Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Really? I happen to like Mika. If I were introverted I'd be something like him. He has a very straightforward view on things and doesn't sweat much. His dedication to Orga and his orders is unbelievable to watch. It's also cute too when others press him on more "tender" things. He just gives them a dumb look, haha, and eats some more raisin crackers.


IG, you really do shoot your own self in the foot.

Do you re-play games too?

Hell no, Mika's a psychopath. I don't think any amount of introversion would fuck you up as badly as him. I think that's why I hate him and Tekkadan the most - he's not fun to watch because he's more or less an unstoppable murder machine with very little characterization other than Muh Orga and some pretty weak love interests. S2 has at least fulfilled my expectations of shit blowing up in Tekkaden's face - it really needed to after how perfectly everything went in S1. Ugh, it's still disgusting how the writers literally faked out every death in the finale except for Ein's - and he was already half-dead at that point. I mean, we've had guys like Heero as protagonists but at least he showed that he was capable of remorse - case in point that time he accidentally killed a little girl and her puppy. Iirc, he had some serious PTSD that resurfaced in Endless Waltz. I think Setsuna's a bit closer to Mikazuki, but I don't think Mika has the same charm as Setsuna's weird obsession with becoming a Gundam. 


Gaelio/Vidar would have made for a way more compelling story if the second season focused on him instead. He's actually got motivations other than 'Orga told me to' and his character progression is just easier to follow. Hell, I'm more interested in whether or not Hush will get into a Gundam at this point. I think this is IBO's main flaw in my opinion. The supporting cast manages to be way more interesting than Mika. Like, it feels like they've been doing a good job of showing off some of the minor characters and their character arcs (Takaki) in S2, but Mika hasn't really changed at all. Since he barely emotes at all, he ends up not leaving that much of an impression on me. 


This page is now under Gjallerhorn's authority.
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Don't be like that,  be glad I binned the idea of jokingly introducing their secret child.

I feel like I should be more surprised by this little revelation than I actually am. :-_-withlines:  Out of curiosity, were you planning on clueing me in on this scheme had you gone for it? ;p

@Pequeno Burraidh

I suspect it would contribute to the count-down, but you could still write it out on a word doc while the idea's fresh so you don't lose it. As for the post limit, worst comes to worst we could see about doing a couple collab posts to make sure everyone gets to play their part.
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I feel like I should be more surprised by this little revelation than I actually am. :-_-withlines:  Out of curiosity, were you planning on clueing me in on this scheme had you gone for it? ;p 

Eh I would've put a reminder on a post-it and then lost it.
Mizutsune split up into her 6 bodies, since she is made of thread she doesn't need a heart, and they all sang a tune while one of the bodies used Dharma_Power_Sealing_Technique:_Sen_no_Rikyū to try and connect to his Chakra network (However, since he isn't a Jhin, it most likely wouldn't work.. but she doesn't know that), to try and keep him still. The others create a massive Rasenshuriken, and the kirin from last post slams down into it while small balls of dust release are added, orbiting around it like planets around a star.

She then chucked it, and made the threads in the area close and constrict in thick walls, trying to seal Rudy with it. The power Seal was also to get some chakra into Rudy's body, so that she could create a dust release barrier around his heart to preserve it from the attack. Finally, a dust release crystal barrier is being raised just ahead of the threads in case Rudy decides to use any Gelal powers

I'm trying to visualize the scene. What would people outside the pit see? Did the dome of thread blocking the top shrink to try and encase/seal Rudy? Lighting falling from the sky down to the pit would break through the it momentarily opened...right?
@Lucem Tenebris

Understood. That does make sense, especially about the sports. I am the same way when it comes to story. I am fine when I have a friend to play with or it's an online match, but alone, I can only play through things once. Once I know the story, I lose that "oomph". Unless it's a really, really, really old game/show I completely forgot about. Nostalgia hits hard, haha. Double hard if I played it with someone.


Wooow. I should 'be glad' IG42? Okay, I get the message loud and clear.

@Hange Zoe

What kind of historical roleplay? What location?


Thank you for that. Story seems solid. Why are they collecting grails though? To make a wish strong enough to prevent the disaster?


Quirkstar. I like that. I really like that. Adults and children stories are indeed going side-by-side, but I didn't view it like that. Adults messing up certainly do have bigger consequences doesn't it? All Sengun got was a punch, but here Rudy is about to blow up the village of Kirigakure. That is very interesting when you point it out.

Haha, really? tToo much personality sounds like a bad thing  9_9 . But isn't that dullness what separates him from other main characters?

