Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@Kiyoko Tomoe


Oi. You got a problem with the snake? Mio better correct herself or she'll get another two-fang surprise. And no worries.


The red looks better =). And yay. Death on Christmas! WE have 364 other days but it had to be that one.

Takaki though...T_T. Especially since he's not a soldier I believed he would have connected the dots >_>. Wooooow. Sure he's not a leader kind of person but  :smile6: . Everyone talks weird about this Radice fellow. You feel something is off about him yourself. You ask multiple times to speak to the boss of your whole crew in a crisis, and you're given an excuse each time. Chad is out of commission leaving you and Radice alone. Radice doesn't take command or help you take command -- instead finds a completely new person to take central command and refers all power to him. On top of that, Takaki was aware something was very wrong with that conflict from the very beginning. Ugh. He didn't act on any of the 17 flags. Even dull Mika would have caught on. I just don't know about Takaki. That was too head-shaking for someone I thought was an aware individual.

Yeah Tekkadan will probably suffer huge losses. Idk where Orga plans to go lol. They're in a pretty good position right now of you ask me. Time to stop.
@Kiyoko Tomoe


Oi. You got a problem with the snake? Mio better correct herself or she'll get another two-fang surprise. And no worries.


The red looks better =). And yay. Death on Christmas! WE have 364 other days but it had to be that one.

Takaki though...T_T. Especially since he's not a soldier I believed he would have connected the dots >_>. Wooooow. Sure he's not a leader kind of person but  :smile6: . Everyone talks weird about this Radice fellow. You feel something is off about him yourself. You ask multiple times to speak to the boss of your whole crew in a crisis, and you're given an excuse each time. Chad is out of commission leaving you and Radice alone. Radice doesn't take command or help you take command -- instead finds a completely new person to take central command and refers all power to him. On top of that, Takaki was aware something was very wrong with that conflict from the very beginning. Ugh. He didn't act on any of the 17 flags. Even dull Mika would have caught on. I just don't know about Takaki. That was too head-shaking for someone I thought was an aware individual.

Yeah Tekkadan will probably suffer huge losses. Idk where Orga plans to go lol. They're in a pretty good position right now of you ask me. Time to stop.

lol. So harsh White. Takaki was like Chiaki at the beginning, you know^^. Aware something was wrong with the war. Didn't know what he was fighting for. Fought anyway. He was a soldier through and through.

Takaki is not a hardcore solidier, but he was a soldier. A kid solider. A kind, trusting, idealistic boy who chose to believe in the reasonable, adult who is one of the few adult members of Tekkadan's Earth Branch. Yes he was aware that something was wrong when the war dragged longer than it should have. But Galan was a skilled, tactician who understood how to manipulate human psychology. Not only that, but it takes a lot to convict an ally of treason. It takes proof. All Takaki had were suspicions...which is alot more than what every else had. They didn't like Radice, but no one really thought he was a traitor. Some people are able to act on instinct alone. Some aren't. And some choose to go against instinct in order to trust =P

Mika would have certainly been able to realize something was wrong, but that's because he's very straightforward and is all instinct.

Mika: Let me talk to Orga.

Radice: He's busy and too far away. We shouldn't bother him.

*pulls out gun* Mika: I want to talk to Orga.

Takaki lacks confidence and that's why his character development was so meaningful. His final decision to leave Tekkadan was probably really hard for him, given all they've been through together.  
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@Kiyoko Tomoe


Oi. You got a problem with the snake? Mio better correct herself or she'll get another two-fang surprise. And no worries.

It's not a problem with Mio; no, it's a problem with the snake. That snake dared bite into such a cute and innocent little girl who dreams of nothing more than to show the world that she exists. So go ahead, bite her again; just don't complain to me when the whole world turns around and executes that snake for harming a living national treasure.

Quirk. If you let someone tell Orga's too busy for your personal problems, you're not a real member of Tekkadan, lol. Takai never was xDDD. After all the stuff they've been through, come on now. If someone told you White said to make characters for the Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami sequel, if you're a real member of this member of this RP, you know darn well that'll never come out of my mouth XD.

"Nooooooo, I don't think so. I think you heard wrong."

^ That's what you're going to say right? Because you know me. Quirk please don't insult Chiaki by comparing him to Takaki. No, no. Please don't.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Lol. Mmm. Mmm. With how adorable Mio is I bet her blood must have tasted delicious~.
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@Kiyoko Tomoe

Lol. Mmm. Mmm. With how adorable Mio is I bet her blood must have tasted delicious~.

If you think poison tastes good, then sure O.o

Random Sakurai Fun Fact Time!

