. I'll be up for rping tomorrow after church. Shinsei has his response to Raven, Chiaki has his response to Han, and Clone #2 may or may not speak to Daradei =)
lol. Can Rei actually summon herself anywhere else besides Hato no Tochi? 

I'm playing Tales of Zestria with by brothers for family bonding. I'll be up for rping tomorrow after church. Shinsei has his response to Raven, Chiaki has his response to Han, and Clone #2 may or may not speak to Daradei =)

So depending on what we do tomorrow, we may both be set to get all of our posts out. And yes, Rei has a couple different places she's set Hato no Tochi sand for quick travel, reflection and meditation at the Sisters' Crescent canyon, a few other places here or there as well such as Yugakure. Anyone she's 'bugged' with sand would count too. Not nearly as expansive as Dove was with leaving bear claws or teeth everywhere, but yea. 

Her self summoning is kind of old hat though. I've been itching to show off what she's been doing as far as storing random crap in the Moonbear plane. No fancy weapons, a few fancy scrolls, but she's done something very fun that I've hoped would have a good time to get shown off.
So depending on what we do tomorrow, we may both be set to get all of our posts out. And yes, Rei has a couple different places she's set Hato no Tochi sand for quick travel, reflection and meditation at the Sisters' Crescent canyon, a few other places here or there as well such as Yugakure. Anyone she's 'bugged' with sand would count too. Not nearly as expansive as Dove was with leaving bear claws or teeth everywhere, but yea. 

Her self summoning is kind of old hat though. I've been itching to show off what she's been doing as far as storing random crap in the Moonbear plane. No fancy weapons, a few fancy scrolls, but she's done something very fun that I've hoped would have a good time to get shown off.

True. Any place would work. Though Raina in Hato no Tochi is freshly restored compromise material. Best of all, she's asleep, so she can't say anything. Given everything White's revealed about Rudy's character. negotiation would be difficult even for someone like Chiaki. I don't expect him to forgive and forget.

I do look forward to seeing Rei in action. The only skills I've seen from her so far are self-summon, super strength, and union of light. I figured that was all she had.  
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True. Any place would work. Though Raina in Hato no Tochi is freshly restored compromise material. Best of all, she's asleep, so she can't say anything. Given everything White's revealed about Rudy's character. negotiation would be difficult even for someone like Chiaki. I don't expect him to forgive and forget.

I do look forward to seeing Rei in action. The only skills I've seen from her so far are self-summon, super strength, and union of light. I figured that was all she had.  

Yea, her summoning is just as is, fairly straightforward, strength is because it's raw chakra, not human body and muscle, and the UitL was a unique trait picked up after her rebirth.

That said, she doesn't actually have any other jutsus or anything, just chakra and whatever she's infused her chakra into...
Yea, her summoning is just as is, fairly straightforward, strength is because it's raw chakra, not human body and muscle, and the UitL was a unique trait picked up after her rebirth.

That said, she doesn't actually have any other jutsus or anything, just chakra and whatever she's infused her chakra into...

Theoretically speaking, being made of raw Chakra, Rei could technically cast any Jutsu she wanted, including Reincarnation Techniques, without consequence so long as she could learn the Jutsu alongside how to use the Nature Transformation(s), if any, required to use them, couldn't she? Since she'd have enough Chakra to perform things without being drained to the point of death, it'd be possible. Not to mention all the techniques that tend to harm the user's body, she has nothing to worry about because of the fact that she technically has no physical body.
Theoretically speaking, being made of raw Chakra, Rei could technically cast any Jutsu she wanted, including Reincarnation Techniques, without consequence so long as she could learn the Jutsu alongside how to use the Nature Transformation(s), if any, required to use them, couldn't she? Since she'd have enough Chakra to perform things without being drained to the point of death, it'd be possible. Not to mention all the techniques that tend to harm the user's body, she has nothing to worry about because of the fact that she technically has no physical body.

For the most part, yes, but there are limits as well. Chakra has to be funnelled into whatever it is meant to change, which means if she uses too much chakra, she risks running out of her own reserves. Now due to her link with the Moonbear chakra, even if she were wiped out, as long as the chakra body that was wiped out was of her own reserves, the Moonbear would be unchanged and she would, eventually, reform, though it would take longer and she would have to rebuild her own personal reserves of chakra.

On that note, she has used very little of her own chakra even since the founding of Hato no Tochi, and thus has made a generous amount of chakra in reserve for emergencies. And while she could theoretically learn any jutsu, bar a few family lineage based ones, and including those that harm the body and use them almost 100% issue free, she hasn't bothered to learn any. Instead she's spent the past 15 or so years utilising her abilities to infuse lands with chakra to promote growth, as well as lead by example to show that a simple life doesn't require a reliance of Spiritual energy, chakra or any other fancy power, and that flaunting those skills is part of what leads to abuse, and the abuse of the skills leads to bad blood. So despite having studied much and learned many life times of knowledge through her Union in the Light, she's never actually bothered herself with learning any particular jutsus.

Furthermore, due to one unique ability of hers, in heavy relation to some things stated above and in relation to her self summoning, she has a notable powerful ability that was exemplified by a very particularly dry jinchuriki during Naruto's time, and memories of said jinchuriki are what led her to the realisation that she could do such a thing. Mixing that ability with the ability to summon items from the Moonbear plane straight into her form yields a quite adept defensive and offensive response to most threats.

The other fun peoples to stretch muscles for will be the Memoriam and Rokoriko, as well as showing Timuga and Masima off a bit, as I plan to reveal what the hell those two are on about and why Rokoriko is involved.
Yeah thinking about it, this RP has amassed a plethora of immortal people... We have people made of pure Chakra (Dei, Dove), people who've used Kinjutsu to become immortal (ex. earth grudge fear), people whose bodies themselves have become immune to death (Danhi), a spiritual master who can keep their soul in the world of the living after death and then take over the body of a Sakurai with ease (Kanami, that damned bitch who fucked with my precious Kokoro and Shinobu, which I have only myself to blame for the existence of and so I can't help but love how interesting Kanami made things). Am I forgetting anything else that makes characters immortal in this RP?

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