@Pequeno Burraidh

Yes they would count, but if you want to write something go ahead. It shouldn't stop you from writing what you want.


Lol. Yeah he is a psychopath. I had no idea you viewed him and Tekka that way.I like Mika over the rest of the cast. Because so many other MCs are expressive. If it were Mika alone it'd be awkward but since he has a talkative cast around him, his quietness is okay. He speaks through his actions anyway. He's never said he appreciates Orga and Tekkadan outright, but his decisions are all you need to see to get it. He loves them dearly. He doesn't even know how much..and that's sad. If they were all to get wiped out, he'd have a nervous breakdown no doubt.

xD. Hush over Mika??

That's crazy.

You're crazy.

GJallerhorn is crazy.

Quirkstar. I like that. I really like that. Adults and children stories are indeed going side-by-side, but I didn't view it like that. Adults messing up certainly do have bigger consequences doesn't it? All Sengun got was a punch, but here Rudy is about to blow up the village of Kirigakure. That is very interesting when you point it out.

Haha, really? tToo much personality sounds like a bad thing  9_9 . But isn't that dullness what separates him from other main characters?

The concept of maturity and childishness also fits well with Iron-blooded Orphans, I think. Adults, in my mind, are characterized by their ability to make decisions...good or bad is irrelevant. Responsibility is the key. They don't blame others for the consequences of their actions.

Mika's height, if we want to get deep, may also be a reflection of the child-like state he seems to be stuck in. From what I've seen, every decision Mika makes revolves around Orga. Orga says to kill, so I kill. Orga says we're not going to stop. So we're not going to stop. Orga says we should take huge risks for great rewards, therefore we take huge risks. He's not even trying to think for himself and defers everything to Orga, expecting him to lead them to this 'great place' that Orga promised him. Interestingly, it's Mika's sheer loyalty and determination, which pushes Orga to continue forth. Their relationship is fascinating to watch...especially since the few times he does speak, we know there's a working brain in there. Mika's dullness makes me think of Aston. It's hard to see him as the main character because he doesn't seem to have much of an opinion on anything other than I'll follow Orga. No personal stuggles. No real character development. At the same time, he's a crucial part of Tekkadan's strength...and McGillis seems to think of him/Tekkadan as similar to the original founder of GJallerhorn (don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing).

My favorite characters in Iron Blooded Orphans are Takaki and McGillis. Though I do see what you mean about Mika being different from other main characters. The way things are going, I feel like he's going to lose a great many more limbs in the near future.    
It really doesn't matter tbh @White Masquerade

Man, woman, realistic, anime? Give us specifics!


I agree with you there about adults. As for blaming others...not too sure on that part. Adults can still harbor that kind of mindset, it's just a matter of the person being older. I feel maturity can come to anyone regardless of whether they're a child, adult, or anywhere in-between.

On Mika, I believe on some level he is aware of his state, and for that reason just decides to give it all up to Orga. He's defensive about his reading ability and always says fighting is the only thing he's good at. He can learn, but the need to fight keeps him away from focusing on learning. I'm sure he's aware him giving up his talent in fighting to pursue something else will cripple Tekkadan. There's no one else that can pilot like him and it's hard to say no to doing what only you can do at a crazy level. Yeah, it's that unusual character trait of silence that makes the connections around him work. I didn't think much of Aston, but from the emotions/actions he did show, I got a lot. I would deeply cherish a  friend who may not ever say they were happy to call me one, but showed it through being there in thick & thin; best situations and worst. Aston did that for Takaki and Mikazuki is doing that for Orga. It makes me sad quiet characters are sometimes overlooked. They bring so much to the work.

=P To me Takaki is alright, but I do like Mcgillis. Just want to know why he's doing all this for. Hey, if Mika loses more limbs, at least he'll be losing them for the people he loves. I don't think he'd have it any other way.
@White Masquerade

It's not quite clear, but grabbing all 8 Grails will somehow lead to Solomon's defeat. Right now, the final chapter is a massive raid against Solomon's Demon Pillars.

As for Mika, if there were massive losses he'd probably just snap like he did when Biscuit died in S1. Compared to similar protagonists like Heero, Setsuna, and Sousuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic, he's really doesn't have that much character depth. As for Tekkadan, it's hard to feel for them when they've really only lost Biscuit - the rest of their casualties have been nameless characters for them most part. I couldn't connect with Akihiro Guts's loss and the subsequent funeral episode because his brother who we knew for 10 minutes tops was the only notable casualty and Takaki ended up pulling through. 