Pretty much everything of the spirit woods is poison because of the high concentration of spiritual energy, which ingested by a normal person would overwhelm their body and essentially leave them with symptoms ranging from a mild fever, to excessive sweating and eventually a body temperature so high a person's brain starts to die and their body becomes dehydrated pretty quickly. That's what makes the Spirit Woods empty of flesh and blood beings besides the Sakurai Clan, only they can survive because they'd already forced their spiritual energy to the limit, which allowed their body the ability to withstand amounts of spiritual energy equal in levels to Chakra in a Ninja.

  • But hey, it's just the blood of a person who survives by eating and drinking materials with high spiritual energy concentration, so the snake's probably at worst gonna be out of commission for a day or two with a good bit of exhaustion; probably gonna need to take a dive head-first into ice-cold water to deal with the burning sensation caused by the overflow of spiritual energy.
  • Also, spiritual energy probably doesn't taste good like Chakra does. It's supposedly nasty and bitter as hell for Chakra users, assumed to have no flavor at all for those without an ounce of Chakra in their body, and then known to be mildly sweet and salty for a Sakurai member, the added taste of spiritual energy within something.

    Though to each their own. Exceptions do apply, seeing as it's mostly unanswered as to what it tastes like to others. For instance, the snake might not taste anything at all with Mio's blood; but that's at best, considering it's far different than anything the snake's tongue would be used to ever coming into contact with.
  • I'd venture to say that the snake is the first to ever taste the blood of a Sakurai in its spiritual-energy infested state, save for some psychos and crazies throughout the Sakurai Clan's history in the Spirit Woods, though they belonged to the Sakurai Clan

    This includes Kanami, first Sakurai to ever taste spiritual energy from the Spirit Woods, who also happened to dine on the blood of the Clan's traitors during their transition from the Ninja World to the Spirit Woods, to ensure none of their secrets on spiritual energy were let out to the Ninja.
You read pointless facts I present on the Sakurai Clan and then claim to be interested regardless of if you really are or not, so I keep feeding those facts to you thus giving you material to read.

Lol. I just finished that now. You're crazy, but creative, and I like that. XD. I have no problem making that part of the lore in case anyone else tries to eat a piece of Mio
Lol. I just finished that now. You're crazy, but creative, and I like that. XD. I have no problem making that part of the lore in case anyone else tries to eat a piece of Mio

I mean, I have a lot of lore stored up that I'm ready to share at the drop of a branch! Err... Hat...? Yeah, hat... That's the expression... Not that I would know to use it, hats don't exist in the Spirit Woods because they'd just either get blown away or get caught on anything and everything...
I mean, I have a lot of lore stored up that I'm ready to share at the drop of a branch! Err... Hat...? Yeah, hat... That's the expression... Not that I would know to use it, hats don't exist in the Spirit Woods because they'd just either get blown away or get caught on anything and everything...

So what you were talking about before, you really did have a ton of lore you worked on? If you do I'm soooo sorrry =(. If @TheScarecrow didn't burn me out so much earlier this year, I would have been good to continue ad you'd have a long chance to use all that

Gas. No Fate or Run Wires Behind Yourself updates? What's going on?? =( How do I do reading to unwind myself?

It's Christmas, things are bound to get slow. RWBY is my priority at the moment but I want a good portion of the playerbase to vote. You might as well go to a Barnes and Nobles and pick up Kizumongatari and Bakemonogatari Part 1, those are pretty good reads.
So what you were talking about before, you really did have a ton of lore you worked on? If you do I'm soooo sorrry =(. If @TheScarecrow didn't burn me out so much earlier this year, I would have been good to continue ad you'd have a long chance to use all that

I really did do a ton of lore work for the Sakurai Clan, but don't be sorry about being burned out and not able to make this go on very long. It was fun just making the lore, and I could probably put it to use in like, my own spin-off story of this. Something like... Naruto Rebirth: Kingdom. Yeah, sounds appropriate, seeing as the Sakurai Clan used to be a small kingdom, and now they're the metaphorical lions of the spirit woods, ergo metaphorical king of the jungle.

It's Christmas, things are bound to get slow. RWBY is my priority at the moment but I want a good portion of the playerbase to vote. You might as well go to a Barnes and Nobles and pick up Kizumongatari and Bakemonogatari Part 1, those are pretty good reads.

Heyyyyy, Monogatari Series is supposed to be my thing >///<

You want me to buy books  :smile6: . Okay, I'll just wait until New Years passes. Carry on, Gas.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Oooh la la. What's going on with you these past few weeks?? First romance. Then a beautifully crafted though on demographics, and now a philosophical decoration right before my very eyes. Tmo what's gotten into you??
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Oooh la la. What's going on with you these past few weeks?? First romance. Then a beautifully crafted though on demographics, and now a philosophical decoration right before my very eyes. Tmo what's gotten into you??

