Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Don't post too quick, we've got nine left before a rito cosplayer nukes Kiri.

Hmmph, so business as usual then -_-

Also, regarding your previous question as to who is in Kirigakure village still, Torune's still hanging there. Akane was supposed to arrive there in the next post, but at this rate I'm debating whether I ought to even bother introducing her into the story given the time left (And everything else that's going down). T-minus twelve days, right? It's crunch time.
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What? -_-

Care to clarify this?

Also, regarding your previous question as to who is in Kirigakure village still, Torune's still hanging there. Akane was supposed to arrive there in the next post, but at this rate I'm debating whether I ought to even bother introducing her into the story given the time left. T-minus twelve days, right? I guess it's crunch time 8)

One of the knights has decided to kill everyone, Masque-tan gave us ten posts to do stuff and Hange already used one to suggest everyone wait for another of their characters to turn up.

Also Rito are bird people from the Legend of Zelda series and this knight has pulled out his Gelel furry transformation which happens to be a bird.
One of the knights has decided to kill everyone, Masque-tan gave us ten posts to do stuff and Hange already used one to suggest everyone wait for another of their characters to turn up.

Also Rito are bird people from the Legend of Zelda series and this knight has pulled out his Gelel furry transformation which happens to be a bird.

I see, thanks for the down-low. Didn't expect Gelel stones to cause hybrid transformations, but that's a thing now XP.  Yea, I recall what you're talking about- they were in Windwaker, hmm?

So then we should have Akago, Shinsei+Chiaki, Raven+Tainan+Daradei+Baihua (If she gets her butt out of bed), Hange's NPC, Mitsuzune, and Torune. Kauri, Rei, and Han were still also in the general vicinity if I recall, but unsure? That's got to be good enough to take Rudy down.
I see, thanks for the down-low. Didn't expect Gelel stones to cause hybrid transformations, but that's a thing now XP.  Yea, I recall what you're talking about- they were in Windwaker, hmm?

What you don't remember anything about the movie they were in? There was that one lady who turned into basically the Man-Bat.

Yes those guys from Wind Waker.

So then we should have Akago, Shinsei+Chiaki, Raven+Tainan+Daradei+Baihua (If she gets her butt out of bed), Hange's NPC, Mitsuzune, and Torune. Kauri, Rei, and Han were still also in the general vicinity if I recall, but unsure? That's got to be good enough to take Rudy down.

Well Masque has publicly stated that Raven doesn't give a damn if everybody dies and Rei only cares about a few people there. I think Han wandered off.
What you don't remember anything about the movie they were in? There was that one lady who turned into basically the Man-Bat.

Yes those guys from Wind Waker.

Well Masque has publicly stated that Raven doesn't give a damn if everybody dies and Rei only cares about a few people there. I think Han wandered off.

Ah, I knew the general plot, but I've evidently forgotten more of the details than I'd realized...

Well, I suspect Raven would be a tad miffed if Shinsei kicked the can, but alright, we'll scratch those three off the list. As for actually fighting Rudy, it be real convenient if all the problems were solved just by clawing those stones out of his body, but that'll be easier said than done I suspect. It might also be easier just to immobilize him and get him out of range of Kirigakure before he releases his death ray... not sure.
@White Masquerade

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Seto Yu is a 12-year-old boy, that is abused violently by his father. One day, he is transported into a fantasy world with video game mechanics after being killed by his abusive father and he discovers that he has the unique ability to steal other people's skills for his own use. He quickly uses his special power to take revenge on the townspeople who bully him and obtains a harem of beautiful girls who love him unconditionally even though he shows no romantic interest in any of them and has the physical build of a skinny teenager.[/COLOR]

Isekai is fucking cancer. 

@Lucem Tenebris


I think it's time to flood this chat with YA BOI.
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I see, thanks for the down-low. Didn't expect Gelel stones to cause hybrid transformations, but that's a thing now XP.  Yea, I recall what you're talking about- they were in Windwaker, hmm?

So then we should have Akago, Shinsei+Chiaki, Raven+Tainan+Daradei+Baihua (If she gets her butt out of bed), Hange's NPC, Mitsuzune, and Torune. Kauri, Rei, and Han were still also in the general vicinity if I recall, but unsure? That's got to be good enough to take Rudy down.

Kagaku isn't an npc :P
5 hours ago, Hange Zoe said:

Freezing time would be a good thing rn

We should make a discord channel tbh



I said we should make one a LONG Time ago....

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I think Isekai has the potential to be good. It's mainly the video game mechanics and protagonist-exclusive super abilities that keep me away.

Guzma will probably be my only reason for keeping up with the anime.

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Konosuba is a pretty good Isekai because it's a parody. It seems like the genre has become a medium for writers who were bullied as kids to vent out their frustration in the edgiest and most unsubtle way possible. 

Busou Renkin is still my favorite shounen of all time. It was totally self-aware before that got popular.

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Then I'll wonderful dreams imagining how that will go down. Though, I'm not going to be the one deciding who battles who.


So let me comment on the 1st video and the 1st video only, lol. The CG was on point. There was nothing wrong with that. The main thing I notice is that the American/English film try is...incomplete, They would do much better on that front if they took a step back and really looked to Japanese animation. Not at face value, but the machines behind it. The music, fluidity, themes, story, design -- they all come together in a cool way that many people enjoy. They way they do it; it has its own certain charm. Charm you find in stuff like Howl's Moving Castle and the like. I didn't see a shred of it in that video.

