Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


O.M.F.G. They did already do it. Wth is wrong with Japan??? And robots too? xDD. Oh boy. Guess nothing is new under the sun. What I'm guessing has to do with the waists and and why IBO doesn't top the list for me, is because they seem low techish. I'll admit I'm partial towards high-tech and beams. Which is why I look at the bots of IBO negatively. Not one beam or funnel (which left me tickled watching the last episode). Like the designs were meant to be more down-to-earth and basic.

And dang, Grand Order has quite a resume then! Give me an English version and I'll play you Gas =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar


Kinzu as much as I hate your un-acceptance of me, who I am, Sunagakure, and the village of Kiri with everyone that comes from it...I can't help but fall for the work you're doing with Quirk on the relationship and story of the Kushimaru family. I enjoy reading the perspective of Han so much and want to say I'm thankful for it. Because of that I'm going to extend the RP 1 week into January and give it a little bit more fire. I am impressed that much. I still love Suna above all, but despite that you've earned my respect. I won't be making fun of Kiri from here on, and this time I'm serious.

@Hange Zoe

I would say look up some US Presidents. And find the pictures that are black and white to give it that historic feel. William Taft has a nice mustache and is on the larger side. That might work for you.

I ssee your playing with my emotions so much but i'll take it as my Christmas present,though I still only have love for Quirky and the Kiri . But I can count you as a close "3" tumblr_n1zzvdbsZS1slmd6qo7_250.gif
@White Masquerade

The low-tech setting makes sense and it actually gives a good reason for the Mobile Suits to field melee weapons. It's been great seeing stuff like the Barbatos's maces, Vidar's disposable rapier, and Astaroth Origin's Sledge Hammer/Katana. I was hoping that beam weaponry would show up though - largely because it'd be the moment when shit hits the fan because of how game changing it would be. The Hashmal did not disappoint in that regard. Also, I made a slight error - the katakana reads Gundam Bael. The founder's Gundam is looking pretty snazzy - I have to wonder if it'll have funnels with those wing binders. 



I do wish that IBO had some crazy half-Gundam half-Mobile Armor designs though. 



Definitely Mika is a young Kouki  :smile4: . Yeah, quiet people in general are always underestimated and not given their fair due simply because they're not yelling their thoughts into your face every 5 seconds, lol.

Haha, Takaki made me so upset. On 2 points. 1st is he had no backbone in his situation. 2nd, leaving Tekkadan. Their rise to the top is  a dangerous one. One where the only ones they can count on is their new family (each other) and he just leaves. I understand the decision, but it still pains me to watch it happen. =P. Mika would implant himself into his machine if he has to.

@Lucem Tenebris

Yeah I see that. It takes skill to relay feelings without words. For Qrow and Clear I could tell right away they had more beneath their skin even though my characters wouldn't have been able to guess xD. So amazing. Still waters run deep.

I always catch you at the wrong time huh? =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar






Pure genius. So epic. I love it. 

"Nao," Shingetsu started not turning around to look at him as she walked into the ocean. "If you have something to tell me," she stopped continuing her walk.

"Pass into the 3rd round of the exam."

^ BAAAAAAAAAAAAM! And that's a wrap. I love it. Let's say this happened.


Mm! We will just have to see! The weekly wait is the worst one there is!

Definitely Mika is a young Kouki  :smile4: . Yeah, quiet people in general are always underestimated and not given their fair due simply because they're not yelling their thoughts into your face every 5 seconds, lol.

Haha, Takaki made me so upset. On 2 points. 1st is he had no backbone in his situation. 2nd, leaving Tekkadan. Their rise to the top is  a dangerous one. One where the only ones they can count on is their new family (each other) and he just leaves. I understand the decision, but it still pains me to watch it happen. =P. Mika would implant himself into his machine if he has to.