McGillis is probably one of my favorite parts of the show - he's clearly not a good person but nonetheless ends up on Tekkadan's side. His entire scheme was pretty dark and he's more than proven to be the Char of IBO. Well, at least until Gali went full Vidar. I really hope Chocolate Man ends up piloting the Gundam Baal - though I'm not sure where he'll end up to be honest. He could become the Final Boss with a suit like that, but there are rumors that the Barbatos gets wrecked and McGillis gives Mikazuki the Baal as an upgrade. Now that my semester's over, I've also gotten around to working on my backlog of HG kits. Just built the Astaroth and I have to say that IBO has a fantastic line. The HG kits actually have simplified inner frames that aren't fragile like the RGs now. It's a great kit for beginners as well - the build was surprisingly simple.


On a side note, it looks like they really are going to start off the show with all 9 Rangers at once. It also seems that most of them are aliens or robots - they still haven't shown off the actual actors but they have posted brief details about their characters. 
I'm trying to visualize the scene. What would people outside the pit see? Did the dome of thread blocking the top shrink to try and encase/seal Rudy? Lighting falling from the sky down to the pit would break through the it momentarily opened...right?


Apologies for my skills on describing...

I imagine that from the outside, the pounding of the song would be heard at least nearby. The threads quivering a bit to each beat, making a reminiscent of the heart beat referenced in the verse. Crackling storm clouds would all virtually melt away after a bolt of golden lightning came crashing down, ripping open the barrier and forcing the threads to float in the middle of the air, before reforming closer to Rudy. The technique would also make the sound of what would be horrifically loud due to the Rasenshuriken. People outside would finally see a orange colored crystal barrier form, float through threads like a specter and the threads moving around in a dome, constricting down at the end before a tornado of wrath bursted forth from the blow... if it hits or not

Final chapter already? SO the game is done? Or they add more content as you go along?

Haha, yeah I'll give you that, there aer a lot of secondary people killed we really don't know anything about. That lord from Gjallerhorn who went against the armor? >-> I was like...whaaaaat? T)T. Die and be done with it. He's so bad =( and makes me angry. Mcgillis will probably go against Tekkadan at some point -- out of understandable misguidnessness probably.

The 00 lineup is what I really liked from the series I've seen. IBO still has good ones though.

Robot Rangers. Hm. Hm. Maybe they should go the animals turn into Rangers route? *puts hand on chin*
@White Masquerade

It's outperforming Pokemon Go and a rerun of Valentine's 2016 was confirmed so it's likely that we're going to get a Season 2 of sorts - likely involving the Beasts as enemies.

The 00 had great designs, but IBO HG engineering is absolutely amazing. They also use a different material for the inner frame and weapons that feels sort of like hard rubber - it's easy to cut and assemble. My only complaint about the Gundam designs for IBO are those thin/non-existent waists. On the Astaroth it's harder to notice but it's jarring to see so much empty space in the suit's mid-section. Especially when you look at it from the side. 

Also, they already did that. Zyuohger (just about to finish) has a bunch of animal humans (read: fursuits) as the Rangers aside from Red and the Sixth. They do mostly hang out in their disguised human forms though. Robots aren't new either - Beet Stag from Go-Busters did it first.

Man, woman, realistic, anime? Give us specifics!


I agree with you there about adults. As for blaming others...not too sure on that part. Adults can still harbor that kind of mindset, it's just a matter of the person being older. I feel maturity can come to anyone regardless of whether they're a child, adult, or anywhere in-between.

On Mika, I believe on some level he is aware of his state, and for that reason just decides to give it all up to Orga. He's defensive about his reading ability and always says fighting is the only thing he's good at. He can learn, but the need to fight keeps him away from focusing on learning. I'm sure he's aware him giving up his talent in fighting to pursue something else will cripple Tekkadan. There's no one else that can pilot like him and it's hard to say no to doing what only you can do at a crazy level. Yeah, it's that unusual character trait of silence that makes the connections around him work. I didn't think much of Aston, but from the emotions/actions he did show, I got a lot. I would deeply cherish a  friend who may not ever say they were happy to call me one, but showed it through being there in thick & thin; best situations and worst. Aston did that for Takaki and Mikazuki is doing that for Orga. It makes me sad quiet characters are sometimes overlooked. They bring so much to the work.

=P To me Takaki is alright, but I do like Mcgillis. Just want to know why he's doing all this for. Hey, if Mika loses more limbs, at least he'll be losing them for the people he loves. I don't think he'd have it any other way.

I definitely agree that there are different levels of maturity. Like beauty, maturity is also very subjective in my mind, since it's individual experiences that shape the mindset, and everyone matures differently. 