It's the holidays, my dear Onee-Chan~ As much as we tend to argue and not get along, I still think of you as more important than me simply landing on tails every flip of the coin. Just showing one side is the same as saying the other side is irrelevant; which is like denouncing the face of the penny. To forsake the value of one side, is to erase the value of the other.

I've decided to show the more brilliant and creative half of my mind. The half of me that naught but pen and paper ever sees. The side in which is always made dark by existence of light shone on the other. What good would this side be if used solely for works very rarely shared with others? The half of my mind that's been tirelessly working on the lore of the Sakurai a full year now; the side of me that shows itself only when creating characters that never hit the public threads. If it's a part of me, I have an obligation to show it. No, more than that; I have a desire to show it, to embrace it, and a love of it because it's everything I can never be around others. It is the half that makes me complete, yet I've failed to embrace it; to love it, with all my heart. What am I, if I only embrace my faults? What am I to do if I cannot accept the fact I do have a side that can put me on equal footing with the rest of the world?

Not a single logical reason exists for why I should feel inferior as I used to. It was you and everyone here that showed me I have no reason to feel little compared to others. PoiPoi taught me that I was capable of creating something worth while. You and Suki-Sama showed me what it's like to simply let it all out and have fun. Quirky-Senpai taught me not to give up for anyone or anything. The rivalry you two have inspires me even now to push to be the best I can be.

IG taught me how to simply enjoy things for what they are. Kinzu showed me that if you just put your heart and soul into it, you can do it. Gas showed me that laughter can come from just about anything and everything. Vei showed me that surprises can be fun, and that there's no reason to fear what comes next because the fun of it is that it could be anything.

Not to mention all the fun I've had with everyone, including those I've not stated. So my gift to you, White; my gift to you, Suki; and my gift to everyone else here, is a big thank you for the time we've spent together. Thank you all for letting me have fun with you all, and thank you for showing me just how enjoyable life is.

So like the sea, I find myself calmed by the light that shines through the once dark sky, turned to the bright sunny future by the gravitational pull of your hand as it reaches out toward my once frozen heart, having melting it at the very core.
It's the holidays, my dear Onee-Chan~ As much as we tend to argue and not get along, I still think of you as more important than me simply landing on tails every flip of the coin. Just showing one side is the same as saying the other side is irrelevant; which is like denouncing the face of the penny. To forsake the value of one side, is to erase the value of the other.

I've decided to show the more brilliant and creative half of my mind. The half of me that naught but pen and paper ever sees. The side in which is always made dark by existence of light shone on the other. What good would this side be if used solely for works very rarely shared with others? The half of my mind that's been tirelessly working on the lore of the Sakurai a full year now; the side of me that shows itself only when creating characters that never hit the public threads. If it's a part of me, I have an obligation to show it. No, more than that; I have a desire to show it, to embrace it, and a love of it because it's everything I can never be around others. It is the half that makes me complete, yet I've failed to embrace it; to love it, with all my heart. What am I, if I only embrace my faults? What am I to do if I cannot accept the fact I do have a side that can put me on equal footing with the rest of the world?

Not a single logical reason exists for why I should feel inferior as I used to. It was you and everyone here that showed me I have no reason to feel little compared to others. PoiPoi taught me that I was capable of creating something worth while. You and Suki-Sama showed me what it's like to simply let it all out and have fun. Quirky-Senpai taught me not to give up for anyone or anything. The rivalry you two have inspires me even now to push to be the best I can be.

IG taught me how to simply enjoy things for what they are. Kinzu showed me that if you just put your heart and soul into it, you can do it. Gas showed me that laughter can come from just about anything and everything. Vei showed me that surprises can be fun, and that there's no reason to fear what comes next because the fun of it is that it could be anything.

Not to mention all the fun I've had with everyone, including those I've not stated. So my gift to you, White; my gift to you, Suki; and my gift to everyone else here, is a big thank you for the time we've spent together. Thank you all for letting me have fun with you all, and thank you for showing me just how enjoyable life is.

So like the sea, I find myself calmed by the light that shines through the once dark sky, turned to the bright sunny future by the gravitational pull of your hand as it reaches out toward my once frozen heart, having melting it at the very core.

That was very eloquently worded, Kiyo. I'm happy that you have found this point of acceptance and growth and feel more empowered going forth in the future. Looking forward to seeing the new avatar  ^_^


Ack, who's chopping onions around here?