@Lucem Tenebris

Yeah I see that. It takes skill to relay feelings without words. For Qrow and Clear I could tell right away they had more beneath their skin even though my characters wouldn't have been able to guess xD. So amazing. Still waters run deep.

I always catch you at the wrong time huh? =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar






Pure genius. So epic. I love it. 

"Nao," Shingetsu started not turning around to look at him as she walked into the ocean. "If you have something to tell me," she stopped continuing her walk.

"Pass into the 3rd round of the exam."

^ BAAAAAAAAAAAAM! And that's a wrap. I love it. Let's say this happened.


Mm! We will just have to see! The weekly wait is the worst one there is!

Lol ill allow it

What reason is there a gundam/mobile armor mix, lol.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

=). I'm getting peppy for Round 3. At this point I'm starting to be able to predict who's going there. Love, love, love, love, love!

When you want to fuck up shit for long periods of time and with more weapons than your Mobile Suit can carry. I'm still mad that they never used the Long Range Transport Booster ever again - that was a cool design especially on the Graze.

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O.M.F.G. They did already do it. Wth is wrong with Japan??? And robots too? xDD. Oh boy. Guess nothing is new under the sun. What I'm guessing has to do with the waists and and why IBO doesn't top the list for me, is because they seem low techish. I'll admit I'm partial towards high-tech and beams. Which is why I look at the bots of IBO negatively. Not one beam or funnel (which left me tickled watching the last episode). Like the designs were meant to be more down-to-earth and basic.

And dang, Grand Order has quite a resume then! Give me an English version and I'll play you Gas =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Kinzu as much as I hate your un-acceptance of me, who I am, Sunagakure, and the village of Kiri with everyone that comes from it...I can't help but fall for the work you're doing with Quirk on the relationship and story of the Kushimaru family. I enjoy reading the perspective of Han so much and want to say I'm thankful for it. Because of that I'm going to extend the RP 1 week into January and give it a little bit more fire. I am impressed that much. I still love Suna above all, but despite that you've earned my respect. I won't be making fun of Kiri from here on, and this time I'm serious.

@Hange Zoe

I would say look up some US Presidents. And find the pictures that are black and white to give it that historic feel. William Taft has a nice mustache and is on the larger side. That might work for you.
Its anime.
MAYBE? IDK Chiaki might post something to Shin but sure lets hoof it away so if Nao got question he gotta fine a way to advance

Chiaki has faith in Shin the same way he has faith in Han.  He's leaving her to her own choice. If she does go rogue by the end of the exam, he's hoping she doesn't get caught. And if the village gets destroyed before then, she's not returning home anyway  9_9

I can't say for sure whether Nao will make it, since Team 6 is still on standstill, but Shin is definitely motivating him to his best =)

@White Masquerade

lol. Really, White? That's so out of character for Shin =P

An extension is nice. With Christmas just around the corner, things have been a little busy for my family. 

Haha. Round 3? Do you think we'll actually make it? 

:$  I'd hate to be on the receiving side of that thing. And =P. IBO isn't the best in terms of continuity I see.>_>. 

should I ask?


That's totally in character for Shingetsu. I think I know Kinzu's characters better than you do  :smile4: . Yes Christmas and New Years coming up so will twonk things, but the Chunin Exams never finish away. Who are we to change that? Id be happy if we at least got to matchups. I can finish doing the matches in my dreams and post the results.

SO sorry I forgot to tag you in the last post.

I read your post. I will not add it into the summary right now. I will add it in right before I post for Rudy again. Everyone is so chicken though right? Not wanting to post cause they'll burn the timer, lol. Don't mind if i do then am I right???
Just now, White Masquerade said:


SO sorry I forgot to tag you in the last post.

I read your post. I will not add it into the summary right now. I will add it in right before I post for Rudy again. Everyone is so chicken though right? Not wanting to post cause they'll burn the timer, lol. Don't mind if i do then am I right???


Yeah... kinda feeling bad now because of pushing Rudy this far...
Yeah... kinda feeling bad now because of pushing Rudy this far...