Ah. Now I see why you liked young Chiaki. Though I think Mika resembles young Kouki more. If there's a reason people don't like Mika, it's because they aren't aware of how he thinks. Since actions don't always equate intentions and Mika doesn't show much emotion/personality, it's hard to say what's going on in his head. He seems to me like a fairly blunt character with little personality. I'm okay with this because it makes sense for him. Mika's got 3 weird rods sticking from his spine after all. If his emotions are dulled from surviving 3 of those surgeries, and he becomes less than human, it's to be expected.

Takaki is thoughtful and sweet :smile10: I didn't think much of him until season 2, but he showed nice character development when he decided to leave Tekkadan. Tbh, I'm not sure Mika would even care of he loses another limb or two...

Apologies for my skills on describing...

I imagine that from the outside, the pounding of the song would be heard at least nearby. The threads quivering a bit to each beat, making a reminiscent of the heart beat referenced in the verse. Crackling storm clouds would all virtually melt away after a bolt of golden lightning came crashing down, ripping open the barrier and forcing the threads to float in the middle of the air, before reforming closer to Rudy. The technique would also make the sound of what would be horrifically loud due to the Rasenshuriken. People outside would finally see a orange colored crystal barrier form, float through threads like a specter and the threads moving around in a dome, constricting down at the end before a tornado of wrath bursted forth from the blow... if it hits or not

Gotcha. This will help with Chiaki's post.

Your skills of description are superb. I just lack imagination =P  
Just now, QuirkyAngel said:

I definitely agree that there are different levels of maturity. Like beauty, maturity is also very subjective in my mind, since it's individual experiences that shape the mindset, and everyone matures differently. 

Ah. Now I see why you liked young Chiaki. Though I think Mika resembles young Kouki more. If there's a reason people don't like Mika, it's because they aren't aware of how he thinks. Since actions don't always equate intentions and Mika doesn't show much emotion/personality, it's hard to say what's going on in his head. He seems to me like a fairly blunt character with little personality. I'm okay with this because it makes sense for him. Mika's got 3 weird rods sticking from his spine after all. If his emotions are dulled from surviving 3 of those surgeries, and he becomes less than human, it's to be expected.

Takaki is thoughtful and sweet :smile10: I didn't think much of him until season 2, but he showed nice character development when he decided to leave Tekkadan. Tbh, I'm not sure Mika would even care of he loses another limb or two...

Gotcha. This will help with Chiaki's post.

Your skills of description are superb. I just lack imagination =P  


Eh, when its your own creation you can imagine anything can't ya?

O.M.F.G. They did already do it. Wth is wrong with Japan??? And robots too? xDD. Oh boy. Guess nothing is new under the sun. What I'm guessing has to do with the waists and and why IBO doesn't top the list for me, is because they seem low techish. I'll admit I'm partial towards high-tech and beams. Which is why I look at the bots of IBO negatively. Not one beam or funnel (which left me tickled watching the last episode). Like the designs were meant to be more down-to-earth and basic.

And dang, Grand Order has quite a resume then! Give me an English version and I'll play you Gas =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar


Kinzu as much as I hate your un-acceptance of me, who I am, Sunagakure, and the village of Kiri with everyone that comes from it...I can't help but fall for the work you're doing with Quirk on the relationship and story of the Kushimaru family. I enjoy reading the perspective of Han so much and want to say I'm thankful for it. Because of that I'm going to extend the RP 1 week into January and give it a little bit more fire. I am impressed that much. I still love Suna above all, but despite that you've earned my respect. I won't be making fun of Kiri from here on, and this time I'm serious.

@Hange Zoe

I would say look up some US Presidents. And find the pictures that are black and white to give it that historic feel. William Taft has a nice mustache and is on the larger side. That might work for you.
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What do you have to say about strong, silent type characters, considering the ones I've seen from you up close have fallen into that mostly.

They're enjoyable if done well. It can be tough finding the perfect balance between someone with reserved speech and a literal brick wall. With less dialogue than normal, there are some difficulties with properly establishing motivations and a defined personality. There are plenty of interesting characters that fall into the "strong and silent" archetype that manage to be likable and well-developed. Although, others simply end up as blank slates that can fill any purpose in a story due to their lack of character.

The category is pretty broad, several characters fitting the mold with their own distinguishable differences that are highlighted in certain environments, or when interacting with others. For instance, two characters you've seen from me that would probably fit the strong and silent type are Qrow and Clear. While neither of them talk to humans very much, they are very different in what drives their silence and how it shapes their behavior.

I don't use the character type too often, since I go with what seems most interesting at the time. I think we just happen to be in the same RP at those times.

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