[SIZE= 11px](Ok, sorry to interrupt, I'll let you two continue your chat).[/SIZE]

*whistle whistle*




Keep choppin' them onions while you're in the mood for it, Kiyoko, it'll help a lot with dinner the next few weeks.




Oh, whoops! Sorry, sorry, I tend to cut onions when I'm overwhelmed by my emotions. Helps me let it all out.
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Ah, that explains it. No worries compadre, I would not wish to disturb your diligent prep-work. Let me just put these on...


And we're good, no more tears! So then, what are you cooking with all those onions?
@White Masquerade

Within two days, 6 out of the 8 Demon Pillars have been slain - at this rate Solomon's going to die before Christmas. This Final Singularity features all the relevant NPCs from the Chapters returning - and some of the antagonists of those Orders have also shown up to help you out. From my understanding, once a Demon Pillar is cleared in a raid reinforcements show up to keep the Pillar occupied while you move on towards Solomon. The final Demon Pillar that corresponds to this chapter has Dantes and the other Event Servants like Void Shiki and Ilya showing up to back you up. Also, Barbatos was the first to fall - we also have a Flauros that died earlier today. 

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Quirk. If you let someone tell Orga's too busy for your personal problems, you're not a real member of Tekkadan, lol. Takai never was xDDD. After all the stuff they've been through, come on now. If someone told you White said to make characters for the Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami sequel, if you're a real member of this member of this RP, you know darn well that'll never come out of my mouth XD.

"Nooooooo, I don't think so. I think you heard wrong."

^ That's what you're going to say right? Because you know me. Quirk please don't insult Chiaki by comparing him to Takaki. No, no. Please don't.

Takaki was there in Tekkadan when it first started and lived through many battles with them. Sure he wasn't a part of Orga/Mika's inner circle and didn't make much of an impact in the first season, but I'm sure his respect for Orga/Mika and his feelings for Tekkadan are very real. And when you care about something, you don't want to be a bother to them/ act in a way that makes trouble for them. If I remember correctly, that's the line Radice used against Takaki--telling him that the Earth Branch should handle their own problems and that they shouldn't bother Orga and the Mars Branch, who had their own problems to deal with. The interesting thing about IBO compared to other Gundam series, at least for me, is that this isn't a story about a war. It's about a group of formerly downtrodden kids who are trying to climb their way to the top and make a name for themselves. Tekkadan does good things, but they are by no means heroes, in the sense that they're doing good for the sake of being good. They aren't fighting for Mars Independence or a GJallarhorn Revolution the same way Kudelia and McGillis are. They are a young, growing business that provides military service to wherever is beneficial for them (a mercenary group). Should they continue to grow and expand the way Orga wants, I expect many more branches, with the same problem the Earth Branch faced--which was communication. That's generally what happens when companies get bigger and bigger.

Takaki doesn't belong in the Tekkadan that Orga is trying to build and he knows it. He knows what's important to him and what he doesn't want to give up should he continue their path. Toward the end of the whole fiasco, Mika even says he's glad Takaki left Tekkadan and he isn't sure why. Now, that could mean that he's happy that such a soft-stomach character like Takaki is no longer a Tekkadan member. But I'd like to think that's one of Mika's rare insightful moments. Given Mika's personality, I figured he'd be the type to enjoy a simple life rather than a grand one...which is the exact opposite of what Orga's trying to do. Yet Orga continues on because he feels he owes to everyone (especially Mika) to make Tekkadan great. If you ask me, it's Orga and Mika that have the real communication problem. They just aren't aware of it^^

Have you ever wanted something so badly even though you know it's impossible, then someone comes by and tells you it's possible, and, despite all logic and sound reasoning you know to be true, you manage to delude yourself into thinking it's possible? Self delusion is powerful thing. That's my answer to your question :3

Haha. Okay. While they do share some similarities, it's true that Chiaki isn't Takaki. He fought all the way until the end after all all. And a strong sense of loyalty was/is one of his characteristics.  

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Did I? I'm actually a bit of a giver upper in rl =P

But I'll agree with Clari. You have a beautiful way with words that I wish I had. It shows through all your posts.


@Pequeno Burraidh

Do either of you plan to intervene in the Rudy explosion/save Rudy from Mizu's onslaught?

If not, I may as well have Chiaki Clone #2 do it T_T

@White Masquerade

I've got part of Shinsei's portion written and he hears Kagaku...

Is there anything Raven wants to say to Shinsei before his post? Raven is a pc after all. And I feel awkward posting Shinsei before Raven gets a chance to. 
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