Haha. Don't worry about it. The person that really needs to be blamed is Raina. If I were playing Mizu, I would have had her whisper in Raina's ear saying to just give Rudy what he wants  :$


Just now, White Masquerade said:

Haha. Don't worry about it. The person that really needs to be blamed is Raina. If I were playing Mizu, I would have had her whisper in Raina's ear saying to just give Rudy what he wants  :$



She actually has NO IDEA what Rudy wants. Rudy kinda ripped her apart for so long she missed a good part of the dialogue 
Okay so I have outlines already for the next posts, Stopped working for today. Any questions or whatever, let me know while I relax.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Sis, will Mio agree to move on with Team 10?


Will Spear agree to move on with Team 10?
I read your post. I will not add it into the summary right now. I will add it in right before I post for Rudy again. Everyone is so chicken though right? Not wanting to post cause they'll burn the timer, lol. Don't mind if i do then am I right???

Pfft. Chicken? Shinsei and Chiaki will get their post up soon...probably...

Yeah... kinda feeling bad now because of pushing Rudy this far...

Don't feel bad. He deserved it. Did you see what he did to Raina? Honorable knight my foot =P

Haha. Don't worry about it. The person that really needs to be blamed is Raina. If I were playing Mizu, I would have had her whisper in Raina's ear saying to just give Rudy what he wants  :$


Shinsei is actually deplorable enough to do that. Unfortunately, he had his own problems to deal with.  
@Kiyoko Tomoe

Sis, will Mio agree to move on with Team 10?

Well... If that snake's gonna be there, then hell yeah she will; assuming that she even vocalizes an agreement to begin with. A nod's all she really needs to give, seeing as the teammates are irrelevant so long as she herself can get wherever she needs to before her family's satisfied.

Hell, she'll blast that damned snake on over to the Spirit Woods ext chance she gets to prove her point to it. Until then though, I shall work as best as I can to make a post, though know it'll be very slow typing as I'm dealing with so much life stress plus the fact I accidentally got myself buried in RP's again, some of which I'll have to sort myself out of.

:$  I'd hate to be on the receiving side of that thing. And =P. IBO isn't the best in terms of continuity I see.>_>. 

should I ask?


That's totally in character for Shingetsu. I think I know Kinzu's characters better than you do  :smile4: . Yes Christmas and New Years coming up so will twonk things, but the Chunin Exams never finish away. Who are we to change that? Id be happy if we at least got to matchups. I can finish doing the matches in my dreams and post the results.

サイコロ (Saikoro) means dice. It's a pun since it's phonetically similar to Psyco Gundam. They always have weird joke units like that, there's a Psyco Haro that's basically a black Mobile Armor sized version of a regular Haro except it's also pissed off. Also, Kiriya's confirmed to be getting killed off - though that doesn't mean that Ex-Aid will go without a bike. Ex-Aid will be able to summon his dead corpse as his trusty mount. Note that the motorcycle has no eyes. Necrophilia is a thing now. Also, the episode is going to play on Christmas. Toei is going to kill off Ex-Aid's only decent friend and the best boy on Christmas. Imagine all those Japanese kids crying.



We also have a new Rider to look forward to.. except he's actually a villain.


The Bugster named Parad uses the Gashat Gear Dual to transform into Kamen Rider Paradox. He also boasts two forms - the blue Puzzle Gamer Level 50 and the red Fighter Gamer Level 50. Pictured here is Paradox beating the shit out of Ex-Aid in his Double Action Gamer Level XX form that splits Ex-Aid into two Riders. Which is set to debut next week. Power creep is ridiculous. Debuts always have to be complete stomps so that the new toys sell - refer to Zombie GENM killing Kiriya/Bikeman.
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Chiaki has faith in Shin the same way he has faith in Han.  He's leaving her to her own choice. If she does go rogue by the end of the exam, he's hoping she doesn't get caught. And if the village gets destroyed before then, she's not returning home anyway  9_9

I can't say for sure whether Nao will make it, since Team 6 is still on standstill, but Shin is definitely motivating him to his best =)

@White Masquerade

lol. Really, White? That's so out of character for Shin =P

An extension is nice. With Christmas just around the corner, things have been a little busy for my family. 