But I understand what felt wrong. All while watching it, I see it was approached was like Star Wars. From the music, to the atmosphere, to the banter And that works for Star Wars/Star Trek/Whatever American Space Series. But not GUNDAM. GUNDAM is a diff animal. It's just not the same connect.

It's hard to put in words , but in that video there hits a lot of big points of what GUNDAM IMO should be stylized on and is about. A space Opera? Not sure if that's the right name? When I think about, I don't think there's very much comedy in most Gundam pieces at all. AM I wrong?
Well, I mean, Rei is there, and it is Rei after all. There are things that /could/ be done, but she wasn't entirely wrong in her ideals of Ninja, humans and Kakureyami when she said they're a lot like children, and she does have her own family to worry about.

A throw or self summon could solve a lot quickly, but in the same sense, a couple self summons and she and her family would also be gone from the island.

Sounds like we should put our heads together before anyone else does anything crazy.

Edit: Like picking a fight/ trying to kill an unknown foreigner that a nigh immortal is trying to deal with, thus making him decide a massive explosion is the way to deal with things.

Many adults I find in rl are childish. And yet the likeable adults, for the most parts, are the ones that maintain certain child-like qualities, despite gaining the wisdom and experience of adulthood. Maturity, in my mind, is also very subjective. Age, experience, personality, all play a part into what people define as mature. Interestingly, it is the oldest characters (Rudy and Mizutsune) who are duking it out in a way some might consider childish.

Rudy "kills" Raina, punches Mizutsune, and tries to kill Jinn. Mizutsune gets angry, saves Jinn, and beats up Rudy. Rudy decides that a massive explosion is the way to deal with things. There were probably a number of factors that led to that outcome, but, ultimately, it was his childish desire to destroy what he didn't like that was the root cause. 

Shinsei may do something crazy. Chiaki will work towards migitating damage to his home village.

If you do teleport Rudy out of Kirigakure, which sounds like a good solution to me, make sure you're careful where you drop him. Teleportation doesn't alleviate the trouble. It simply brings the trouble elsewhere^^

@White Masquerade

My favorite village, where many of my characters live, is at risk of being blown up. Isn't it natural to be a little sad?

Nina = Ninja, right? I saw the edit.

Iol. So you finally admit that Han's children are cute  ^_^ I did my best to endue certain child-like qualities to them, given their age. Jungetsu is like a younger, more spoiled version of Sumire...with Chiaki's flair for music. Naogetsu takes after Han, but with a much friendlier, and more energetic personality. His logic also amuses me. Their relationship with Dai Dai reflects well their personalities. I plan on getting their posts in before the deadline, but I'd rather not risk Kiri getting blown up before then =P. Raina's post is mainly a reflection of her life decisions, as well as a bit of interaction with one of my new npcs, so it could just as easily serve as a secret factor since it doesn't have anything to do with the events in Kiri. Or even the knights. I'm just switching the order so that Shinsei and Chiaki will get their post first.

Lao x Makoto is indeed cute. At least, if Kiri does get destroyed, we know where Lao's staying


I'll be honest...I have no idea what happened.    
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If you do teleport Rudy out of Kirigakure, which sounds like a good solution to me, make sure you're careful where you drop him. Teleportation doesn't alleviate the trouble. It simply brings the trouble elsewhere^^

Well I have an idea of where to drop him safely.

Naw you didn't miss much xD *snickers*


LOL. why is Guzma taking big steps?


What's Isekai?

Other than Rudy turning into a ticking time bomb and Lao pulling a 180 on Makoto? I thought you said she was too immature for him  :lenny:

I'm not complaining though- it was a sweet post.

Well I have an idea of where to drop him safely.

Hmm, well don't keep us in suspense- where do you have in mind? ;p
Hmm, well don't keep us in suspense- where do you have in mind? ;p

Remember the Tailed Beast Temple? The one with a nice chamber specifically designed to hold an angry Bijuu in the even that a Jinchuuriki cocks up?

Someone may have set it up in the event that a certain Bijuu got extra angry.
@White Masquerade


The Xi Gundam isn't for show.



Iron-Blooded Manlets also made it in despite G Generations Genesis being a UC-only game. Likely because they wanted to advertise the current ongoing season.

Look at you getting deep and critical today. Something special happen yeah? I do understand about the love for your characters' village. As someone who's been through the full situation, the Earth will spin on. People will come back and it will be possible to be rebuilt. Maybe not to the level it was before, but even a fresh start'd be a welcome victory. 

And naw, Nina is my middle name *whistles loud and hard*

Psh-psh. Don't think because I think Han's kids are cute, I'm friendly or respectful to Kiri as a whole. I still despise Kiri ninja and would give the order for assassination if they crossed into any personal territory. However, you do do a very good job of inserting in and displaying those qualities into Nao and Jun. Good enough to make me jealous. As for your post order; sounds okay to me. We'll see how things fall out. I will probably take tomorrow to do summary again and Thursday with another post. This seems right around where we'll probably get to. Maybe one more step forward in therms of story.


I remember there =). It's where Akago and Shirokko spent a good amount of time yes.


Clari-chan, you know I have to keep you on yours toes. She still is too immature for Lao, but that doesn't mean nothing is there. I only tell you half the story and keep the side I don't want you to know, ha.

@Hange Zoe

Hud did say that a while back. I personally just don't like to split different programs with RPN. It's not good for business. No Skype, Discord, KIK, w/e. It's also why I'm sad there's no dice-roller on the site. I don't like the idea of going to another website to do that.


Manlets? =P

XI is okay. The torpedoes were cool -- needs more beams~. Realistically, what century is IBO even in?

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