Haha. Round 3? Do you think we'll actually make it? 

I thought  so.thing similar of saying come get me would apply . Though from tradition or vagueness of Shin speech . Nao may believe she had killed  Han for the scroll or why give him the blades there so much mystery to Shin actions

Definitely Mika is a young Kouki  :smile4: . Yeah, quiet people in general are always underestimated and not given their fair due simply because they're not yelling their thoughts into your face every 5 seconds, lol.

Haha, Takaki made me so upset. On 2 points. 1st is he had no backbone in his situation. 2nd, leaving Tekkadan. Their rise to the top is  a dangerous one. One where the only ones they can count on is their new family (each other) and he just leaves. I understand the decision, but it still pains me to watch it happen. =P. Mika would implant himself into his machine if he has to.

@Lucem Tenebris

Yeah I see that. It takes skill to relay feelings without words. For Qrow and Clear I could tell right away they had more beneath their skin even though my characters wouldn't have been able to guess xD. So amazing. Still waters run deep.

I always catch you at the wrong time huh? =P

@Kinzu Hekmatyar






Pure genius. So epic. I love it. 

"Nao," Shingetsu started not turning around to look at him as she walked into the ocean. "If you have something to tell me," she stopped continuing her walk.

"Pass into the 3rd round of the exam."

^ BAAAAAAAAAAAAM! And that's a wrap. I love it. Let's say this happened.


Mm! We will just have to see! The weekly wait is the worst one there is!

Forgot about this, but it's hard to show a backbone when you've been running ragged fighting a month-long stalemate with minimal amounts of rest. Slowly, you start losing your comrades one by one because you're all exhausted and the scrubs you're fighting with are all terrible. And then, at the very last battle, you're told that it'll all be over if you kill this one guy. Your best friend sacrifices his life to save yours when you act out of desperation. When it seems like it'll finally be over, his sacrifice is made invalid when your hero suddenly shows up... and saves the very man you've been told to kill. It's no wonder that he snapped and executed Radice. 

Galan, for his part, seemed like a pretty nice guy in every interaction he had with Takaki. You also have to remember that Takaki was the most idealistic member of Tekkadan - he was the only character who could believably fall for Galan's master ruse. The thing about Takaki is that he's not a hardcore soldier by any means - in S1 the most he did was nearly get killed and drive Orga around in the finale. In S2, he's had to step up to the plate when Chad got coma'd and then gets forced into a brutal and pointless conflict. His whole character arc almost seemed to be a parallel to Biscuit's - he was slowly becoming the voice of reason within Tekkadan and had a younger sibling he needed to take care of. With all the losses in the arc, it's likely that the guilt that came from being rused this hard by Galan was a contributing factor in his resignation. If I remember correctly, Biscuit was having some serious misgivings about Orga and was on the verge of quitting as well. Takaki's decision makes sense since he's already aware of what lies ahead - he'd likely end up dead just like Biscuit. He may have had close bonds with everyone, but he had to go through some bullshit over the span of three weeks. 

As for Tekkadan, there's no fucking way this is going to end well. Just like they were hinting at with Season 1, Orga's biting off more than he can chew. The whole arc with the Dawn Horizon Company was pretty fucking risky even with their Gjallerhorn back up and Gundam units. Then he accepted McGillis' deal. It's sort of forgivable, they know he's shady but they don't know that he's willing to kill his childhood friends to achieve his ambitions. I'm glad that S2 is actually doling out some consequences because S1 went way too well for them. Biscuit was absolutely right about all of this and now it's too late to turn back.
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